The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca


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i:02 SERMONS.mlfcondu£l, <strong>the</strong>y may terrify tlie generals to acl withfpirit, and even oblige <strong>the</strong> l<strong>late</strong>fman to flvake his handfrom hokling <strong>of</strong> bribes. But if <strong>the</strong> people be alf3corrupted, (ilent, unafFed^cd, unalarmed, when, by <strong>the</strong>vilefl meafures, <strong>the</strong> nation hath been loaded with dif-»;race, <strong>the</strong>re feems to be nothing that <strong>ca</strong>n fave it fromiHllblution *, <strong>the</strong> fatal, <strong>the</strong> deilined period <strong>of</strong> its exiftcnceas a (<strong>late</strong> hath approached; <strong>the</strong> cup <strong>of</strong> its-ini^quity is full ; it will fuil be a taunt and a proverb byits neighbours, and <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong>fe fame neighbours willprobably invade and conquer it. Thus all <strong>the</strong> aurk ient empires <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> world <strong>ca</strong>me to an end j Babylon,A<strong>the</strong>ns, Sparta, Rome herfelf, after all her conqueftsand worldly gloiy. V/e now keep a fad-day, thatthis may not for a long time be <strong>the</strong> <strong>ca</strong>fe <strong>of</strong> Great.Britain ;which may God <strong>of</strong> his infinite mercy grant,Haying explained. <strong>the</strong> chapter, I proceed to make'fome remarks upon <strong>the</strong> alarming hiltory it contains..x\nd, in <strong>the</strong> lirit place, I remark, i. That a peoplewho have formerly been fuccefsful in war, are apt tobe e<strong>late</strong>d with a high opinion <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir own wndomand ftrength, and to defpife <strong>the</strong> ftrength <strong>of</strong> th<strong>of</strong>e a-gainft whom <strong>the</strong>y are next to <strong>ca</strong>rry on a war. <strong>The</strong>Ifraeiites had fucceeded iigainfl two kings on <strong>the</strong> eaftlideJordan ;<strong>the</strong>y had got Jericho without any o<strong>the</strong>r,labour but that <strong>of</strong> going ftralght forward, and killing<strong>the</strong> inhabitants, after <strong>the</strong> city-wall had fallen. <strong>The</strong>y<strong>the</strong>refore fay, " Let not all <strong>the</strong> people go up and-itnite Ai -,for <strong>the</strong>y are but few." By <strong>the</strong> exercife <strong>of</strong>war, foldiers acquire {kill in war -, and, truftipg tothat Ikill, <strong>the</strong>y fometimea-difregard <strong>the</strong> God <strong>of</strong> battles;and, from a vain audacioufnefs, <strong>the</strong>y precipitatelyluih abroad into dangerous war, when equity andprudence miglit <strong>ca</strong>ll upon <strong>the</strong>m to flay at home, andlive in peace. Thus Rabihakeh defies <strong>the</strong> living God,and fpeaks <strong>of</strong> Sennacherib his mailer, as if he hadbeen invincible. « Beware," he fays to <strong>the</strong> Jewi:-,

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