The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca


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2^6LETTERS, TRACTS, 's'l\one (who is indeed an honeft and grave enough fort<strong>of</strong> man) who did not difcern and eiteem <strong>the</strong> fpirit <strong>of</strong>it, he was foon determined to. put it to <strong>the</strong> prefs. Hedifcerned in it a manly freedom <strong>of</strong> thought, and anoble fmcerity, which isonly to be found among <strong>the</strong>learned, among perfons <strong>of</strong> good breeding, or th<strong>of</strong>e <strong>of</strong>an uncommonly elevated turn <strong>of</strong> mind j a fmcerity,which, though it may be nibbled at by fmall wits andperfons <strong>of</strong> rigid principles who love to walk in trammels,is, however, <strong>the</strong> chara^teriftic <strong>of</strong> great and generousminds. In his judgment, a worfe man wouldIiave writ with that flingy <strong>ca</strong>ution and referve, which'is fo generally <strong>the</strong> fymptom <strong>of</strong> a duplicity <strong>of</strong> foul.But this author, from a guilelefs heait, unveils <strong>the</strong>truth, and exprclles his fentiments without mincingcr difguife. To communi<strong>ca</strong>te truth is his fincereaim •, and he appears to have laid it down as a maxim,that from truth he will never fwerve for any confiderationwhatfoever ;fo that, though it were polTibleto take advantage <strong>of</strong> any particular unguarded expreffion,(if he hath fallen into fuch) it would be <strong>the</strong> utin<strong>of</strong>lbafenefs to attempt it : But if any fuch bafen

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