The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... -

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... -
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l8SERMONS.The moll certain and fpecific antidote againft profanenefs,in oppofition to fo many caufes which accelerateits courl'e, would be, " to live by faith and notby fight :" I mean, to live in the habitual and overpoweringbelief of the reality, and of ail the terrorsand glories of the invifible world : and we ought tohave this faith ftrong, in proportion to the flrikingobjscls and caufes that laboui* to feduce us. By vigorousand repeated efforts, we ought to keep eternityfull in our view, that we may be proof againft thepowerful contagion and fallacious charms of tlie pre*fent wodd. If we have the reality of religion, howcan we mifs to have the appearance of it !" If wehave that faith which isthe fubftance of things hopedfor, and the evidence of tPiings not feen ;" thisw^ill counter-work the caufes that operate towards irreligion." For this is tliat victory that overcomeththe world, even our faith : and, who is he that overcomethtlie world, but he tliat bciievcth that Jefus isthe fon of God."But I do not know how ; we feem very much towant this faith. "While we complain that religionhas decayed, we are but half in earneft. We are atthe fame time, perhaps v.ith more kcennefs, wilhin^and praying for a ftill greater infiux of wealth intooiTr country : wealth ! which has already rendered uscovetous and rapacious, has debauched our morals,erafed religion out of our hearts, and left us but littleHow far we thinkof the outward femblance of it.and wifli confiftently, if \\ e have faith, and look uponeternity as our chief concern •, how far it is poflibleto unite the keen commercial fnirit and die fpirit ofdevotion, I v/ill not determine.One thing I am fure of, that a conftant and livelyexercife of faith is neceflary to refilt the temptationsof the prefent world. The air we breathe in, thecompany we talk with, is infectious ', knowledge, virtue>religion, if detached from riches, are defpifed ^

SERMONS. 19an avidity of riches appears in the air, the looks, thewords of every one ; nothing, nothing is commendedbut that which tends to ftifle devotion, and wear offthe appearance of it. Serious people ftand by, feeand lament the difregard that is fliown to religionand themfelves are catched hold of, and carried downwardsby the current of fa^iion, as if it were by theHowrefiftlefs force of a fwelled and impetuous river.often have I feen a man lament and abhor the dangerof fuch or fuch a lucrative employment to the moralsand religion of our youth ', and yet, dverborne by thellream of cuftom, and tempted by the love of theworld, put his own fon to it ! We can never withftandfuch force, and be firm in our religion, but bythe energy of faith. We will prize our integrity, becontent to be lefs rich, lefs regarded, and even to fufferaffliction, if we have the unfliaken belief and hopeof a happy immortality. This is the faith that fupportedMofes. " By faith, Mofes, when he was cometo years, refufed to be called the fon of Pharaoh'sdaughter ; choofing rather to fuffer affliction with thepeople of God than to enjoy the pleafures of linfora feafon ; efteeming the reproach of Chrift greaterriches than the treafures in Egypt—for he had refpedtto the recompence of the reward."My reverend fathers and brethren, I hardly choofeto make any addrefs to you, founded on the things Ihave advanced. In a profane and corrupted age, youknow the nature and importance of your paftoral office;you do i'aore ; with firmnefs, and fidelity, andgreat labour, you difcharge it. If the things deliveredwere juft, you can well make thefe conclufionswhich may aflift you to perfevere in your integrity,your ftedfaflnefs, and your ufeful endeavours to Itemthe torrent of irreHgion. If your fpirit is ftirred inyou at the coolnefs and indifference of the world ;you are grieved that many " forfake the aflembling ofthemfelves j" if you are affli6ted at the growth ofif

SERMONS. 19an avidity <strong>of</strong> riches appears in <strong>the</strong> air, <strong>the</strong> looks, <strong>the</strong>words <strong>of</strong> every one ; nothing, nothing is commendedbut that which tends to ftifle devotion, and wear <strong>of</strong>f<strong>the</strong> appearance <strong>of</strong> it. Serious people ftand by, feeand lament <strong>the</strong> difregard that is fliown to religionand <strong>the</strong>mfelves are <strong>ca</strong>tched hold <strong>of</strong>, and <strong>ca</strong>rried downwardsby <strong>the</strong> current <strong>of</strong> fa^iion, as if it were by <strong>the</strong>Howrefiftlefs force <strong>of</strong> a fwelled and impetuous river.<strong>of</strong>ten have I feen a man lament and abhor <strong>the</strong> danger<strong>of</strong> fuch or fuch a lucrative employment to <strong>the</strong> moralsand religion <strong>of</strong> our youth ', and yet, dverborne by <strong>the</strong>llream <strong>of</strong> cuftom, and tempted by <strong>the</strong> love <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>world, put his own fon to it ! We <strong>ca</strong>n never withftandfuch force, and be firm in our religion, but by<strong>the</strong> energy <strong>of</strong> faith. We will prize our integrity, becontent to be lefs rich, lefs regarded, and even to fufferaffliction, if we have <strong>the</strong> unfliaken belief and hope<strong>of</strong> a happy immortality. This is <strong>the</strong> faith that fupportedM<strong>of</strong>es. " By faith, M<strong>of</strong>es, when he was cometo years, refufed to be <strong>ca</strong>lled <strong>the</strong> fon <strong>of</strong> Pharaoh'sdaughter ; cho<strong>of</strong>ing ra<strong>the</strong>r to fuffer affliction with <strong>the</strong>people <strong>of</strong> God than to enjoy <strong>the</strong> pleafures <strong>of</strong> linfora feafon ; efteeming <strong>the</strong> reproach <strong>of</strong> Chrift greaterriches than <strong>the</strong> treafures in Egypt—for he had refpedtto <strong>the</strong> recompence <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> reward."My reverend fa<strong>the</strong>rs and brethren, I hardly cho<strong>of</strong>eto make any addrefs to you, founded on <strong>the</strong> things Ihave advanced. In a pr<strong>of</strong>ane and corrupted age, youknow <strong>the</strong> nature and importance <strong>of</strong> your paftoral <strong>of</strong>fice;you do i'aore ; with firmnefs, and fidelity, andgreat labour, you difcharge it. If <strong>the</strong> things deliveredwere juft, you <strong>ca</strong>n well make <strong>the</strong>fe conclufionswhich may aflift you to perfevere in your integrity,your ftedfaflnefs, and your ufeful endeavours to Item<strong>the</strong> torrent <strong>of</strong> irreHgion. If your fpirit is ftirred inyou at <strong>the</strong> coolnefs and indifference <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> world ;you are grieved that many " forfake <strong>the</strong> aflembling <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong>mfelves j" if you are affli6ted at <strong>the</strong> growth <strong>of</strong>if

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