The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca


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SERMON VI.THE TASK-MASTERS..Preached to a Congregation <strong>of</strong> Farruera, 177c.jindths Lordfaidy I'have ftirely feen ths ajfllclion<strong>of</strong> mypeople nvh'ich are in Egyptj and have heard <strong>the</strong>ir cry by rea^fen <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir tajh-majiers : for I hnono <strong>the</strong>ir forro-xus. AndJ am come doivjt to deliver <strong>the</strong>m out <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> hand <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Egyptians^ and to bring <strong>the</strong>m -up out cfihat land unto a good land'and a large^ unto a landflowing with milk and honeyExoD. ill. 7. 8.qnHE affliction <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Ifraelites in Egypt is an emblem<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> mifery <strong>of</strong> mankind, whiill <strong>the</strong>y were in aftate <strong>of</strong> darknefs, and under <strong>the</strong> bondage <strong>of</strong> corruption; and <strong>the</strong> deUverance <strong>of</strong> that people is a type <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> redemption <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> world by om- bleiTed Lord andSaviour. You have already heard feveral difcourfesfrom <strong>the</strong> text, confidered in that view. At prefent,as I know fomething <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> (<strong>late</strong> <strong>of</strong> this country, Ithink I hear <strong>the</strong> voice <strong>of</strong> humanity <strong>ca</strong>lling upon mcto confider <strong>the</strong> text in a literal fenfe, and as defcriptive<strong>of</strong> your worldly condition. For a courfe <strong>of</strong> yearsyou have been complaining, that, by <strong>the</strong> high rate <strong>of</strong>land, you have, like <strong>the</strong> Ifraelites, been compelled to*' make brick without ftrav/ •," tliat exorbitant rentshave been rigoroufly exa6led ; that your labour is conftantand fevere ; that though you have toiled hard,and put up with <strong>the</strong> coarfell fare, you were not ableto fatisfy <strong>the</strong> demands <strong>of</strong> th<strong>of</strong>e whom you look uponas tafk-mafters ;fo that many <strong>of</strong> you here, as well asin o<strong>the</strong>r places^ have been iirlt itripped <strong>of</strong> any thinrjo 2

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