The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... -

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... -
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33^LETTERS, TRACTS, b*i*.powerful influence over their fellow»citizens in nvoneymatters, would go a great length in re-eftablifliingthe credit of this city and quieting people's minds :But the fmalleft appearance of danger is always fo a-larming in cafes where one's money is at the (take,that it is hard to fay what may be the effeft of fufpicionskindled in p:^opic's bofoms by this unluckypropofal.The tendency of thefe academies to bring us topoverty, is a circumOiance which fhould make thembe vigoroufly cppofed by every friend to peace andgood order in fociety. We have heard of one Mr.Hobbs, who lias been greatly cenfured for fiiying thatmankind are naturally in a fi^te of war. But confidcringthat men in their natural (late being ignorantof trade, are of confcquence mod deplorably poor,we think it is no way furpriung though they fhouldbe continually quarrelling with their neighbours, andeven cutting one anothers throats* Poverty makesmen fearlefs of danger ; wealth, on the other hand,has a mofb admirable efFe£l in calming quarrelfomeand bloody-minded people. We remember abouttwo years ago the public was at a great lofs to accountfor the behaviour of a certain general officerin Germany. But the aiiair was quite cleared up tous, when we were informed, that fome Ihort timebefore the battle of Minden he had fucceeded to aconfiderable eftate by the death of an aunt. Thisaddition of wealth had entirely taken away his formerfighting difpofition, and infpired him with a quietand peaceable one.It will no doubt be obje£ied to this obfervation,that the wealthy inliabitants of this city exprefled thehigheil joy and fatiofaclio^i at the commencement ofthe prefcnt war. But our joy on that occafion didnot in the leaft proceed from any defire of fightingin propriis pcrfonis. This is a thing to which we have;^ways had the greatcft averfion, efpccially fince we

LET runs, Tfi.AC'1'S, "c;V..337grev/ rich. Our unanimity in oppofing the fchemelor cftabliftiing a militia in this country, is a fufhcientproof of it. Our joy- at the commericenient of. thewar proceeded entirely from the hope that otherpeople's qwarrels might give us an opportunity of en--larghig our trade, and be the occaiion of increaiingour wealth.Our whole hearts and fouls are fet on our trade.It is the fpring which moves all our paffions. We4 hope and we fear, we' joy and_ we grieve, ;^ve areproud orwe are humble, juft according to (lit prefentafpe6t of our trade. A country genrie: aan, wliopretended to be very fatirical on the inhabitants ofthis city, once told us, that he could eafdy difcern bythe looks of a m.ercharit whether he was at tiiat particulartime fortunate or unfortunate in his buhnefs.»

LET runs, Tfi.AC'1'S, "c;V..337grev/ rich. Our unanimity in opp<strong>of</strong>ing <strong>the</strong> fchemelor cftabliftiing a militia in this country, is a fufhcientpro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> it. Our joy- at <strong>the</strong> commericenient <strong>of</strong>. <strong>the</strong>war proceeded entirely from <strong>the</strong> hope that o<strong>the</strong>rpeople's qwarrels might give us an opportunity <strong>of</strong> en--larghig our trade, and be <strong>the</strong> oc<strong>ca</strong>iion <strong>of</strong> increaiingour wealth.Our whole hearts and fouls are fet on our trade.It is <strong>the</strong> fpring which moves all our paffions. We4 hope and we fear, we' joy and_ we grieve, ;^ve areproud orwe are humble, juft according to (lit prefentafpe6t <strong>of</strong> our trade. A country genrie: aan, wliopretended to be very fatiri<strong>ca</strong>l on <strong>the</strong> inhabitants <strong>of</strong>this city, once told us, that he could eafdy difcern by<strong>the</strong> looks <strong>of</strong> a m.ercharit whe<strong>the</strong>r he was at tiiat particulartime fortunate or unfortunate in his buhnefs.»

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