The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca


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,ber'LETTERS, TRACTS, t^T.2JJat <strong>the</strong> words Horatius, Terentius, &c. thougli notvery commonly ufed. He is far from criticifing <strong>the</strong>comp<strong>of</strong>ition <strong>of</strong> any fenfible and fpirited author ; forhe nei<strong>the</strong>r envies nor undervalues talents which he isfure he <strong>ca</strong>n never reach : Far lefs will he take uponhim to criticife <strong>the</strong> above letter j for, whatever its author'sfaults may be, <strong>the</strong>y are amply compenfated bythat <strong>ca</strong>ndid uprightnefs, that unrefsrved and intrepidfreedom with which he writes : And, which redoundsftill more to his praife, and,.muft endear him to everyhoneft man, it hath been fuffrciently vouched that hegeneroufly confented that his letter Ihould be publifned,forefeeing, that as it contains a faiuhful and undifguifedaccount <strong>of</strong> tlie matter in queRion, it viriiiappear to be a complete vindi<strong>ca</strong>tion <strong>of</strong> himftlf andtht fociety <strong>of</strong> which he has <strong>the</strong> honour to be a mem-; and perhaps he judged fuch a vindi<strong>ca</strong>tion or a-pology to be very necelTary.<strong>The</strong> publifher iiideed v/iihes that <strong>the</strong> learned pr<strong>of</strong>efTorhad feea fit to write his Letter wlioUy in v/ha<strong>the</strong> is pleafed to <strong>ca</strong>ll <strong>the</strong> vulgar Englijh^ v/ithout interfpei-fingany <strong>of</strong> his Greek or Latin fentences, be<strong>ca</strong>ufe<strong>the</strong>fe have oc<strong>ca</strong>fioned him fom.e perplexity andtrouble. He was afraid it m.ight be fufpe6led thatunder <strong>the</strong>fe phrafes was couched fomething myfterious,or driloyal, or even dangerous and hereti<strong>ca</strong>l.Moreover, it was fuggelied to him by fome gentlemen<strong>of</strong> difcernment, that <strong>the</strong> fhreds <strong>of</strong> Greek andLatin might, in forne places, unlefs <strong>the</strong>y were tranf<strong>late</strong>d,mar <strong>the</strong> fenfe and meaning <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> piece : Hejudged it his duty to fave <strong>the</strong> author, as far as p<strong>of</strong>fible,from being fo much as fufpefbed <strong>of</strong> any wrongor unfound opinions \ and he was alfo defirous tomake every word intelligible to ordinary readers. He<strong>the</strong>refore had recourfe to a certain univerfity fcholarwho reforts to his fnop, and prevailed upon him toturn <strong>the</strong> Greek and Latin into Engiifh : He hath notIkill to judge whe<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong>fe tranfiations be elegant

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