The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca


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LETTERS, TRACTS, l^fC,24^mid laft, as I have fald, we have n6t been altoge<strong>the</strong>runfuccefsful, nor refted in bare fpeculation. Ourpredeceflbrs, in times <strong>of</strong> perfecution, by giving prO'per information againft <strong>the</strong> puritani<strong>ca</strong>l party, meritedlarge donations <strong>of</strong> teinds and feus, which,. though fufpe£i:edfor many years to be invalid, are now confirmedby long prefcription. We, f^or our part, haveraifed <strong>the</strong> minimum <strong>of</strong> our hojioranums. We havem<strong>of</strong>t <strong>of</strong> us two clafles, a public and a private ; andthus, by artfully extending our ufefulnefs,(for greatis <strong>the</strong> utility <strong>of</strong> private ciafles) we obtain yearly tv/ohonorariums from each (Indent. By our large houfcs,as above, w€ have convenience to board <strong>the</strong> rich lads,,and by wifily propagating a belief that we inftruc^<strong>the</strong>m in private, and take <strong>ca</strong>re <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir morals, wehave wormed <strong>the</strong> citizens out <strong>of</strong> that lucrative trade'<strong>of</strong> boarding, and have engrolied it to ourfelves. InihiVLQ parifhes, where v/e have right to <strong>the</strong> teinds, wetriple <strong>the</strong> grafTums, and continue, or double <strong>the</strong> yearlypaym.ent at <strong>the</strong> end <strong>of</strong> every nineteen years. Ino<strong>the</strong>r parifhes we value <strong>the</strong> teinds, and raife very confiderable,but dill very reafonable fums. When fimpiepeople. pay us teinds, and have no tack from us,\v£ add every year a little to <strong>the</strong> fum payable, till wehave raifed it a third or a fourth more than was payableby <strong>the</strong> ancient roll ;^ but this we do chiefly when'<strong>the</strong> lands are improved, and <strong>ca</strong>n well bear it. Suchminifters as we are forced to pay, we, fjr <strong>the</strong>ir andour own good, detain <strong>the</strong>ir ftipendd a year, or eventwo full years, and having get intereft upon it from<strong>the</strong> bank, v/e divide <strong>the</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>its.O<strong>the</strong>r miniflers wepay at lool. Scots per chaJder, inftead <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> fii'rwhich v/e exact, and make by that means great proi.tevery year, fornetimes near half <strong>the</strong> value <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir fllpends.After a fiipend hath been more^ than a fullyear due, if we pay more than 4 1. or 5 1. at a time,we exacl: a little by way <strong>of</strong> difcount ; and though wehave done fo for many years, v/e were never publiclyX3

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