The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... -

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... -
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would otherv/Ife have been. To obtain fuccefs, tobe delivered from the calamities of war, it becomes apeople to examine whether the meafures they purfuein condu6ling the warbe agreeable to the will of Godor not. ^f Ye luft, and have not : ye kill, and defira:to have, and cannot obtain ; ye fight and war, yet yehave not."It is ftrange that any people fhould expect or dareto pray for fuccefs, whilft the end they aim at iswrong, and* the condu£i: they purfue obvioully criminal.Can a thief, can a robber, who is eager to enrichhimfelf by the fpoils of the induftrious, can heexpe been killed after they had f«rrendered, had.thrown dov/n their arms ? Have none of the wound-,ed been flaughtered on the field of battle ? or havenone of them been left to perifli in their wounds,without. being carried to hofpitals, or any wtay taken)care of ? Hath no furious officer, hardened by blood-{hed, been hounded out, at the head of a group offavages, to burn the houfes and ruin the crops of the»quiet and innocent planters ? Or hath fuch an officer,been applauded and rewarded for having begun a.horrid war of diftrefs ? Have no villages, no towus^v

SttRMONs.r:_5:3ro cities, been wantonly burned, when they mighthave been preferved ? If none of thefe things havebeen done, we have no doubt the better reafon tohope for more fuccefs than we have yet met withbut if any of fuch enormoufly criminal m.eafures havebeen purfued, need we wonder, that though wc faftthe war i« prolonged, and that God hath not yetgiven us the fuccefs which we pray for^?" Ye kill,^nd defire to have, and cannot obtain : ye fight andwar, yet ye have not." I next obferve from the text,3. That a people may be long held in diflrefs,though they fad and afk for relief, becaufe they afkamifs. " Ye aik and receive not, becaufe ye aik a--mifs, that ye may confume it upon your lufVs." Thish the characler whicli the Spirit of God gives ofthofe to whom this letter is addreffed y and I wifh itmay not alfo be the character of many who are calledbylavv'ful authority to humble th^mfelves as on thia;fall day.^We have failed feveral times before. We haveprayed for fuccefs, and that this inglorious war mightfoon come to an end; but hitherto things continuejuft as they were. It is well if our condition be notworfe than when we commenced the war :" Welooked for judgment, but behold oppreflion ; forrighteoufaefs, but behold a cry." Still " we lookfor righteoufnefs, but there is none ; for falvation,but it is far off." One year of this tireforne v/ar, afecond, a third, a fourth, hath gone over our heads,and another year of it is begun. " The harveil ispad, the fummer is ended, and we are not faved."May not this be a prefumption that Heaven is difpleafedwith our aim, and, by repeatedly counterworkingour efforts, intimates to us that abundanceof blood is flied already ? I (incerely wiili, that thefomenters of thi^ war, on both fides of the Atlantic,may be of this mind. I remember, that when Otho^in hig conteft againft Vitellius for the Roman empire^

would o<strong>the</strong>rv/Ife have been. To obtain fuccefs, tobe delivered from <strong>the</strong> <strong>ca</strong>lamities <strong>of</strong> war, it becomes apeople to examine whe<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong> meafures <strong>the</strong>y purfuein condu6ling <strong>the</strong> warbe agreeable to <strong>the</strong> will <strong>of</strong> Godor not. ^f Ye luft, and have not : ye kill, and defira:to have, and <strong>ca</strong>nnot obtain ; ye fight and war, yet yehave not."It is ftrange that any people fhould expect or dareto pray for fuccefs, whilft <strong>the</strong> end <strong>the</strong>y aim at iswrong, and* <strong>the</strong> condu£i: <strong>the</strong>y purfue obvioully criminal.Can a thief, <strong>ca</strong>n a robber, who is eager to enrichhimfelf by <strong>the</strong> fpoils <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> induftrious, <strong>ca</strong>n heexpe been killed after <strong>the</strong>y had f«rrendered, had.thrown dov/n <strong>the</strong>ir arms ? Have none <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> wound-,ed been flaughtered on <strong>the</strong> field <strong>of</strong> battle ? or havenone <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m been left to perifli in <strong>the</strong>ir wounds,without. being <strong>ca</strong>rried to h<strong>of</strong>pitals, or any wtay taken)<strong>ca</strong>re <strong>of</strong> ? Hath no furious <strong>of</strong>ficer, hardened by blood-{hed, been hounded out, at <strong>the</strong> head <strong>of</strong> a group <strong>of</strong>favages, to burn <strong>the</strong> houfes and ruin <strong>the</strong> crops <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>»quiet and innocent planters ? Or hath fuch an <strong>of</strong>ficer,been applauded and rewarded for having begun a.horrid war <strong>of</strong> diftrefs ? Have no villages, no towus^v

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