The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca


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2 20 SERMONS.a man in here, yho is gaining nothing at all, and irf;<strong>the</strong> gr<strong>ca</strong>teft danger <strong>of</strong> l<strong>of</strong>ing his fou! ! Surely GodAlmighty never intended that any <strong>of</strong> his rational <strong>of</strong>ffpK-igfliculd be all <strong>the</strong>ir lives in m.iferable toil anddrudgery, and gain nothing to <strong>the</strong>mfelves, nor haveany time to think <strong>of</strong> eternity. You fnould <strong>the</strong>reforebe alarmed, and ftirred up to adlivity : You fnouldexamine and inquire what is <strong>the</strong> befl means that providence<strong>of</strong>fers for your deliverance : You fhould driveto ef<strong>ca</strong>pe your prefent oppreflion, that you may " e-f<strong>ca</strong>pe <strong>the</strong> wrath that is to come."Thus it appears to be <strong>the</strong> duty <strong>of</strong> an opprefledpeople to improve <strong>the</strong> means which providence <strong>of</strong>fersfor <strong>the</strong>ir deliverance. <strong>The</strong>y fliould aft fo, in obedienceto <strong>the</strong> exprefs command <strong>of</strong> God,, and <strong>the</strong> eternallaw <strong>of</strong> felf-prefervation ; from a regard to <strong>the</strong>irchildren ; from compalTion to <strong>the</strong>ir fellow fufferersand to th<strong>of</strong>e who opprefs <strong>the</strong>m ; and a regard to <strong>the</strong>irprecious and immortal fouls.I have now finiflied what I prop<strong>of</strong>ed. I havefhown, that <strong>the</strong> rate <strong>of</strong> land in this country is by fartoo high—have mentioned <strong>the</strong> <strong>ca</strong>ufes and means bywhich it Iiath been fcrewed up to fuch a heighthave fliown what eiFecls this high rate <strong>of</strong> lands dothand muft produce—that it is <strong>the</strong> duty <strong>of</strong> an affliftedpeople to cry unto God—that as <strong>the</strong> Ifraelites weredelivered out <strong>of</strong> Egypt by <strong>the</strong> arm <strong>of</strong> God, fo <strong>the</strong>people "who are opprelfed in this land have, by divineprovidence, an effectual means <strong>of</strong> being deliveredfrom tJie oppreflion <strong>the</strong>y groan under-—and that itis <strong>the</strong> duty <strong>of</strong> an opprelTed people to purfue <strong>the</strong>means which providence points out for <strong>the</strong>ir deliver^ancc.I am ei<strong>the</strong>r deceived, or you have liftcned to mewith ra<strong>the</strong>r mere attention than you did to fome <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> difcourfes which I formerly delivered to you. Iihall be forry if this difcourfe have no greater effeftthan ni<strong>of</strong>l o<strong>the</strong>r fermons. I will rejcuce if it {hall ia

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