The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca


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SERMON-S-. 115was or could well be expected. <strong>The</strong> two contendsing parties have looked angry, and have done little ;is it to be hoped that <strong>the</strong>y may yet agree ?In my juvenile years, I remember to have feen tworich but angry citizens run furioufly to meet each o-<strong>the</strong>r on <strong>the</strong> public flreet •, an uncommon fiercenefsfparkled in <strong>the</strong>ir eyesj I trembled, for I dreaded <strong>the</strong>rewould be bloodfhed ; eagh <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m had a fwitch, withwhich he aimed to ftrike, but Hill kept back his hand 5each <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m fwore bloodily tliat he would inftantlywound, and kill, and maffacre his opponent, till agentleman, a friend to both, <strong>ca</strong>me pail, who, <strong>ca</strong>llingupon <strong>the</strong>m to agree, told <strong>the</strong>m, that a perfon, whomhe named, was coming up, who had abundant flrength,and alfo a violent inclination to maul each <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m topurp<strong>of</strong>e, or, as he exprefled it, to pay <strong>the</strong>m both idellupon M'hich <strong>the</strong> two angry combatants retired peaceably.And is it not pollible that <strong>the</strong>re may be onekingdom in Europe, France for inftance, which, afterBritain and <strong>the</strong> Colonics (hall not only have lookedangrily, but alfo v/eakened one ano<strong>the</strong>r, fhall haveflrength and alfo inclination to conquer <strong>the</strong>m both ?God grant that <strong>the</strong> parent and <strong>the</strong> children may foonreturn to live in friendfhip and peace *, and that <strong>the</strong>ambitious defigns <strong>of</strong> France againfl Britain and <strong>the</strong>Colonies may be for ever difappointed ! Evil, greatworldly evil, hath overtaken us *, it will be our ownfaultj if, by God's grace, and our fincere repentance,that evil do not turn out to our greateft, our fpiritualand eternal good. I remark next,8. That it is <strong>of</strong>tentimes.. advantageous to an individual,or to a fociety, to mest with checks in <strong>the</strong> midfl<strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>perity. When a nation is marred <strong>of</strong> fuccefsin its enterprifes, <strong>the</strong> patriotic ftatefman is fet a-thinking,and if <strong>the</strong> plan <strong>of</strong> war he hath hi<strong>the</strong>rto purfuedappear to have been erroneous, he corrects its imperfections,or, like Csefar at Dyrrachium, he lays italtoge<strong>the</strong>rafide, and fubftrtutes ibmething better in its

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