The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... -

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... -
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12^6LETTERSj TRACTS, ^C:pneuniatology, morals, logic, "or the art of reafoning.'"A confiderable improvement in the method of teaching,and which does honour to the gentlemen whoappointed it.We were very much encouraged when firft weliear

LETTERS, TRACTS, b'c. 27";What we wiflied for and intended was, to have inthis city a fchool or academy for inftrudting our youthin that knowledge which is pro^^er to give them anearly liking to religion and virtue ; that which v>^illlit them for bufinefs, and enable them to difcharfrethe duties of life with honour, and appear to advantagein -the world.We were roufed from our lethargy, when vv-e fawthe royal burgh of Perth beforehand with us in e-ftablifliing fuch an academy as we wiflied for. Senfibleof the like difadvantages we complain of, theyhave fet us a pattern highly Vv-orthy of our imitation.The magiftrates of that town, aifilfed by a worthyclergyman in the place, have, like gent-lemen of tafte,and men of the world at the fame time, generouflyprovided for the education of youth : An exertion ofpublic fpirit for which children and parents will e-lleem and honour them at prefent, and which in tim.cto come will be remembered as a monument of theirgood fenfe and provident care of poRerity.Their aim is, " to train up young people for bufinefsand a

LETTERS, TRACTS, b'c. 27";What we wiflied for and intended was, to have inthis city a fchool or a<strong>ca</strong>demy for inftrudting our youthin that knowledge which is pro^^er to give <strong>the</strong>m anearly liking to religion and virtue ; that which v>^illlit <strong>the</strong>m for bufinefs, and enable <strong>the</strong>m to difcharfre<strong>the</strong> duties <strong>of</strong> life with honour, and appear to advantagein -<strong>the</strong> world.We were roufed from our lethargy, when vv-e faw<strong>the</strong> royal burgh <strong>of</strong> Perth beforehand with us in e-ftablifliing fuch an a<strong>ca</strong>demy as we wiflied for. Senfible<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> like difadvantages we complain <strong>of</strong>, <strong>the</strong>yhave fet us a pattern highly Vv-orthy <strong>of</strong> our imitation.<strong>The</strong> magiftrates <strong>of</strong> that town, aifilfed by a worthyclergyman in <strong>the</strong> place, have, like gent-lemen <strong>of</strong> tafte,and men <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> world at <strong>the</strong> fame time, generouflyprovided for <strong>the</strong> edu<strong>ca</strong>tion <strong>of</strong> youth : An exertion <strong>of</strong>public fpirit for which children and parents will e-lleem and honour <strong>the</strong>m at prefent, and which in tim.cto come will be remembered as a monument <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>irgood fenfe and provident <strong>ca</strong>re <strong>of</strong> poRerity.<strong>The</strong>ir aim is, " to train up young people for bufinefsand a

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