The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca


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LETTERS, TRACTS, IsfC,2gjwhich to you may appear incredible, and yet nothingis more true. It is <strong>the</strong> nearnefs <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> univerfity tous, that is <strong>the</strong> <strong>ca</strong>ufe <strong>of</strong> our little knowledge, and thatan a<strong>ca</strong>demy like that now proje6led did not long agotake place. We expelled from time to time that <strong>the</strong>pr<strong>of</strong>efforswould turn from intri<strong>ca</strong>te and ufelefs toufeful and plain parts <strong>of</strong> fcience, and teach <strong>the</strong>m with<strong>ca</strong>re and diligence. Had it not been for this vainimagination, we are verily perfuaded Glafgow wouldhave fet an example to Perth, inftead <strong>of</strong> Perth's havingfet one to Glafgow.We have at prefent <strong>the</strong> bell hopes, and imaginethat we are within reach <strong>of</strong> having <strong>the</strong> reproach <strong>of</strong>our want <strong>of</strong> tafte, and that we are <strong>ca</strong>relefs about <strong>the</strong>edu<strong>ca</strong>tion <strong>of</strong> our children, entirely wiped away.Wethink ourfelves as fure as we <strong>ca</strong>n be <strong>of</strong> any thing thatis future, that, if this prop<strong>of</strong>al is properly executed,within eight or ten years every ftranger and everydifcerning perfon will obferve a feniibk and generalimprovement in tafte and knowledge among <strong>the</strong> in^habitajits <strong>of</strong> this city, and that from <strong>the</strong>nceforth <strong>the</strong>rewill not be <strong>the</strong> lead ground for any fuch furprife asyou exprefled.But if after all nothing is done, we fliall fuffer youand every one to rally our citizens as you pleafe ; andas your raillery, though poignant, is genteel, fo farfrom avoiding your company, we will court it ; andjudging ourfelves unconcerned, we will with patience,perhaps with pleafure, hear your burlefque withoutopening our mouths^Indeed, if our city fhall relapfe into a lethargy, asbefore if <strong>the</strong>re be not fenfe enough to fee <strong>the</strong> utility,or if <strong>the</strong>re be not authority, or fpirit, or numbers*;enough to forward <strong>the</strong> execution <strong>of</strong> a project fo neceflaryanjl eafy, we mull acknowledge, that, notwithltandingall our partiality to ourfelves and our citizens,we ihould not know what to fay fur<strong>the</strong>r iaour defence. We fhould, we fear, be forced to coa-

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