The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... -

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... -
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LETTERCONTAININGREMARKS UPON A PAMPHLETConcerning the Necejftt^ of ereHtng an Academy at Glafgciv,Gentlemen^'Y'OUR pamphlet conterning education hath, as youmy ft have heard, made feme noife in the city.Many have approved of it ; fome have cenfured partscf it ; and there are others who have railed at you, >and condemned it by the lump. However, I thinkyou need net be.much difcouraged, that pubHc orationsare begun to be delivered againft you, fet offwith abundance of high-founding and frightful epithetsj epithets, however well chofen and mannerlythey might appear, with whatever attention they wereiiflened to by the grave, learned, and acjmiring audience,are not decilive arguments. ^ If you have heardcf them, I think you may well flight them ; if youhave not, I would not advife you to be at any troubleto inquire about them : Eruptions of zeal and ragemay be very harmlefs ; and at any rate it is beft tolet them alone, and fufFer them to fubfide of themfelves.I got the pamphlet fo foon as it reached Glafgow:I have perufed it I believe with more than ordinaryattention, and I am tempted to do a thing which isnot- a little out cf my way : As an impartial byellander,I am going to make a few remiarks upon yourletter, but with a freedom fimilar to that which youhave affumed. You cannot be offended reafonably,if yourfclves are treated in the like manner as youhave ventured to treat ethers. I fet down things as

_andLETTERSj TRACTS, lift*.^OJthey occur to me, without following your order, oreven attempting, to obferve any fort of method.But firil I will frankly acknowledge that tlr^re Isnothing -extravagant in the plan which you propofc vit might very cafily be executed, and v/ould be of un-Thi-o is not the firil time I havefpeakable ad'v^antage.thought of tlvi nrattcr : I firmly believe that if fomc.fuch courfe of education had b.>^n delivered for theli:".fifty air fixty" years paft, our country at this day wouldhave been in a Hate of improvement v/hich it cannpt«.arrive at for many years to come-But the propofed academy would he far more com-fuch as horfe-plete, if fome of the genteel exerclfes,manfhip, were taught at it. This, as I have heard,is already done at Perth, and furely it is as neceiTary,may be done as eafily, at Glafgow. Though theart of fitting firmly and gracefully on horfeback hasbeen much neglected, it is a valuable and manly pieceof education. The things you mention are very fuitableto us ; but if they are now to be taught, provisionfhould be made for teaching this alfo.I mufl alfo grant to you, that tJie things taught,and the manner of teaching them pra£^ifed at prefentin univerfitles, are liable to much cenfure.Thecafe is.fufEciently underilood, even by thofe v/ho areunwilling to confefs the truth of it. Without allqueftion, education might eafiJy be put upon a muchmore advantageous footing. 1 have heard fo manygood judges, and indeed every one that I converfcwith, of this opinion, that I fuppofe there are but veryfev/ who will offer to difpute the point with you. Byall that I can learn, it is almolt the uiiiverfal opinionin this place, that if we would expecl any generalbenefit from a courfe of fchool education, either theplan that is purfued in the univerfity muit be greatlyaltered, or fome other proper method of educationmud be fallen upon.Remark i. But whether your letter is wrote 'in thec c ^

_andLETTERSj TRACTS, lift*.^OJ<strong>the</strong>y occur to me, without following your order, oreven attempting, to obferve any fort <strong>of</strong> method.But firil I will frankly acknowledge that tlr^re Isnothing -extravagant in <strong>the</strong> plan which you prop<strong>of</strong>c vit might very <strong>ca</strong>fily be executed, and v/ould be <strong>of</strong> un-Thi-o is not <strong>the</strong> firil time I havefpeakable ad'v^antage.thought <strong>of</strong> tlvi nrattcr : I firmly believe that if fomc.fuch courfe <strong>of</strong> edu<strong>ca</strong>tion had b.>^n delivered for <strong>the</strong>li:".fifty air fixty" years paft, our country at this day wouldhave been in a Hate <strong>of</strong> improvement v/hich it <strong>ca</strong>nnpt«.arrive at for many years to come-But <strong>the</strong> prop<strong>of</strong>ed a<strong>ca</strong>demy would he far more com-fuch as horfe-plete, if fome <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> genteel exerclfes,manfhip, were taught at it. This, as I have heard,is already done at Perth, and furely it is as neceiTary,may be done as eafily, at Glafgow. Though <strong>the</strong>art <strong>of</strong> fitting firmly and gracefully on horfeback hasbeen much neglected, it is a valuable and manly piece<strong>of</strong> edu<strong>ca</strong>tion. <strong>The</strong> things you mention are very fuitableto us ; but if <strong>the</strong>y are now to be taught, provisionfhould be made for teaching this alfo.I mufl alfo grant to you, that tJie things taught,and <strong>the</strong> manner <strong>of</strong> teaching <strong>the</strong>m pra£^ifed at prefentin univerfitles, are liable to much cenfure.<strong>The</strong><strong>ca</strong>fe is.fufEciently underilood, even by th<strong>of</strong>e v/ho areunwilling to confefs <strong>the</strong> truth <strong>of</strong> it. Without allqueftion, edu<strong>ca</strong>tion might eafiJy be put upon a muchmore advantageous footing. 1 have heard fo manygood judges, and indeed every one that I converfcwith, <strong>of</strong> this opinion, that I fupp<strong>of</strong>e <strong>the</strong>re are but veryfev/ who will <strong>of</strong>fer to difpute <strong>the</strong> point with you. Byall that I <strong>ca</strong>n learn, it is almolt <strong>the</strong> uiiiverfal opinionin this place, that if we would expecl any generalbenefit from a courfe <strong>of</strong> fchool edu<strong>ca</strong>tion, ei<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong>plan that is purfued in <strong>the</strong> univerfity muit be greatlyaltered, or fome o<strong>the</strong>r proper method <strong>of</strong> edu<strong>ca</strong>tionmud be fallen upon.Remark i. But whe<strong>the</strong>r your letter is wrote 'in <strong>the</strong>c c ^

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