The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... -

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... -
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IxjlSERMONS.Goc> by reafon of their tafk-mailers, God faw tlieiraffli6lion, and heard their cry. I proceed to the nexthead of difcourfe, which is to fhow,4. That it is the duty and confolation of an afflidledpeople to cry unto God*Prayer is the duty of men at all times, efpeciallyin a time of diftrefs : Affliction fhould bring men toGod ; it ever had, and ever will have, this effect uponthe faithful .; and when they cry to God, they arecomforted. This is manifeft from the hiftory of faintsin holy fcripture ; it is manifeft alfo from the experienceof every devout man. When the righteous cryto God in faith, he either makes affliction to fit lightupon them, or elfe comes to deliver them from it.When the Ifraeiites " fighed and cried by reafon oftheir bondage, God heard their groaning, and rememberedhis covenant." And I may here take notice,that the Ifraeiites in Egypt cried to God, becaufe hehad given them particular ground to expecl deliverance.Good old Jacob had, in his laft moments, affuredthem of it ": Behold," fays ^e/ ^' I die ; butGod fliall be with you, and bring you again unto th6land of your fathers." Alfo the patriarch Jofeph hadfaid unto them, " I die ; and God will furely vifityou, and bring you out of this land." It was faith,founded on thefe aflurances, that difpofed the Ifraeiitesto cry to God in hope of deliverance. You, myfriends, v/ho complain of being in grievous diftrefs,you have no particular prediction from heaven ; norcan you hope, like tlie Ifraeiites, to be delivered in amiraculous manner *, but you have numberlefs promifesof the faithful God, that he " will deliver theneedy v^hen he crieth *,the poor alfo, and him thathath no helper. He will regard the prayer of the

£Eii:.ioNS. 193lon of my people wlio are in Egyp^, and liave heardtheir cry by reafon of their t.ifk-maflers ; for I knowtheir forrows."But wlien you cry to God in behalf of yourfelves,you ought alfo to pray for thofc who by rigorous demandsare the caufe of the hardfhips you fuffer : Yourliardihips, if you have faith in Chnli, v/ill at farthellend with your hve's j but their fufFerings, v/ithout repentanceand reftitution, v/ill but begin at death, andwill, alas ! have no end. Opprefhon is one of themoft heinous fins ; the dreaciful curfes of AlmightyGod are denounced againft it. So far from returningevil for evil, even in thought, pray for thofe Vv'homyou look upon as chargeable with it j they have nopity on you or on themfelves, and are really in a deplorableand pitiable ftate :Pray that God may alarmtheir confclences, and open their eyes to fee the hortibleguilt of inhumanity, avarice, and cruelty."Wliateverthey" have done, or are doing towards you, aiunot only juflly, but like Chi-iftians towards them.The command of him, by whole atonement you hopeto be faved in the great day of God, is, " Love yourenemies, blefs them that curfe you, do good to themthat hate you, and pray for them that defpitefully ufeyou and perfecute you, that ye may be the childrenof your Father which is in heaven j for he maketh hisfun to rife on the evil and en the good, and fendethrain on the juft and on the unjuit."I will only add on this head, that when you cry toGod for deliverance, you ought to pray to him, tJiatyou may be enabled to difcern the means of being delivered: The means of relief may be very perceivable,aiid yet not perceived by you. There are few peoplein flraitening circumftanccs who might net bettertheir condition, could they exert that activity, and exercifethat reafon which God hath given them. Indeed,when a people have been long enflaved andcontinually occupied in hard labour, it commonlyR

IxjlSERMONS.Goc> by reafon <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir tafk-mailers, God faw tlieiraffli6lion, and heard <strong>the</strong>ir cry. I proceed to <strong>the</strong> nex<strong>the</strong>ad <strong>of</strong> difcourfe, which is to fhow,4. That it is <strong>the</strong> duty and confolation <strong>of</strong> an afflidledpeople to cry unto God*Prayer is <strong>the</strong> duty <strong>of</strong> men at all times, efpeciallyin a time <strong>of</strong> diftrefs : Affliction fhould bring men toGod ; it ever had, and ever will have, this effect upon<strong>the</strong> faithful .; and when <strong>the</strong>y cry to God, <strong>the</strong>y arecomforted. This is manifeft from <strong>the</strong> hiftory <strong>of</strong> faintsin holy fcripture ; it is manifeft alfo from <strong>the</strong> experience<strong>of</strong> every devout man. When <strong>the</strong> righteous cryto God in faith, he ei<strong>the</strong>r makes affliction to fit lightupon <strong>the</strong>m, or elfe comes to deliver <strong>the</strong>m from it.When <strong>the</strong> Ifraeiites " fighed and cried by reafon <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong>ir bondage, God heard <strong>the</strong>ir groaning, and rememberedhis covenant." And I may here take notice,that <strong>the</strong> Ifraeiites in Egypt cried to God, be<strong>ca</strong>ufe hehad given <strong>the</strong>m particular ground to expecl deliverance.Good old Jacob had, in his laft moments, affured<strong>the</strong>m <strong>of</strong> it ": Behold," fays ^e/ ^' I die ; butGod fliall be with you, and bring you again unto th6land <strong>of</strong> your fa<strong>the</strong>rs." Alfo <strong>the</strong> patriarch J<strong>of</strong>eph hadfaid unto <strong>the</strong>m, " I die ; and God will furely vifityou, and bring you out <strong>of</strong> this land." It was faith,founded on <strong>the</strong>fe aflurances, that difp<strong>of</strong>ed <strong>the</strong> Ifraeiitesto cry to God in hope <strong>of</strong> deliverance. You, myfriends, v/ho complain <strong>of</strong> being in grievous diftrefs,you have no particular prediction from heaven ; nor<strong>ca</strong>n you hope, like tlie Ifraeiites, to be delivered in amiraculous manner *, but you have numberlefs promifes<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> faithful God, that he " will deliver <strong>the</strong>needy v^hen he crieth *,<strong>the</strong> poor alfo, and him thathath no helper. He will regard <strong>the</strong> prayer <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>

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