The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... -

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... -
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224 feem to you light, and for a ijioment, if it workfor you a far more exceeding and eternal weight oiglory. Aniidll your prefent deliberations, apply toGod, and he will diredl you what itcps you ought totake. You are in great hardfhips at prefent ;you feerelief -, confider how wife men fhould a61:. I know feveralof you, who, notwithftanding all that you have yetfufFcred, are not deflitute of knowledge, and who haveyour minds furprifingly enlarged, in comparifon ofyour Abetters, who waile their time in an infipid roundof eating, and drinking, and gaming, and ileeping,and poring on fchemes of opprefTion. You can laytogether and weigh the importance of thofe motiveswhich ought to influence and determine reafonablemen ; and, in truth, the wifdom and fplrit of a manare never fo confpicuous as when it appears that hehath fenfe and refohition to extricate himfeif out ofdifficulties into which he hath been brought by hisown folly or the wickednefs of others. Will you fuf--fer yourfelves to be terrified, and hoodwinked, andimpofed upon by thofe who in fact have lefs undcrflandingthan yourfelves ? What is there to alarm )W)uin a fea-voyage ? or what fliould fcare you to live ina diftant part of the world ? At fea, and on any partof the earth, you are ftillin the paternsl arms of thatGod who hath preferved you in foundnefs of body andmind under that mercilefs treatment you have metwith. God offers eafe an

SERMONS. 225-old age ; all the profit of your fore labour hath beenfeized upon by your covetous and cruel tafk-mafters.Alas ! you cannot go away jyou cannot even haVethe confolation which Mofes had, of feeing at a diftancethe good and large land which God is givingto your children •, you muft leave your bones in thisland, to be trampled upon by thofe who have tramp*led upon you whilfl you were in the vigour of life.And though you meet with no mercy or relief fromyour cruel oppreffDrs, you will, while in life, be pitiedand relieved by thofe of your own ftation whoare not yet totally reduced to want. But I think Ihear fuch old men faying, as Barzillai did to Davids

224 feem to you light, and for a ijioment, if it workfor you a far more exceeding and eternal weight oiglory. Aniidll your prefent deliberations, apply toGod, and he will diredl you what itcps you ought totake. You are in great hardfhips at prefent ;you feerelief -, confider how wife men fhould a61:. I know feveral<strong>of</strong> you, who, notwithftanding all that you have yetfufFcred, are not deflitute <strong>of</strong> knowledge, and who haveyour minds furprifingly enlarged, in comparifon <strong>of</strong>your Abetters, who waile <strong>the</strong>ir time in an infipid round<strong>of</strong> eating, and drinking, and gaming, and ileeping,and poring on fchemes <strong>of</strong> opprefTion. You <strong>ca</strong>n laytoge<strong>the</strong>r and weigh <strong>the</strong> importance <strong>of</strong> th<strong>of</strong>e motiveswhich ought to influence and determine reafonablemen ; and, in truth, <strong>the</strong> wifdom and fplrit <strong>of</strong> a manare never fo confpicuous as when it appears that hehath fenfe and refohition to extri<strong>ca</strong>te himfeif out <strong>of</strong>difficulties into which he hath been brought by hisown folly or <strong>the</strong> wickednefs <strong>of</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs. Will you fuf--fer yourfelves to be terrified, and hoodwinked, andimp<strong>of</strong>ed upon by th<strong>of</strong>e who in fact have lefs undcrflandingthan yourfelves ? What is <strong>the</strong>re to alarm )W)uin a fea-voyage ? or what fliould f<strong>ca</strong>re you to live ina diftant part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> world ? At fea, and on any part<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> earth, you are ftillin <strong>the</strong> paternsl arms <strong>of</strong> thatGod who hath preferved you in foundnefs <strong>of</strong> body andmind under that mercilefs treatment you have metwith. God <strong>of</strong>fers eafe an

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