The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... -

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... -
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104" ffERMOKSiand little cultivation, " where the people fowed tiiefeed, and watered it with their foot, as a garden cfherbs." The rent juft mentioned may therefore belooked upon as that which was demanded for richland in a Hate of cultivation. But our landliolderslet out their farms, not with refpe

•SERMONS.16^manner, and upon the cheapeit food, and is notwithftandingunable to lay up any thing for himfelfor his children, and cannot even, as the expreflionis, make the two ends of* it to meet, cannot furniflithe tale of the brick, or pay his rent in due time,then he is unqueftionably overcharged ; his rent istoo high. If we may judge by this rule, which appearsto be. equitable, it is undeniable, that, in manyparts of Scotland, too high a rent is exacted, andthat many induftrious farmers are opprefled : By theirutmoil labour and induftry they cannot live *, thoughtheir induftry entities them not only to an infuredlivelihood, but to a certain profit over and above.This oppreilion was begun long ago", it hath beengrowing for a courfe of years ; and is at this dayrifen to a very great height :" Behold the day, behold,it is come, the morning is gone forth, the rodhath bloflbmed, pride hath budded, violence is rifeaup into a rod of wickednefs."I do not mean, or fay, that this oppreihon is yetbecome univerfal. There are, in feverai places ofthe country, men of prudence and humanit)^, whofutFer their tenants to live in tolerable eafe ; and,blefTed be God, they are the men who, of -ail .-otherlandlords, are in the mofl eafy and flourifliihgirh*-cumftances ; but the number of them is yearly-46-'creafing. They are incited by the workings of avarice; they are tempted by the example of theirneighbours-, they are exhorted and advifed by badcounfellors, to adopt the common pra£lice : For thereare fuch counfellors here juft as there were in Jerufalemof old :" The fpirit," fays the prophet^ " tookme by a lock of mine head, and lift me up betweenthe earth and the heaven, and brought me into theinner court of the Lord's houfe ; and behold, at thedoor of the temple of the Lord, Were about fiv^'^ndtwenty men, with their backs toward the* tqmple oTthe Lord 5 thcfe are the men that devife mifchicf.

104" ffERMOKSiand little cultivation, " where <strong>the</strong> people fowed tiiefeed, and watered it with <strong>the</strong>ir foot, as a garden cfherbs." <strong>The</strong> rent juft mentioned may <strong>the</strong>refore belooked upon as that which was demanded for richland in a Hate <strong>of</strong> cultivation. But our landliolderslet out <strong>the</strong>ir farms, not with refpe

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