The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca


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1^6SERMONS.fider, and if <strong>the</strong>y be wife <strong>the</strong>y ought to confider, thata country is <strong>the</strong>ir country no longer than by reafonablelabour and induftry <strong>the</strong>y are able to provide atolerable fubfiftence in it. I fliall have oc<strong>ca</strong>fion toenlarge far<strong>the</strong>r on this point under a follovi^ing head<strong>of</strong> dilcourfe ; at prefent I break <strong>of</strong>f, and conclude thisforenoon's fernion. But as I apprehend <strong>the</strong>re arefeme hearing me who have ei<strong>the</strong>r exai£led extravagantrents, or encouraged, and advifed that rigour andopprefTion, I will take <strong>the</strong> liberty <strong>of</strong> making a fliortaddrefs to <strong>the</strong>m in <strong>the</strong> language <strong>of</strong> holy v/rit." Hear this, I pray you, ye heads <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> houfe <strong>of</strong>Jacobs and princes <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> houfe <strong>of</strong> Ifrael, that abhorjudgment^ and pervert all equity ; is it not for you<strong>the</strong>to know judgment, who hate <strong>the</strong> good and loveevil ? By reafon <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> multitude <strong>of</strong> your oppreflions,you make <strong>the</strong> opprelled to cry •, men groan from out<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> city, and <strong>the</strong> foul <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> wounded crieth out<strong>the</strong>y cry out by reafon <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> arm <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> mighty.Tcu pluck <strong>of</strong>F <strong>the</strong>ir ikin from <strong>of</strong>F <strong>the</strong>m, and break<strong>the</strong>ir bones, and chop <strong>the</strong>m in pieces as for <strong>the</strong> pot,and as flefh within <strong>the</strong> <strong>ca</strong>ldron. You turn judgmentinto wormv/ood, and leave <strong>of</strong>f righteoufnefs in <strong>the</strong>iparth. You pluck <strong>the</strong> fa<strong>the</strong>rlefs from <strong>the</strong> breaft, andtake a pledge <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> poor. You <strong>ca</strong>ufe <strong>the</strong>m to gonaked without clothing, and take away <strong>the</strong> fheaf from<strong>the</strong> hungry," If a tenant thrives in your land, yougrudge at his pr<strong>of</strong>perity ;you ei<strong>the</strong>r ra:ck his rentthat he may thrive no m^ore, or you fend him adrift,and bereave him <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> fruit <strong>of</strong> his labour. If yourtenants go to v/reck, as many <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m m.uft do, youfee <strong>the</strong>ir mifcrable (<strong>late</strong>, and you have no pity ; youi'natch <strong>the</strong> lean morfel from <strong>the</strong> ftarving miOuth, andembitter <strong>the</strong> mifery <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> miferable. Are your heartsHeeled againft all <strong>the</strong> imprefhons <strong>of</strong> humanity ^ Areyour ears fhut againft <strong>the</strong> piercing and doleful cries<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> poor ? Do not ycu hear <strong>the</strong>m <strong>of</strong>ten faying tayou, " We have underftanding as well as you, where-

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