The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca


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LETTERS, TRACTS, ts'c,237general, that it was not a religion for gentlemen; andI may well aver, that prefbytery, as we have it, is nota religion for ei<strong>the</strong>r gentlemen or phil<strong>of</strong>ophers. All<strong>the</strong> mailers, and <strong>the</strong> bulk <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> {Indents, for nianyyears pall, had become quite wearied and difguiledto hear in <strong>the</strong> church where we have our feats. <strong>The</strong>ininifler, though efleemed a man <strong>of</strong> learning, talle,and primitive (implicity, is <strong>of</strong>ten infilling upon <strong>the</strong>depravity <strong>of</strong> human nature, and <strong>the</strong> necelHty <strong>of</strong> revelation.He feems to maintain, that phil<strong>of</strong>ophy is notfufficient to render men virtuous and happy : He faysit is abfolutely neceflary to believe <strong>the</strong> g<strong>of</strong>pel ; andthat without this all <strong>the</strong> fyflems and precepts <strong>of</strong> phil<strong>of</strong>ophyare feeble, and will in <strong>the</strong>. ilTue prove ineffe6lual.He even defcribes, modeflly indeed, but ina pi£lurefque enough ftyle, fome practices, fuch asdrunkennefs, fwearing, wenching, avarice, opprelFion,which he <strong>ca</strong>lls fmful, and inconiiftent with havingtrue religion : And while he is doing this, it <strong>of</strong>tenhappens, that moll <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> fludents, and many <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>congregation, gaze at us, as if we were <strong>the</strong> perfonspointed out as guilty ; and we are ftill more keenlygazed at when he defcribes <strong>the</strong> duties <strong>of</strong> Chriilians',Sabbath-keeping, family-worihip, juflice, veracity,tem.perance, chaftity, and what fliould be <strong>the</strong> converfation<strong>of</strong> th<strong>of</strong>e who are entruiled with <strong>the</strong> edu<strong>ca</strong>tion<strong>of</strong> youth. All this, you will agree with me, is veratlous,and even unfufFerable. We have, whatevermay be faid <strong>of</strong> us, a real, though a general, and phil<strong>of</strong>ophi<strong>ca</strong>lreligion •, and had we a chapel, where fuch<strong>of</strong> us as have been clergymen are to preach by turn?,we will have difcourfes upon <strong>the</strong> dignity <strong>of</strong> humannature, upon difmtereded benevolence, upon fympathyand propriety, upon living according to nature-,and upon virtue's being a futhcient reward to itfelf.When any <strong>of</strong> ourfelves takes <strong>the</strong> pulpit, he will havemore fenfe and deli<strong>ca</strong>cy than to deliver any <strong>of</strong>tenfivedefcriptions ; aiid when any young man preaches^ h«

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