The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca


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3l6LETTERS^ TRACTS, b'c*.ftudcnts to know a little about comp<strong>of</strong>ition ;<strong>the</strong> comp<strong>of</strong>ingone difcourfe a-yenr produces <strong>the</strong> fame effeclilill ; and little alteration is made, though le6^ures oncomp<strong>of</strong>ition are now delivered.But if, inftead <strong>of</strong> one difcourfe, <strong>the</strong>re were ten ortwelve difcourfcs comp<strong>of</strong>ed yearly by each ftudent,<strong>the</strong> advantage <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> leftures would foon appear.Though <strong>the</strong>fe difcourfes were not all delivered from<strong>the</strong> dclk, but only looked over, and <strong>the</strong> errors in com- _p<strong>of</strong>iticn pointed out by <strong>the</strong> mailer,a wonderful pro- mficiency would be made ; and your p<strong>of</strong>ition, that <strong>the</strong> ^fcholars <strong>of</strong> an able and <strong>of</strong> a weak pr<strong>of</strong>cffor are juliequal, would no longer be well founded.In <strong>the</strong> mean time, I allow <strong>the</strong> p<strong>of</strong>ition. I fupp<strong>of</strong>eI have touched at <strong>the</strong> <strong>ca</strong>ufes<strong>of</strong> it, which you did not.<strong>The</strong> remedy, I think, is obvious, if teachers willpleafe to be at a little more pains ; without whichthings will go on as before *, and <strong>the</strong> rifing generationwill have no <strong>ca</strong>ufe to value <strong>the</strong>mfelves in point<strong>of</strong> comp<strong>of</strong>ition above <strong>the</strong>ir predeceilbrs, notwithltajiding<strong>the</strong> beil lectures <strong>the</strong>y may hear.But I would fain hope, that along with fo goodle6tures more frequent comp<strong>of</strong>ition will aifo foon bebrought in fafhion. When <strong>the</strong> precepts are fq welldelivered, what pity is it tliat <strong>the</strong> pra6iice fliould befo much negletled ! <strong>The</strong> udlity <strong>of</strong> conjoining <strong>the</strong>mwill fome time appear. Indeed it is manifeil, that<strong>the</strong> jufteit precepts, unlefs <strong>the</strong>y are applied to practice,are very ufelefs things, and very foon forgot.But if one labours to make himfelf mailer <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> ar

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