The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca


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LETTERS, TRACTS, \sfc^ 1^$Mr. Sheridan fliould excite our emulation.<strong>The</strong> parts<strong>of</strong> fcience we have mentioned before are abfolutelynecefTary ; this laft is alfo highly ufeful and highlyornamental.<strong>The</strong> plan. Sir, which we have laid before you, isnei<strong>the</strong>r chimeri<strong>ca</strong>l nor difficult to be executed ; it iseafy, advantageous, necefTary, and not expenfive j and^we <strong>ca</strong>nnot fuffer ourfelves to fear but that our citywill immediately agree to it, or to fomething like itFor our own part, we have merely ftudied <strong>the</strong> honourand advantage <strong>of</strong> our fellow-citizens. We defireno commendation for having mentioned to feveral<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m <strong>the</strong> great advantages <strong>of</strong> fuch an a<strong>ca</strong>demy.If we are in <strong>the</strong> right, you will be able to judge bytliis Letter, which you are at liberty to ufe as youpleafe. <strong>The</strong>re are no doubt o<strong>the</strong>rs <strong>of</strong> our citizenswho are both able to form a plan that is more complete,and alfo to forward <strong>the</strong> execution <strong>of</strong> it; let<strong>the</strong>m have <strong>the</strong> whole praife, but let <strong>the</strong> thing be done,and done as foon as p<strong>of</strong>fible.And we think ourfelves fure that it will be done,:when we confider <strong>the</strong> merit and vigilance <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> honourablegentlemen who are our prefent magiitrates.One <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m is iiluflrious in his own city, is wellknown at a great diftance, and has been long refpe£l:-ed by th<strong>of</strong>e in <strong>the</strong> highefl rank ; he had a college e-du<strong>ca</strong>tion, but foon fav/ <strong>the</strong> impropriety and defeclivenefs<strong>of</strong> it j and, by a flrength <strong>of</strong> judgment, a depth<strong>of</strong> penetration, and retentivenefs <strong>of</strong> memory peculiarto himfelf, he attained a knov/ledge <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> laws andconilitution <strong>of</strong> his country, v/hich is feldom to Ijefound in pr<strong>of</strong>effed lawyers : He has acquired fuch variety<strong>of</strong> knowledge, moral, hiflori<strong>ca</strong>l, politi<strong>ca</strong>l, andcommercial, and is fo diftin£l and accurate upon everypoint, that few burgefles or o<strong>the</strong>rs in <strong>the</strong> ifland<strong>ca</strong>n pretend to excel him. What is prop<strong>of</strong>ed to betaught at <strong>the</strong> a<strong>ca</strong>demy is but <strong>the</strong> rudiments <strong>of</strong> a few<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>fe parts, in each <strong>of</strong> which he is a mafter.

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