The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca


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254 LETTERS, TRACTS, tfft.for ourfelvcs and our ftudents, and may alfo fet agood many feats by way <strong>of</strong> au6lion ; or we may fell200 tickets at a crown a-piece, which will be abovethree guineas to each <strong>of</strong> us, which is ftill fomething.It puts us into a little perplexity, that, by <strong>the</strong> ftatutes<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> college, women are not to be admitted withincur gates : On <strong>the</strong> one hand, it is feared, that if werigidly obferve that ftatute, feveral <strong>of</strong> our ftudentsmay cho<strong>of</strong>e to go to fome church in <strong>the</strong> city whichis frequented by <strong>the</strong> ladies -, on <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r hand, it isforefeen,that if young ladies are allowed to come to<strong>the</strong> hall, <strong>the</strong> ftudents will entice <strong>the</strong>m to <strong>the</strong>ir chambersto drink tea after <strong>the</strong> fervice ; that a freer andopener intercourfe between females and <strong>the</strong> collegegentlemen than hath hi<strong>the</strong>rto fubfifted may take place,and that <strong>the</strong>re may be a violent fufpicion <strong>of</strong> diforderlyfamiliarities, which will bring f<strong>ca</strong>ndal upon <strong>the</strong>college, and upon <strong>the</strong> ladies who refort to it. Oneach hand <strong>the</strong>re is certainly fome danger ; but it will,we judge, be ra<strong>the</strong>r wifer to admit <strong>the</strong> ladies, whichwill prevent our meeting from being thin, and ourorator from being no more but vox clamar.tis in deferto.We will take all <strong>the</strong> <strong>ca</strong>re we <strong>ca</strong>n that <strong>the</strong>re be no outwardindecency. Old ftatutes, when found to be inconvenient,deferve to be exploded. At <strong>the</strong> worft,this inconveniency will only be fuffered while we ufetJie hall as a chapel ; it will be totally removed whenever<strong>the</strong> new chapel is erecled. And, to balance thatinconveniency, whilft we meet in <strong>the</strong> hall, we willnot need to preach, nor hire any laxl to preach in va<strong>ca</strong>tiontime. It is true, that when v/e have roupedour feats in <strong>the</strong> Blackfriar's we will have no room forourfelves in any church : But when any <strong>of</strong> us hiip-^"pens to go to a church in fummer, <strong>the</strong> town's peoplewin not grudge to give us a feat f»r oncejn a monthor fo. We will not cho<strong>of</strong>e to give <strong>the</strong>m too muchtrouble.And now, Sir, I fliallleave you to judge, from tlic

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