The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... -

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... -
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,from534 LETTERS, TRACTS, isfc'.be confidered as inifiionarlcs fent forth to propagatetrue knowledge among thefe ignorant barbarians.Weare told, that one of the learned profefTors is fo charitableas to give lectures on economy gratis, for thebenefit of fuch fludents as intend to come out in thefchool-maller way. "We have alio received veiy fatisfyingaccounts concerning the fuccefs of thefelectures.hisSeveral fchool-mafters in different parts ofthe country, as wc are informed, have fcraped togethervery coniiderable fums in a few years. Theirbacks and their bellies have indeed been ftarved, butthen the main chance has been carried on.Thoughthey chofe to faft, yet they had the fatisfa^^ion tothink that they might have eaten had they fo pleafed.Cold and hunger were no doubt grievous to the flefhin the mean time ; but now they reap the happy fruitof .them in the foiid peace and comfort which arifesfrom a confcioufnefs of their own wealth ;. befides agreat deal of Spiritual benefit to their fouls from fucha courfe of mortification. Country fchooi-m afters,you know, have the care of educating the youth in,their feveral pariflies j and v/e hope, that under thedifcipline of fuch excellent preceptors, their tenderminds will gradually contract a ftrong attachment tomoney^ and be early formed to the love and defire ofThcfe obfervations, Brethren, have not led us awayour main defign. By fhowing us the great importanceand ufefulnefs of an univerfity education, theypoint out to us the pernicious tendency of thefe academies,and the knowledg

LETTERS, TRACTS, iSfC.335itig event, will be to him a fource of great confolation.Now, let any fober perfon judge whether aman of this difpofition be in a thriving way. Canhe fail of being Ipeedily reduced to the moft defpicablepoverty ?When we refletSl: ferioufly on thefe things, we cannothelp thinking, that the very propofal of eftablifhingan academy amongft us may be attended withvery dangerous confequences to the credit of thiscity. Should it once take air through the country,that fuch a numerous body of the inhabitants of Glafgow,as the authors of this propofal feem to be, infteadof hungering and thirfting after the enlargementof their trade and the increafe of their v/ealth, havecontracfted a moft voracious appetite after book-knowledge,what do you think will be the efFe£l of it ?Will not every one be afraid to rifk his moneywith fuch people ? Will not every one who has moneylying at intereft in this city call it in with allimaginable difpatch ? Will not a general bankruptcyof the citizens be very juftly apprehended ? We arecredibly informed, that the feveral banking companiesin this city, being afraid that this propofal mayaffect the circulation of their notes, have refolved topublifh an advertifement in the newfpaper, declaring,that no perfon concerned in any of the faidbanking companies is infected with this thirft afterbook-knowledge ; that, on the contrary, they are determinedto exert themfelves, conjunctly and feverally,to the utmoft of their power, in fuppreffnigevery attempt for erecting any academy in this cityand that in examining into the circumftances of peoplewho apply to them for cafh accounts, they willinquire particularly into their difpofitions with regardto the academy, that none of its well-wifliers mayhave any fliare in their favours. It might be expected,that a declaration of this nature, made by fuch arefpedtable body of the- inhabitants, v/ho have ftich a

LETTERS, TRACTS, iSfC.335itig event, will be to him a fource <strong>of</strong> great confolation.Now, let any fober perfon judge whe<strong>the</strong>r aman <strong>of</strong> this difp<strong>of</strong>ition be in a thriving way. Canhe fail <strong>of</strong> being Ipeedily reduced to <strong>the</strong> m<strong>of</strong>t defpi<strong>ca</strong>blepoverty ?When we refletSl: ferioufly on <strong>the</strong>fe things, we <strong>ca</strong>nno<strong>the</strong>lp thinking, that <strong>the</strong> very prop<strong>of</strong>al <strong>of</strong> eftablifhingan a<strong>ca</strong>demy amongft us may be attended withvery dangerous confequences to <strong>the</strong> credit <strong>of</strong> thiscity. Should it once take air through <strong>the</strong> country,that fuch a numerous body <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> inhabitants <strong>of</strong> Glafgow,as <strong>the</strong> authors <strong>of</strong> this prop<strong>of</strong>al feem to be, inftead<strong>of</strong> hungering and thirfting after <strong>the</strong> enlargement<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir trade and <strong>the</strong> increafe <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir v/ealth, havecontracfted a m<strong>of</strong>t voracious appetite after book-knowledge,what do you think will be <strong>the</strong> efFe£l <strong>of</strong> it ?Will not every one be afraid to rifk his moneywith fuch people ? Will not every one who has moneylying at intereft in this city <strong>ca</strong>ll it in with allimaginable difpatch ? Will not a general bankruptcy<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> citizens be very juftly apprehended ? We arecredibly informed, that <strong>the</strong> feveral banking companiesin this city, being afraid that this prop<strong>of</strong>al mayaffect <strong>the</strong> circulation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir notes, have refolved topublifh an advertifement in <strong>the</strong> newfpaper, declaring,that no perfon concerned in any <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> faidbanking companies is infected with this thirft afterbook-knowledge ; that, on <strong>the</strong> contrary, <strong>the</strong>y are determinedto exert <strong>the</strong>mfelves, conjunctly and feverally,to <strong>the</strong> utm<strong>of</strong>t <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir power, in fuppreffnigevery attempt for erecting any a<strong>ca</strong>demy in this cityand that in examining into <strong>the</strong> circumftances <strong>of</strong> peoplewho apply to <strong>the</strong>m for <strong>ca</strong>fh accounts, <strong>the</strong>y willinquire particularly into <strong>the</strong>ir difp<strong>of</strong>itions with regardto <strong>the</strong> a<strong>ca</strong>demy, that none <strong>of</strong> its well-wifliers mayhave any fliare in <strong>the</strong>ir favours. It might be expected,that a declaration <strong>of</strong> this nature, made by fuch arefpedtable body <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>- inhabitants, v/ho have ftich a

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