The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca


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LETTERS, TRACTS, B[r. 299who, from fordid love <strong>of</strong> lucre, are fquintlng at itwith an evil eye, and wifhing to blail it with <strong>the</strong>irnoxious breath j fupp<strong>of</strong>e <strong>the</strong>y and <strong>the</strong>ir emilTaries beftriving to get hold <strong>of</strong> tliis hopeful infant, to cruih it,or to llifle it in its cradle ; nay, fupp<strong>of</strong>e, contrary toall probability, that its frightened and felf-intereftedenemies fhould be able with tlieir poifoned arrows toreach its vitals, and to lay its head in <strong>the</strong> duft •, it iscertainly p<strong>of</strong>fible to contrive <strong>the</strong> plan <strong>of</strong> a manly andgenteel edu<strong>ca</strong>tion for men <strong>of</strong> bufmefs, and to fecure<strong>the</strong> execution <strong>of</strong> it, in this place. <strong>The</strong>re are here agreat number who have been long and deeply practifedin commerce, who have great natural and acquiredabilities, and are p<strong>of</strong>lefled <strong>of</strong> th<strong>of</strong>e attainmentswhich are ufeful and which are ornamental. <strong>The</strong>fegentlemen are well qualified to direct <strong>the</strong> edu<strong>ca</strong>tion<strong>of</strong> young people who are defigned for bufy and a£livelife. And we muft agree, that, till this be done, ourcity will not make that figure in Great Britain whichit is <strong>ca</strong>pable <strong>of</strong> making, nor appear with a luflre inproportion to its trade, its wealth, and its greatnefs.On <strong>the</strong> difagreeable fupp<strong>of</strong>ition that no a<strong>ca</strong>demyis fet on foot here, and to prevent, were it in <strong>the</strong>irpower, <strong>the</strong> difagreeable and well forefeen efFe£^s <strong>of</strong>that negle£t,<strong>the</strong>re are not wanting a number <strong>of</strong> judiciouscitizens who feem determined to fend <strong>the</strong>irfons to be edu<strong>ca</strong>ted at Perth, if <strong>the</strong>y (hall be informedthat <strong>the</strong> plan agreed upon <strong>the</strong>re is but as well executedas- it is contrived. We hope and afiure ourselvesthat "<strong>the</strong>y will not be under <strong>the</strong> neceffity <strong>of</strong>-fending <strong>the</strong>m out <strong>of</strong> our own cityfor that purp<strong>of</strong>e.We•At any rate, you know our mind by this letter..hope to be exempted from your fatire ; or, if youfometimes play it <strong>of</strong>f in our company, we will confitlerit as not intended perfonally againft ourfelvesunwilling however to join you in it, even though wefee it juft, we will beg leave to be filent.You fee, Sir, that we pay all p<strong>of</strong>fible deference to

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