The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... -

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... -
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1.^3-^SERMONS*ilitluftry to every fort of rnanufaiSiures, and to purfuocommerce at large with the Afiatic and European nations•, who {hall teach them the arts of peace, to promotepopulation, and, by eilabliflung equal laws, anda generous fyfbem of liberty, to render their countryan afylum to the many thoufands who are, alas ! at^this day, borne down and impolitically opprefTed inEurope •, and who {Iiall, at tlie fame time, call homethe Britifh armies and fleets, to protedl this fair, thisexhaufted, and ill-defended ifland againft the unprovokedattempts of France, and even to ftrike, in felfdefence,a merited blow againft that menacing andfaithlefs power. Who doth not pray, that Heavenmay, as formerly, raife up fuch a patriot ? Who dothnot wifh to fee fo happy a turn of our affairs ?6. I proceed to the lait thing, namely, to mention,and mollly from the text, fome reafons why a people,even though they h^ve-for^iQ religion,, or at leaft appearto be ferious, may continue long involved in diftrefs,and even in the calamities of war itfelf. " Yeiuft, and have not: ye kill, and deiire to have, and.cannot obtain : ye iight and war, yet ye have not,becaufe ye afk not. Ye afk, and receive not, becaufeye afK amifs, that ye may confume it upon your lufts."It appears, from many inftances in fcripture,thatindividuals who feek God may for a long time be heldin worldly diftrefs, whilft they wait that God willyefcue them. This \t3u know was the cafe with Job,and with the Pfaimift alfp. The prayer, the expofiidationof the rightecus at fuch a time is, "Save me,God, for the waters are corae in unto my foul. Ifink in deep mire, where there is no ftanding : 1 amcome into deep waters, where the flcod*s overflow me.1 am weary of my crying, my throat is dried : mineeyes fail v/hile I w^ait for my God."—-" Will the Lordcait off for ever ? and will he be favourable no more ?Is bis mercy clean gone for ever ? Doth his promifefail for ever more ^ Hath God forgotten to be gra=?

cfous ?'*The church and people of God may be longin diftrefs alfo. Thws the Ifraeiites were for a longtime borne down and oppreffed in Egypt. " They{ighed by reafon of the bondage, and they cried ; andtheir cry came up unto God, by reafon of the bondage."So alio the fame people, in their long captivity,« By the riversof Babylon, (fay they) there wefat down, yea, we wept w2ien we remembered Zion.We hanged our harps upon the willows, in the midfcthereof." Why a fober and feemingly virtuous individualis fometimes long in paia or in adverfity, orwhy in war, for inltance, thofe who contend for theintereft of liberty, of virtue, of the public good, ofthe human fpecies, are often i*iifuccefsful, is amongthefe fecret things which belong unto God. WhyCaefar£toriou3 at Pharfalia; why Oclavlus andAntony prevailed againft Caffius and the amiabljBrutus, on the plains of Philippi •, why God, in hisprovidence, hath fuiYered the Mahometans to enthralfofair aud-fo great a part of the ancient world j whythe popilh powers have lo long and 10 much fucceededin trampling down the proteilants, and checkin.^the progrefs of the reformation ; thefe, and manythings of the like kind, are the myflerious ways otHeaven ; " the ways of that God, who '^^iveth netaccount of any of his mattetsJ^ In private life, ^* the.tabernacles of robbers profper ;" and in public, thofjfocieties or nations v/hich to us feem to be the nioii:fober, and innocent, and deferving, are. diLippoiiitedof fuccefs, and are made to groan under a heavy burden,of diftrefi.But, my brethi-en, we are perhaps very often andvery widely miftaken in the eftimate we make of the 'comparative merit of individuals or of focietie-s; .'.Blo/t^certainly the ways of God are right, and religion; if*It reftrain its votaries from daring crimes Vvhich might:^levate them at once to worldly greatnefs, is the pafi. through the wo,rId with fecurity and eafe ^

1.^3-^SERMONS*ilitluftry to every fort <strong>of</strong> rnanufaiSiures, and to purfuocommerce at large with <strong>the</strong> Afiatic and European nations•, who {hall teach <strong>the</strong>m <strong>the</strong> arts <strong>of</strong> peace, to promotepopulation, and, by eilabliflung equal laws, anda generous fyfbem <strong>of</strong> liberty, to render <strong>the</strong>ir countryan afylum to <strong>the</strong> many thoufands who are, alas ! at^this day, borne down and impoliti<strong>ca</strong>lly opprefTed inEurope •, and who {Iiall, at tlie fame time, <strong>ca</strong>ll home<strong>the</strong> Britifh armies and fleets, to protedl this fair, thisexhaufted, and ill-defended ifland againft <strong>the</strong> unprovokedattempts <strong>of</strong> France, and even to ftrike, in felfdefence,a merited blow againft that menacing andfaithlefs power. Who doth not pray, that Heavenmay, as formerly, raife up fuch a patriot ? Who dothnot wifh to fee fo happy a turn <strong>of</strong> our affairs ?6. I proceed to <strong>the</strong> lait thing, namely, to mention,and mollly from <strong>the</strong> text, fome reafons why a people,even though <strong>the</strong>y h^ve-for^iQ religion,, or at leaft appearto be ferious, may continue long involved in diftrefs,and even in <strong>the</strong> <strong>ca</strong>lamities <strong>of</strong> war itfelf. " Yeiuft, and have not: ye kill, and deiire to have, and.<strong>ca</strong>nnot obtain : ye iight and war, yet ye have not,be<strong>ca</strong>ufe ye afk not. Ye afk, and receive not, be<strong>ca</strong>ufeye afK amifs, that ye may confume it upon your lufts."It appears, from many inftances in fcripture,thatindividuals who feek God may for a long time be heldin worldly diftrefs, whilft <strong>the</strong>y wait that God willyefcue <strong>the</strong>m. This \t3u know was <strong>the</strong> <strong>ca</strong>fe with Job,and with <strong>the</strong> Pfaimift alfp. <strong>The</strong> prayer, <strong>the</strong> exp<strong>of</strong>iidation<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> rightecus at fuch a time is, "Save me,God, for <strong>the</strong> waters are corae in unto my foul. Ifink in deep mire, where <strong>the</strong>re is no ftanding : 1 amcome into deep waters, where <strong>the</strong> flcod*s overflow me.1 am weary <strong>of</strong> my crying, my throat is dried : mineeyes fail v/hile I w^ait for my God."—-" Will <strong>the</strong> Lord<strong>ca</strong>it <strong>of</strong>f for ever ? and will he be favourable no more ?Is bis mercy clean gone for ever ? Doth his promifefail for ever more ^ Hath God forgotten to be gra=?

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