The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca


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322 LETTERS, TRACTS, is'c,<strong>the</strong> virtue, and happinefs cf <strong>the</strong>ir children and p<strong>of</strong>te--riry.^ If fuch appli<strong>ca</strong>tion is made, is it p<strong>of</strong>lible butthat it muft be liflened to ? It is worthy <strong>of</strong> this city,and <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> whole gentlemen in <strong>the</strong> neighbouringcounties, to unite as one man, and refpedtfully, butfkmly, to inlift for fo neceflary and cheap a favour.It is not a narrow, factious, or felf-interefted affair,but <strong>of</strong> pjubliCj <strong>of</strong> extenfive, and <strong>of</strong> lading importanceto <strong>the</strong> welfare and aggrandifement <strong>of</strong> our country.Is <strong>the</strong>re fo low an efteem, fo languid a defire <strong>of</strong> knowledge,fo feeble a concern for p<strong>of</strong>lerity, in city andcountry, that men will not trouble <strong>the</strong>mfelves to aika thing <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> higheft importance, when fuccefs isalm<strong>of</strong>t infallible ?A thing, <strong>the</strong> confequences <strong>of</strong> whichare great and good, and v.'hich brings harm to no focietyor particular perfon. Were <strong>the</strong>re an a<strong>ca</strong>demyere6i:ed, men might continue in <strong>the</strong>ir fleep and indolence,and fuffer things to proceed in <strong>the</strong> old infipidway. But with what r

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