The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... -

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... -
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0 SERMONS.hinted above, are particularly mentioned. For dieyhave even " taken of the accurled thing, and havealfo ftolen, and dilTembled alfo, and they have put iteven amongft their own fluff," It is faid, " That theanger of the Lord was kindled againfl liVael ;" and" therefore they could not ftand before their enemies,becaufe they were accurfcd." But it was only oneman who was guilty ; why are fix hundred thoufandcharged as being guilty of one man's fin ? Let it beobferved, that whofoever was privy to Achan's fin,and concealed it, was in fome fort guilty. Thefe-ought to have publifhed the trefpafs, tliat the guiltyj)erfon might be punifhed, or removed from the camp,and from among the people. But the reafon that allare charged with being guilty of one man's fin, is,perhaps, that none of them might dare to be guiltyof the like in time coming. A people of a grofs andcloudy underitanding were to learn to obey the commandsof their general, and to with-hold their handsfrom money devoted to public and religious ufes.Without thefe lefTons, as I have obferved already,they could not expeft to conquer Canaan, nor to havea treafury, gold and filver, the finews of war, for thatconqueft ; and, till they inflicted condign punifhmentupon the tranfgreflbrs, God tells them that he wouldwithdraw from them :" Neither will I be with youany more, except ye deftroy the accurfed from amongflyou."Then God dirccls Jofhua how the people were tobe prepared, and how the guilty perfon was to be detedted." Up, fan6tify the people, and fay, Sandtifyyourfelves againft to-morrow; for thus faith the LordGod of Ifrael, There is an accurfed thing in themidft of thee, O Ifrael. Thou canil: not ftand beforethine enemies until ye take av/ay the accurfed thingfrom among you." This fan6t:i^cation ccnfifted inexternal luftrations, in wafhing their bodies, wafhingof their clothes, abftincncc from foul alliens, and

SERMONS. 97being pure in heart, becaufe God was in a foleninmanner to converfe witli them. In this manner thepeople were fan£lined before God fpoke the ten commandsto them ; and thus they were to be fandlified,when it was to be difcovered who had taken of the accurfedthing. This v/as to be done next morning. " Inthe morning therefore ye Ihall be brought, according,to your tribes : and it fliall be, that the tribe whichthe Lord taketh, {hall come according to the familiesthereof ; and the family which the Lord fliall take,fhall come by houfeholds j and the houfehoid whiclithe Lord fliall take, fhall come man by man.'' Thefeverity of the puniihment to be inflicted is alfo intimatedto Jofhua ; " And it fhall be, that he that istaken with the accurfed thing, fhall be burnt withlire, he and all that he hath, becaufe he hath tranfgrefledthe covenant of the Lord, and becaufe he hathwrought folly in Ifrael." I cannot tell whether Jofhuakept fecret the initruftions God had gii'en him,or if he allowed the method of dete£l:ing the perfonguilty of the accurfed thing, and the dreadful puniflimenthe was to fufter, to be divulged in the camp*If this laft was the cafe, it is a wonder that Achandid not attempt to make his efcape. A Britifli offender,in that fort, would have taken a trip beyondfea, pretending, perhaps, that he was going abroad forhis health. However this be, *' Jolhua rofe up earlyin the morning." I cannot help taking notice, thatthe early rifmg of this brave mg^n is often taken noticeof in his hiflory. In this particular, he is fetbefore us as a pattern, whom every man of any fpiritfhould imitate. The tradefman or artificer, whoaims to make a fortune, or to be independent, fliouldrife early, and tranfacSl his bufmefs ; the fludentfliould flart from the bed of lloth, to fee the fun rifein his glory, to acquaint himfelf with the nature, thehiflory, the duty, and highefl happinefs of men •,prince, the general, the minifter of ffcate,Ithefhould, like

SERMONS. 97being pure in heart, be<strong>ca</strong>ufe God was in a foleninmanner to converfe witli <strong>the</strong>m. In this manner <strong>the</strong>people were fan£lined before God fpoke <strong>the</strong> ten commandsto <strong>the</strong>m ; and thus <strong>the</strong>y were to be fandlified,when it was to be difcovered who had taken <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> accurfedthing. This v/as to be done next morning. " In<strong>the</strong> morning <strong>the</strong>refore ye Ihall be brought, according,to your tribes : and it fliall be, that <strong>the</strong> tribe which<strong>the</strong> Lord taketh, {hall come according to <strong>the</strong> families<strong>the</strong>re<strong>of</strong> ; and <strong>the</strong> family which <strong>the</strong> Lord fliall take,fhall come by houfeholds j and <strong>the</strong> houfehoid whicli<strong>the</strong> Lord fliall take, fhall come man by man.'' <strong>The</strong>feverity <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> puniihment to be inflicted is alfo intimatedto J<strong>of</strong>hua ; " And it fhall be, that he that istaken with <strong>the</strong> accurfed thing, fhall be burnt withlire, he and all that he hath, be<strong>ca</strong>ufe he hath tranfgrefled<strong>the</strong> covenant <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Lord, and be<strong>ca</strong>ufe he hathwrought folly in Ifrael." I <strong>ca</strong>nnot tell whe<strong>the</strong>r J<strong>of</strong>huakept fecret <strong>the</strong> initruftions God had gii'en him,or if he allowed <strong>the</strong> method <strong>of</strong> dete£l:ing <strong>the</strong> perfonguilty <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> accurfed thing, and <strong>the</strong> dreadful puniflimen<strong>the</strong> was to fufter, to be divulged in <strong>the</strong> <strong>ca</strong>mp*If this laft was <strong>the</strong> <strong>ca</strong>fe, it is a wonder that Achandid not attempt to make his ef<strong>ca</strong>pe. A Britifli <strong>of</strong>fender,in that fort, would have taken a trip beyondfea, pretending, perhaps, that he was going abroad forhis health. However this be, *' Jolhua r<strong>of</strong>e up earlyin <strong>the</strong> morning." I <strong>ca</strong>nnot help taking notice, that<strong>the</strong> early rifmg <strong>of</strong> this brave mg^n is <strong>of</strong>ten taken notice<strong>of</strong> in his hiflory. In this particular, he is fetbefore us as a pattern, whom every man <strong>of</strong> any fpiritfhould imitate. <strong>The</strong> tradefman or artificer, whoaims to make a fortune, or to be independent, fliouldrife early, and tranfacSl his bufmefs ; <strong>the</strong> fludentfliould flart from <strong>the</strong> bed <strong>of</strong> lloth, to fee <strong>the</strong> fun rifein his glory, to acquaint himfelf with <strong>the</strong> nature, <strong>the</strong>hiflory, <strong>the</strong> duty, and highefl happinefs <strong>of</strong> men •,prince, <strong>the</strong> general, <strong>the</strong> minifter <strong>of</strong> ff<strong>ca</strong>te,I<strong>the</strong>fhould, like

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