The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca


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.ous temper and <strong>the</strong> ferlous appearance. Apply thisto a whole nation that has long enjoyed pr<strong>of</strong>perity andpeace, and itwill be evident, how that which affec^:ian individual operates widely, extends its influence,and becomes alm<strong>of</strong>t univerfal. Befides, when <strong>the</strong>rehas been for a long time peace and quiet about religionitfelf, men grow remifs about <strong>the</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>elTion <strong>of</strong> it.If a convuifion has been raifed in a country, if a peoplehave been threatened with having <strong>the</strong>ir religionchanged, or violently torn from <strong>the</strong>m, if a toleration<strong>of</strong> it has been refuted, or, if fome difputes that areuniverfally interefling have been raifed ?.n(k agitatedabout it, men will likely, for a long time, be tenacious<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir religion, and zealous in pr<strong>of</strong>effing it. Butwe have not, for many years, been much in danger<strong>of</strong> a change <strong>of</strong> our religion ; no force has been ufedagainft it, nor have <strong>the</strong> people interefted. <strong>the</strong>mfeiveadeeply in any controverly about it,ei<strong>the</strong>r agrnnfl <strong>the</strong>adverfaries <strong>of</strong> revelation from without, or againll any^particular tenets or opinions, among <strong>the</strong>mfeives. Ifupp<strong>of</strong>e that wdiat is here faid may be lupportcd bymatter <strong>of</strong> fa(Sl,<strong>the</strong> world fuiceand verified by lurveying <strong>the</strong> f<strong>late</strong> or<strong>the</strong>. commencement <strong>of</strong> ChrifllanityA time <strong>of</strong> peace was ever a time <strong>of</strong> indolenceabout:religion. "When it was not tolerated, or y/heii me-iwere in danger <strong>of</strong> l<strong>of</strong>ing it, <strong>the</strong>y grew <strong>the</strong> fonder <strong>of</strong> it,V/hen warm contefts were maintained by Chrifiians<strong>the</strong>mfeives about it, however <strong>the</strong>fe might imbitter<strong>the</strong>ir fpivits, and weaken <strong>the</strong> power <strong>of</strong> religion upon<strong>the</strong>ir hearts, yet <strong>the</strong>y (luck <strong>the</strong> fafler to ili^ outwardpr<strong>of</strong>elTion <strong>of</strong> it. Not that what is fuggefled by aneminent French writer is juit or true, namely, thatreligion is fo thin a thing, " that it had vaniflied andmelted through our fingers, had it not more upKeiditfelf amongft us, as an inltrument <strong>of</strong> difpute and fiction,than by itfelf." Real religion is not a iiimfyvbut a firm and folid thing, and every pious man findsit to be h, Thoughtlefs people have not this reality^

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