The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... -

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... -
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^44LETTER?, TRACTS, life.this refpecr they fee great caufe to beat time and goalong witli them. Here we have made a iniall devia--tion from the ancients, neceflltated to do fo by thatchange in manners and opinions wliich hath beenproduced in a courfe of ages, always advancing tofurther improvement. The defire of making a littlemoney is now a part of foiid wifdom j^'-'i Jcp'itjfhifapiUIt is, if I may fo fay, embodied with, or hath becomethe. very foul and quinteflence of modern philofophy.But it is nothing to have the defire of money, withoutthe fkill of gratifying that defire ; and in this Ikillthe world will do us the jaftice to acknowledge, thatwe have already made feme very confiderable improvement.Let others examine the figure of the earth,its diflance from the fun, the variation of the needle, ^or caufes of the tides ; this is our favourite branch ofphilofophy,Orabunt cauflas mellusj ccElique meatusDcfcritent, radio et furgentia fidera dicent.Ha; tibi erunt artes.This we ftudy, in this we exercife ourfelves by nightand by day, in our houfes, our claiTes, our public andprivate walks ; ever ftriving to find out fome newcommendable method of increafing our revenues, andmaking the moft of our fmall affairs. When we areieen walking on the ftreet, fom.e of us with lank,rneagre, hollow cheek,' a demure count-enance, andferious air, the people believe that we are always inthe exercife of devotion ; but thev are fometimes mif-Taken. Interduw vulgiis reSium vidd eft uhi peccat. Itis true, we are ferious, and there is great propriety inour putting on that appearance •, for, in facrisfnnulatapro veris ao^cipiurdur^ as Scrvius hath judicioully remarked.But we are ferious in cultivating that brancho: true plrilofophy which is our province. And fijit^

LETTERS, TRACTS, l^fC,24^mid laft, as I have fald, we have n6t been altogetherunfuccefsful, nor refted in bare fpeculation. Ourpredeceflbrs, in times of perfecution, by giving prO'per information againft the puritanical party, meritedlarge donations of teinds and feus, which,. though fufpe£i:edfor many years to be invalid, are now confirmedby long prefcription. We, f^or our part, haveraifed the minimum of our hojioranums. We havemoft of us two clafles, a public and a private ; andthus, by artfully extending our ufefulnefs,(for greatis the utility of private ciafles) we obtain yearly tv/ohonorariums from each (Indent. By our large houfcs,as above, w€ have convenience to board the rich lads,,and by wifily propagating a belief that we inftruc^them in private, and take care of their morals, wehave wormed the citizens out of that lucrative trade'of boarding, and have engrolied it to ourfelves. InihiVLQ parifhes, where v/e have right to the teinds, wetriple the grafTums, and continue, or double the yearlypaym.ent at the end of every nineteen years. Inother parifhes we value the teinds, and raife very confiderable,but dill very reafonable fums. When fimpiepeople. pay us teinds, and have no tack from us,\v£ add every year a little to the fum payable, till wehave raifed it a third or a fourth more than was payableby the ancient roll ;^ but this we do chiefly when'the lands are improved, and can well bear it. Suchminifters as we are forced to pay, we, fjr their andour own good, detain their ftipendd a year, or eventwo full years, and having get intereft upon it fromthe bank, v/e divide the profits.Other miniflers wepay at lool. Scots per chaJder, inftead of the fii'rwhich v/e exact, and make by that means great proi.tevery year, fornetimes near half the value of their fllpends.After a fiipend hath been more^ than a fullyear due, if we pay more than 4 1. or 5 1. at a time,we exacl: a little by way of difcount ; and though wehave done fo for many years, v/e were never publiclyX3

^44LETTER?, TRACTS, life.this refpecr <strong>the</strong>y fee great <strong>ca</strong>ufe to beat time and goalong witli <strong>the</strong>m. Here we have made a iniall devia--tion from <strong>the</strong> ancients, neceflltated to do fo by thatchange in manners and opinions wliich hath beenproduced in a courfe <strong>of</strong> ages, always advancing t<strong>of</strong>ur<strong>the</strong>r improvement. <strong>The</strong> defire <strong>of</strong> making a littlemoney is now a part <strong>of</strong> foiid wifdom j^'-'i Jcp'itjfhifapiUIt is, if I may fo fay, embodied with, or hath become<strong>the</strong>. very foul and quinteflence <strong>of</strong> modern phil<strong>of</strong>ophy.But it is nothing to have <strong>the</strong> defire <strong>of</strong> money, without<strong>the</strong> fkill <strong>of</strong> gratifying that defire ; and in this Ikill<strong>the</strong> world will do us <strong>the</strong> jaftice to acknowledge, thatwe have already made feme very confiderable improvement.Let o<strong>the</strong>rs examine <strong>the</strong> figure <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> earth,its diflance from <strong>the</strong> fun, <strong>the</strong> variation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> needle, ^or <strong>ca</strong>ufes <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> tides ; this is our favourite branch <strong>of</strong>phil<strong>of</strong>ophy,Orabunt <strong>ca</strong>uflas mellusj ccElique meatusDcfcritent, radio et furgentia fidera dicent.Ha; tibi erunt artes.This we ftudy, in this we exercife ourfelves by nightand by day, in our houfes, our claiTes, our public andprivate walks ; ever ftriving to find out fome newcommendable method <strong>of</strong> increafing our revenues, andmaking <strong>the</strong> m<strong>of</strong>t <strong>of</strong> our fmall affairs. When we areieen walking on <strong>the</strong> ftreet, fom.e <strong>of</strong> us with lank,rneagre, hollow cheek,' a demure count-enance, andferious air, <strong>the</strong> people believe that we are always in<strong>the</strong> exercife <strong>of</strong> devotion ; but <strong>the</strong>v are fometimes mif-Taken. Interduw vulgiis reSium vidd eft uhi pec<strong>ca</strong>t. Itis true, we are ferious, and <strong>the</strong>re is great propriety inour putting on that appearance •, for, in facrisfnnulatapro veris ao^cipiurdur^ as Scrvius hath judicioully remarked.But we are ferious in cultivating that brancho: true plril<strong>of</strong>ophy which is our province. And fijit^

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