S.CF STRAIGHT Container Chassis - Schmitz Cargobull AG

S.CF STRAIGHT Container Chassis - Schmitz Cargobull AG S.CF STRAIGHT Container Chassis - Schmitz Cargobull AG

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S.<strong>CF</strong> <strong>STRAIGHT</strong> <strong>Container</strong> <strong>Chassis</strong>The Product Range.Trailer Services Technology

<strong>Container</strong> <strong>Chassis</strong> I S.<strong>CF</strong> <strong>STRAIGHT</strong>2The <strong>STRAIGHT</strong> Semitrailer <strong>Container</strong> <strong>Chassis</strong>.The Frame for Special Transport Tasks.<strong>Schmitz</strong> <strong>Cargobull</strong> semitrailer container straight frames aredesigned for specifi c transport tasks combined with safe andrapid container handling. The welded chassis designs possessa long service life even under tough conditions.ContentsS.<strong>CF</strong> <strong>STRAIGHT</strong> 2- S.<strong>CF</strong> 40‘/45‘ <strong>STRAIGHT</strong> HD 3- S.<strong>CF</strong> 40‘/45‘ <strong>STRAIGHT</strong> LIGHT 5- S.<strong>CF</strong> <strong>STRAIGHT</strong> 20‘ 7- Overview of the Product Range 8The Locking Mechanisms 9Frame and Running Gear 14Technical Specifications 27Our Sales Divisions 31www.cargobull.com

<strong>Container</strong> <strong>Chassis</strong> I S.<strong>CF</strong> 40'/45' <strong>STRAIGHT</strong> HD3The S.<strong>CF</strong> 40'/45' <strong>STRAIGHT</strong> HD Semitrailer <strong>Container</strong> <strong>Chassis</strong>.Your Heavy Duty Frame for 40'/45' <strong>Container</strong>s.Our straight frames for two and three-axle semitrailer tractors can easily handle even the harshest operating conditions.The S.<strong>CF</strong> 40'/45' <strong>STRAIGHT</strong> HD carries 40',20 x 20' and 20' containers in the centre position.A mechanical front extension with a multilocklocking system for all 45' container designs is alsoavailable as an option. The straight design is idealfor easy loading and high durability especiallyunder the harsh operating conditions of port andshort sea transport. The S.<strong>CF</strong> 40'/45' <strong>STRAIGHT</strong>HD is a powerful alternative when transporting9.6' high containers on the road, whereverthe 4,200 mm total vehicle height is permitted.Vehicle versions for both two and three-axlesemitrailer tractors ensure that the correctload distribution is no problem at all.www.cargobull.com

<strong>Container</strong> <strong>Chassis</strong> I S.<strong>CF</strong> 40'/45' <strong>STRAIGHT</strong> HD4Three-part refl ector on the rear beam with a foldingsign and warning sign.S.<strong>CF</strong> 40' <strong>STRAIGHT</strong> HD: Optionally available witha rigid front extension and an extendable underrideguard for transporting 45' containers.S.<strong>CF</strong> 40'/45'<strong>STRAIGHT</strong> HD –The Advantages at a Glance Straight welded chassis made ofhigh-quality fine grain steel Rear platform approved forstacker axle loads up to 5.3 t Second king pin position forthree-axle tractors Optional variant fortransporting 45' containersStackers with axle loads up to 5.3 t can directlyaccess 20' containers in the centre position viathe rear platform.The edge protection on the robust rear beamssimplifi es the approach to the ramp.www.cargobull.com

<strong>Container</strong> <strong>Chassis</strong> I S.<strong>CF</strong> 40'/45' <strong>STRAIGHT</strong> LIGHT5The S.<strong>CF</strong> 40'/45' <strong>STRAIGHT</strong> LIGHT Semitrailer <strong>Container</strong> <strong>Chassis</strong>.Optimised for 40' Standard <strong>Container</strong>s.If efficiently transporting 40' standard containers is your top priority,then the S.<strong>CF</strong> 40'/45' <strong>STRAIGHT</strong> LIGHT delivers an effortless advantage.Payload, handling, driving safety and life cycle costs combine to deliveran economically superior vehicle concept.The S.<strong>CF</strong> 40'/45' <strong>STRAIGHT</strong> LIGHT is perfectlydesigned for rapid loading: 40' standardcontainers with and without a tunnel canbe secured immediately without making anyadjustments. The standard rigid front extensionenable it to carry 45' containers.The extendable underride guard is a standardfeature. The vehicle is available as a variantexclusively for 40' containers and with 150 mmframe throat height.www.cargobull.com

<strong>Container</strong> <strong>Chassis</strong> I S.<strong>CF</strong> 40'/45' <strong>STRAIGHT</strong> LIGHT6S.<strong>CF</strong> 40'/45' <strong>STRAIGHT</strong> LIGHT with extendable underride guard. The underride guard can be moved backwards.S.<strong>CF</strong> 40'/45'<strong>STRAIGHT</strong> LIGHT –The Advantages at a Glance For 40' standard containers withand without tunnel: No adjustmentnecessary For 45' containers: Rigid frontextension and extendableunderride guard For active driving safety:The ROTOS ® running gearwith electronic braking system,roll stability program and MRHpneumatic suspensionFront l-beam height 100 mm.www.cargobull.com

<strong>Container</strong> <strong>Chassis</strong> I S.<strong>CF</strong> 20' <strong>STRAIGHT</strong>7The S.<strong>CF</strong> <strong>STRAIGHT</strong> 20 20' / S.<strong>CF</strong> <strong>STRAIGHT</strong> 18 20'Semitrailer <strong>Container</strong> <strong>Chassis</strong>.The Special Frame for 20' <strong>Container</strong>s.The S.<strong>CF</strong> <strong>STRAIGHT</strong> 20 20' / S.<strong>CF</strong> <strong>STRAIGHT</strong> 18 20' offers you a vehicle concept for standardised 20' container transport,with unbeatable economy and durability.S.<strong>CF</strong> Straight 20' –The Advantages at a Glance Specialised: <strong>Chassis</strong> with2 x 9 t or 2 x 10 t axle load for20' containers Stable: Weight-optimisedstraight frame with high payload Economical: Consistentlydesigned for a long service lifeand low life cycle costs Optionally: Pneumatic suspensionwww.cargobull.com

<strong>Container</strong> <strong>Chassis</strong> I Overview of the product range8Overview of the Product Range.S.<strong>CF</strong> <strong>STRAIGHT</strong> Semitrailer <strong>Container</strong> <strong>Chassis</strong>.Financing24 h Spare partsExcept 20':Rear platform24hSwiveling front support legs.24 h EuroserviceService partnersTWIST LOCKFull ServiceTyre serviceFerry lashingsThe S.<strong>CF</strong> <strong>STRAIGHT</strong> 20' is a robust, two-axlestraight frame with four standard locks and offersyou everything you need for high profitabilitywhen transporting 20' standard containers.HubodometerAluminiumwheel rim<strong>Chassis</strong>Two variants with 2 x 9 t or 2 x 10 t axle loadcombine high payload, low unladen weight anda design-based high trailer load with cost-effectiveFire extinguisherToolboxmaintenance and service costs.Water tankDocumentbox20'Underride guardStabilisersHDLIGHTDisc brakeROTOS ®Lift axleMRHTwo-axle semitrailertractorThree-axle semitrailertractorwww.cargobull.com

<strong>Container</strong> <strong>Chassis</strong> I Locking mechanisms9The Locking Mechanisms.For All <strong>Container</strong> Formats from 20' to 45'.Choosing more effi cient locking mechanisms accelerates everycontainer swap. We make it possible: Thanks to the best materialquality, simple handling, minimised risk of operator error and twopatented locking systems for more convenient transportation.- MULTI LOCK ® 11- STEP LOCK ® 12- KLAPP LOCK 13www.cargobull.com

<strong>Container</strong> <strong>Chassis</strong> I Locking mechanisms10The Front Beam Locking Mechanisms.Safe, Variable and Easy to Operate.The <strong>Schmitz</strong> <strong>Cargobull</strong> container locking mechanism range proves itself every timeand with every type of container you load.The <strong>Schmitz</strong> <strong>Cargobull</strong> locking mechanismrange has been developed by professionalsfor professionals. The patented front endMULTI LOCK ® is adjusted to fit tunnel containerswith sloping and straight edges and containerswithout a tunnel in only a matter of moments.When loading 2 x 20' containers, the KLAPPLOCK only requires a few seconds to lock the rearof the front container. The patented STEP LOCK ®enables you to match the height of containerswithout a tunnel in no time at all.Hook-secured container guides simplify positioningtunnel containers.Handling: EverythingUnder Control.<strong>Container</strong> loading is precision work undertime pressure – especially when handlingcontainers in ports. Working safety istwice as important: Which is why the rearextension, front extension and containerlocks on our semitrailer container chassisare designed for intuitive use, ease ofoperation and the simplest possiblehandling. Providing convincing handlingsafety even under adverse conditions.Folding locks on the rigid front beam forTWIST LOCK.PIN lock for tunnel containers.www.cargobull.com

<strong>Container</strong> <strong>Chassis</strong> I Locking mechanisms11MULTI LOCK ®For carrying 45' EU-containers: The patented MULTI LOCK ® locking mechanism on the mechanical frontextension for total versatility.With the extended TWIST LOCK for containerswithout tunnel.MULTI LOCK ® in the locking position for tunnelcontainers with sloped edges …… adjusted for tunnel containers with straight edges.Spring-mounted container guides simplifypositioning tunnel containers.www.cargobull.com

<strong>Container</strong> <strong>Chassis</strong> I Locking mechanisms12The Gooseneck <strong>Chassis</strong> Locking Mechanisms.KLAPP LOCK and STEP LOCK ® : Designed for Professionals.Providing you with decisive flexibilitySTEP LOCK ®when scheduling.With 2 x 20' loads the two KLAPP LOCKs serveto lock the rear end of the front container:Simply swivel them upward, latch in thesecuring hooks and then set down the container.After unloading, raising the securing hookunlocks and folds away the KLAPP LOCK.Two STEP LOCKs ® on the rear extension allowyou to adjust your semitrailer container chassisto containers with and without a tunnel in amatter of moments. The guided path whenchanging the locking height offers exemplarysafety against operating errors.STEP LOCK ® locking mechanism on the rear beam for 40' and 45' containers.www.cargobull.com

<strong>Container</strong> <strong>Chassis</strong> I Locking mechanisms13KLAPP LOCKKLAPP LOCK locking mechanism: In loweredposition (top) and folded out as the rear lock forthe front container for 2 x 20' loading.KLAPP LOCK.Standard TWIST LOCK locking mechanism:Lowerable, with twist locking.TWIST LOCK / KLAPP LOCK.Option: Three pairs of folding container supportsfor 40'/45' containers without tunnel.www.cargobull.com

<strong>Container</strong> <strong>Chassis</strong> I Frame and running gear14Frame and Running Gear.Designed for a Long Service Life.Frame and Running Gear 14- The Extensions 19- Guards 21The Accessories 25- Overview of the Product Range 27The future begins now: ROTOS ® +.Weight-optimised precision axle units.We have optimised the axle tube manufacture to preventunnecessary tyre wear and fuel consumption. The axle guidesare shrunk on and the axle stubs are friction welded. This resultsin perfectly parallel running wheels. The optimised shape of theaxle tube and guides substantially increases the stability andreduces the weight of the ROTOS ® + axle unit.www.cargobull.com

<strong>Container</strong> <strong>Chassis</strong> I Running Gear15The Running Gear.State-of-the-art Driving Safety and Reliability.Our ROTOS ® running gear has been proving itself since 1998, through activedriving safety, high operational performance and low maintenance costs.Disc Brakes:Greater Safety as Standard.Brake deficiencies remain the most frequenttechnical cause of serious truck accidents*.The standard disc brakes on our ROTOS ®running gear have a disc diameter of 430mm and more efficient cooling, reducingthe braking temperature by up to 60 °C.This prevents fading effects and reducesbrake wear. The simple assembly whenreplacing brake pads and discs is anadditional advantage.ROTOS ® axle unit with MRH pneumatic suspension and 22.5' disc brakes.The internally ventilated 430 mm diameter brake disc increases the brake's service life.* DEKRA Traffic Safety Report 2009www.cargobull.com

<strong>Container</strong> <strong>Chassis</strong> I Running Gear16MRH pneumatic suspension.Assistant forGreater Safety.Whether you have to make a suddenevasive manoeuvre or hit a critical corner –the standard EBS with roll stability programhelps drivers to keep the vehicle safelyunder control. Within physical limits thesystem maintains the dynamic stabilityof the semitrailer by automatically brakingindividual wheels, making an importantcontribution to greater safety.Automatic axle lift on the fi rst axle.Axle lift as a starting aid; reduces tyre wear.www.cargobull.com

<strong>Container</strong> <strong>Chassis</strong> I Running Gear17Control unit for the parking brake, axle lift and pneumatic suspension.AUTO RESET to theCorrect Ride Height.The MRH pneumatic suspension enablesrapid adjustment for different ramps andfifth-wheel heights. When driving off theAUTO RESET function automatically setsthe specified ride height. This saves time,reliably prevents damage to the air springbellows and the tractor and semitrailercontainer chassis always form a singlecoordinated unit.Steel/metal compressed air tank.Protected layout: Electrical and pneumaticconnections.www.cargobull.com

<strong>Container</strong> <strong>Chassis</strong> I Frame18The Frame.Equipment and details.Working platform at the rear: Provides easy access to 20' containers in the centre position.MRH PneumaticSuspension: Protectsthe Freight and the Vehicle.The standard MRH pneumatic suspensionon <strong>Schmitz</strong> <strong>Cargobull</strong> container chassisprotects both the frame and the freight.The pneumatic suspension system isconstructed using premium brand-namecomponents and possesses outstandingsuspension comfort, long spring travel andexcellent damping. The design is optimisedfor heavy duty conditions, which paysoff over the long term when faced withrobust loading behaviour and the poorroad conditions in ports.Stable for robust manoeuvring: Landing gearwith two-stage gearbox.For 3-axle tractors: The second kingpin position.www.cargobull.com

<strong>Container</strong> <strong>Chassis</strong> I Extension19The Extensions.Flexibility for 40' and 45' <strong>Container</strong>s.The solid and user-friendly <strong>Schmitz</strong> <strong>Cargobull</strong> container extensionsperfectly equip your vehicle for efficient loading procedures.The rear extensions utilise a centre tube design,preventing problems with jamming or tilting –even under demanding loading conditions.Versions with pneumatic or mechanical lockingare also available in addition to the versionsutilising pneumatic adjustment.The mechanical front extension on the S.<strong>CF</strong> 45'SLIDING BOGIE and the S.<strong>CF</strong> 45' Euro is springmountedon roller bearings. This deliversconvincing long-term stability and smooth running.Easily accessible: Mechanical locking mechanismson the front extension.Smooth running mechanism: Front extensionspring-mounted on roller bearings.Safe and time-saving: Easy handling when adjusting.www.cargobull.com

<strong>Container</strong> <strong>Chassis</strong> I Extension20At the press of a button: The rear extension ispneumatically set to the specifi ed container sizeand locked in place.Protected mounting: The control unit for the rearextension and locking mechanism.Accessible: Manual extension locking.Rear extension retracted.Reduced risk of damage and longer service life:The pneumatic cylinder piston rod is positionedinside the extension's central tube.Robust sliding mechanism.www.cargobull.com

<strong>Container</strong> <strong>Chassis</strong> I Guards21The Guard.The Safety Equipment.For the S.<strong>CF</strong> GS 40'/45' LIGHT: The tail lift enablesloading and unloading without a ramp.When transporting 45' containers the tail lift can alsobe extended via a rack and pinion gear to create anunderride guard.Fleet Managementwith TrailerConnect ® .<strong>Cargobull</strong> trailer telematics provide you witheven simpler and more reliable information.The route, position and technical conditionof every vehicle can be called up as ascheduling report. The management reportprovides a detailed overview of the fleet'susage and capacity utilisation. The newlithium-ion batteries safeguard the electricalsupply for the telematics even during longerdowntimes.For 45' containers: Extendable underride guard.www.cargobull.com

<strong>Container</strong> <strong>Chassis</strong> I Guards22The refl ective white side guard can also be usedfor signs.Greater ground clearance: The side guard can befolded up.Greater fl exibility when loading and unloading: Stacker-assessable rear platform.www.cargobull.com

<strong>Container</strong> <strong>Chassis</strong> I Guards23Recessed front position lights.All of the signage options: Hazardous goods sign / TIR sign for transport under customs seal /Refl ective night parking sign.Chamber lights for Denmark and Eastern Europe.Warning sign, ECE 70/01 Type III for semitrailer chassis on the rear beam / folded warning signs.www.cargobull.com

<strong>Container</strong> <strong>Chassis</strong> I Guards24Weight-optimised: Aluminium rims.Spare tyre holder with convenient hoist operation.On-Call For You:<strong>Cargobull</strong> Parts & Services.Regardless of where you need originalspare parts in Europe: <strong>Cargobull</strong> Parts &Services delivers them within 24 hours.The EPOS spare parts system enablesyou to identify and order any part viacomputer query. The exemplary userfriendlyoperation via mouse combinedwith an extensive array of images, explodedviews and precise part information savesyou valuable time.Reduce spray: Anti-spray mud fl aps and shell mudguards.www.cargobull.com

<strong>Container</strong> <strong>Chassis</strong> I Accessories25The Accessories.Equipment Options for Your Vehicle.The trailer's intended application determines which additional equipment willincrease the effectiveness of your semitrailer container chassis. Our range ofaccessories offers you the right options and, of course, application-specific safetyequipment. Talk to us about your equipment requirements. We will meet them.Vehicle-width spray guard on the rear.For optimal lashing: Ferry lashings on the rear ...... on the landing gear ... ... the lashing eye on the longitudinal beam of theS.<strong>CF</strong> 40'/45' <strong>STRAIGHT</strong>.www.cargobull.com

<strong>Container</strong> <strong>Chassis</strong> I Accessories26Papers in the right place: The document box.A clean job: The water tank.Accessories –The Advantages at a Glance All additional equipment is ofpremium, factory-tested quality Optimally coordinated to the vehicle'sarea of application Original accessories increasethe resale valueReadily available: Fire extinguisher in a plastichousing.All in one place: Toolbox on the frame.www.cargobull.com

<strong>Container</strong> <strong>Chassis</strong> I Technical specifications27Technical SpecificationsOverview- S.<strong>CF</strong> 40'/45' <strong>STRAIGHT</strong> HD 28- S.<strong>CF</strong> 40'/45' <strong>STRAIGHT</strong> LIGHT 29- S.<strong>CF</strong> <strong>STRAIGHT</strong> 20' 30www.cargobull.com

<strong>Container</strong> <strong>Chassis</strong> I Technical specifications28Technical SpecificationsS.<strong>CF</strong> <strong>STRAIGHT</strong>S.<strong>CF</strong> Straight 40'/45' HDPermissible / technical axle load24,000 / 27,000 kgPermissible / technical trailer load11,000 / 15,000 kgPermissible / technical total weight35,000 / 39,000 kgUnladen weight basic confi guration4,900 kgMaximum container weight, 20' centrally mounted30,000 kgFifth-wheel height, unladen1,100 mmFifth-wheel height, laden1,025 mmLow bed loading height, unladen1,300 mmLow bed loading height, laden1,275 mmBody height at front frame neck incl. pick-up plate (throat height)150 mmFront beam (rear king pin position)2,040 mmWheelbase (rear king pin position)7,430 mmFront axle spacing1,410 mmRear axle spacing1,310 mmTyres 385/65 R22.520' centrally mounted Standard2 x 20' Standard30' Standard40' Standard45' EU-container with long tunnel and sloping edges* OptionalTotal height for 40' and 45' high-cube containers4,196 mm* Certifi cate of exemption according to § 70 StVZO requiredVersion: 31.08.2010 – We reserve the right to make technical changes – Product management, Gotha plantwww.cargobull.com

<strong>Container</strong> <strong>Chassis</strong> I Technical specifications29Technical SpecificationsS.<strong>CF</strong> <strong>STRAIGHT</strong>(865.5)13716 45' EURO SCHRÄGE ECKEN11985 40' + VERRIEGELUNGSPOSITION 45' EURO SCHRÄGE ECKEN(865.5)13716 45' EURO SCHRÄGE ECKEN13240 RAHMENR20401310195510011502400(330)1250225922591955R=743014101310385012000S.<strong>CF</strong> <strong>STRAIGHT</strong> 40'/45' LIGHTPermissible / technical axle load24,000 / 27,000 kgPermissible / technical trailer load11,000 / 12,000 kgPermissible / technical total weight35,000 / 39,000 kgUnladen weight basic confi guration4,400 kgFifth-wheel height, unladen1,050 mmFifth-wheel height, laden1,025 mmLow bed loading height, unladen1,150 mmLow bed loading height, laden1,125 mmBody height at front frame neck incl. pick-up plate (throat height)100 mmFront beam2,040 mmWheelbase7,430 mmFront axle spacing1,410 mmRear axle spacing1,310 mmTyres 385/65 R22.52 x 20' Optional40' Standard45' EU-container with long tunnel and sloping edges* StandardTotal height for 40' and 45' high-cube containers4,146 mm* Certifi cate of exemption according to § 70 StVZO requiredVersion: 31.08.2010 – We reserve the right to make technical changes – Product management, Gotha plantwww.cargobull.com

IA02E4280TOPI02e4280TOP<strong>Container</strong> <strong>Chassis</strong> I Technical specifications30Technical SpecificationsS.<strong>CF</strong> <strong>STRAIGHT</strong>1300695110020069405853 20'13002419225914401140251523504605181016405853 20'1810S.<strong>CF</strong> <strong>STRAIGHT</strong> 20' PiräusTwo-axle semitrailer container chassisAxle load / technical20,000 kgMaximum semitrailer load12,000 kgTotal weight32,000 kgUnladen weight basic confi guration3,080 kgMaximum 20' container weight, fl ush with rear, centre weight25,000 kgFifth-wheel height unladen1,100 mmLoading height (unladen1,300 mmMaximum fi fth-wheel height unladen1,210 mmMaximum loading height unladen1,410 mmBody height, front frame neck incl. pick-up plate (throat height)200 mmWheelbase4,605 mmAxle spacing1,810 mmDistance from kingpin to landing gear2,350 mmOverall length6,982 mm20’ fl ush with rear StandardVersion: 31.08.2010 – We reserve the right to make technical changes – Product management, Gotha plantwww.cargobull.com

<strong>Container</strong> <strong>Chassis</strong> I Sales, Contact31Our Sales Divisionsin EuropeAlways good advice: Our sales staff speak yourlanguage. At <strong>Schmitz</strong> <strong>Cargobull</strong> you have directcontact partners throughout Europe, who areimmediately available to take care of yourquestions and needs.Addresses in Germany 32Addresses in Europe 33www.cargobull.com

<strong>Container</strong> <strong>Chassis</strong> I Sales, Contact32Our Sales Divisionsin Europe<strong>Schmitz</strong> <strong>Cargobull</strong> Sales are there for you - Throughout Europe. Call us when you have questions aboutnew vehicles, used vehicles, financing, maintenance, insurance, spare parts supply and any other questionsyou may have about your trailer. Our specialists will listen to you, provide you with detailed informationand work together with you to develop the customised solution for your company.D<strong>Schmitz</strong> <strong>Cargobull</strong> <strong>AG</strong><strong>Cargobull</strong> Trailer Center Hamburg<strong>Cargobull</strong> Trailer Center NeussBahnhofstraße 22Liebigstraße 103Welser Str. 8D-48612 Horstmar, GermanyD-22113 HamburgD-41468 Neuss-UedesheimTel.: +49 2558 81-0Tel.: +49 40 529872-0Tel.: +49 2131 12559-00Fax: +49 2558 81-500Fax: +49 40 529872-19Fax: +49 2131 12559-10E-Mail: info@cargobull.comE-Mail: ctc.nord@cargobull.comE-Mail: ctc.west@cargobull.comwww.cargobull.comwww.cargobull.comwww.cargobull.com<strong>Cargobull</strong> Trailer Center Berlin<strong>Cargobull</strong> Trailer Center AugsburgRobert-Guthmann-Str. 9Winterbruckenweg 27D-15713 Königs WusterhausenD-86316 Friedberg-DerchingTel.: +49 3375 5257979Tel.: +49 821 3434555Fax: +49 3375 5257980Fax: +49 821 3434550E-Mail: ctc.ost@cargobull.comE-Mail: ctc.sued@cargobull.comwww.cargobull.comwww.cargobull.comwww.cargobull.com

<strong>Container</strong> <strong>Chassis</strong> I Sales, Contact33A<strong>Schmitz</strong> Austria Ges.m.b.H.BiH<strong>Schmitz</strong> <strong>Cargobull</strong> d.o.o.CZEWT spol. s.r.o.Bayernstrasse 54Vlakovo br.10Zápy 255A-5071 Wals-SiezenheimBiH-71215 Blazuj (Sarajevo)CZ-25001 Brandýs nad LabemTel.: +43 662 8815870Tel.: +387 33 761520Tel.: +420 326 901200Fax: +43 662 88158715Fax: +387 33 761521Fax: +420 326 901201E-Mail: vertrieb@cargobull.atE-Mail: Stanislav.Koleska@cargobull.baE-Mail: info@ewt.czwww.cargobull.com/atwww.cargobull.comwww.ewt.czB<strong>Schmitz</strong> <strong>Cargobull</strong> Belgium BVBABY<strong>Schmitz</strong> <strong>Cargobull</strong> <strong>AG</strong>DK<strong>Schmitz</strong> <strong>Cargobull</strong> Danmark A/SSkaldenstraat 121 A4 - Haven 3230Repräsentanz MinskEuropavej 1B-9042 GentFiskulturny Per. 1aDK-6330 PadborgTel.: +32 9 3775188BY-220028 MinskTel.: +45 74 674024Fax: +32 9 3777235Tel.: +375 17 2850969Fax: +45 74 674077E-Mail: info.belgium@cargobull.comFax: +375 17 2851241E-Mail: <strong>Schmitz</strong>@schmitz.dkwww.cargobull.comE-Mail: info.belorussia@cargobull.comwww.cargobull.com/dkwww.cargobull.comBG<strong>Schmitz</strong> <strong>Cargobull</strong> Bulgaria e.o.o.d.E<strong>Schmitz</strong> <strong>Cargobull</strong> Ibérica, S.A.Blvd. BotevgradskoCH<strong>Cargobull</strong> (Schweiz) <strong>AG</strong>Ctra. de Alagón – La Almunia A-122,schosse Nr. 276Rüttistaldenstr. 22Km. 0,1 Polígono P7BG-1839 Sofi aCH-4950 HuttwilE-50639 Figueruelas (Zaragoza)Tel.: +359 2 8920555Tel.: +41 62 9595050Tel.: +34 976 613200Fax: +359 2 8411028Fax: +41 62 9595060Fax: +34 976 613201E-Mail: info@cargobull.bgE-Mail: info.chhuttwil@cargobull.comE-Mail: info.spain@cargobull.comwww.cargobull.comwww.cargobull.comwww.cargobull.comwww.cargobull.com

<strong>Container</strong> <strong>Chassis</strong> I Sales, Contact34EEAuto Trailer ASF<strong>Schmitz</strong> <strong>Cargobull</strong> France s.a.r.l.GR<strong>Schmitz</strong> <strong>Cargobull</strong> S.E.E. A.ETaevavärava tee 9ACTC Lyon570 km N.E.O. Athinon-KorinthouEE-75306 Rae vald, JüriChemin du LortaretGR-T.K. 19100 Kombos KinettaTel.: +372 6 064245F-69800 St. PriestTel.: +30 22960 63799Fax: +372 6 064247Tel.: +33 472 794949Fax: +30 22960 63769E-Mail: info@autotrailer.eeFax: +33 478 900086E-Mail: info@cargobull.grwww.hansetrailer.com/eeE-Mail: info.lyon@cargobull.comwww.cargobull.comwww.cargobull.com/frF<strong>Schmitz</strong> <strong>Cargobull</strong> France s.a.r.l.H<strong>Schmitz</strong> <strong>Cargobull</strong> Magyarország Kft.CTC NancyFINHanse Trailer Finland OySzélescsapás 0321/4 hrsz.Zone Industrielle des SablesToinen Savu 8H-2060 BicskeRoute des SablesFIN-01510 VantaaTel.: +36 22 814100F-54110 Dombasle sur MeurtheTel.: +358 207 545890Fax: +36 22 814111Tel.: +33 383 512205Fax: +358 207 545891E-Mail: info.hungaria@cargobull.comFax: +33 383 513895E-Mail: info@hansetrailer.fiwww.cargobull.com/huE-Mail: info.nancy@cargobull.comwww.hansetrailer.com/fiwww.cargobull.com/frHR<strong>Schmitz</strong> <strong>Cargobull</strong> d.o.o.GB<strong>Schmitz</strong> <strong>Cargobull</strong> (UK) Ltd.Ljudevita Posavskog 29F<strong>Schmitz</strong> <strong>Cargobull</strong> France s.a.r.l.North RoadHR-10360 Sesvete (Zagreb)CTC ParisHarelaw, StanleyTel.: +385 1 20139145, rue de la Corderie. Centra 385GB-Co. Durham DH9 8HJFax: +385 1 2013916F-94596 Rungis CedexTel.: +44 1207 282882E-Mail: schmitz@cargobull.hrTel.: +33 1 46870047Fax: +44 1207 232479www.cargobull.comFax: +33 1 46872745E-Mail: info.uk@cargobull.comE-Mail: info.paris@cargobull.comwww.cargobull.com/ukI<strong>Schmitz</strong> <strong>Cargobull</strong> Italia s.r.l.www.cargobull.com/frVia Cesarina, 23I-37066 Sommacampagna (VR)Tel.: +39 045 8961910Fax: +39 045 8960988E-Mail: info.italy@cargobull.comwww.cargobull.com/itwww.cargobull.com

<strong>Container</strong> <strong>Chassis</strong> I Sales, Contact35LTHanse Trailer UABNL<strong>Schmitz</strong> Trailer B.V.PLEWT Truck & Trailer Polska sp. z o.o.Kirtimu˛ g. 11ACampagneweg 34 Aul. Lubeckiego 1ALT-02300 VilniusNL-4761 RM ZevenbergenPL-71-656 SzczecinTel.: +370 5 2641520Tel.: +31 168 331199Tel.: +48 22 7211140Fax: +370 5 2641535Fax: +31 168 331198Fax: +48 22 7224238E-Mail: info@htl.ltE-Mail: info.nl@cargobull.comE-Mail: ewt@ewt.plwww.htl.ltwww.cargobull.comwww.ewt.plLVHanse Trailer Baltija SIAP<strong>Schmitz</strong> <strong>Cargobull</strong> PortugalRO<strong>Schmitz</strong> <strong>Cargobull</strong> Romania S.R.L.Lubā nas iela 78Unipessoal Lda.B-dul Timisoara nr. 92LV-1073 RigaZona Industrial da Quinta do SanguinhalRO-061334 BukarestTel.: +371 6 7795255Apartado 173Tel.: +40 21 4443555Fax: +371 6 7795233P-2040-998 Rio MaiorFax: +40 21 4443568E-Mail: info@hansetrailer.lvTel.: +351 243 999530E-Mail: info@cargobull.rowww.hansetrailer.lvFax: +351 243 999539www.cargobull.com/roE-Mail: info.portugal@cargobull.comMDI.C.S. <strong>Schmitz</strong> <strong>Cargobull</strong> S.R.L.www.cargobull.com/ptRUS<strong>Schmitz</strong> <strong>Cargobull</strong> Russland OOOstr. Burebista 108, off. 213Nikulinskaya, dom 6, kosp. 3MD-2032 ChisinauPLEWT Truck & Trailer Polska Sp.z.o.o.RUS-119602 MoskauTel.: +373 2 2571163Ołtarzew ul. Poznań ska 339Tel.: +7 495 6428259Fax: +373 2 2571163PL-05-850 Oż arów MazowieckiFax: +7 495 6428269E-Mail: Vadim.Gurulea@cargobull.mdTel.: +48 227 335300E-Mail: info@cargobull.ruwww.cargobull.comFax: +48 227 335302www.cargobull.com/ruE-Mail: ewt@ewt.plMK<strong>Schmitz</strong> <strong>Cargobull</strong> Makedonien dooelwww.ewt.plul. 2 bb. naselba llindenMK-1000 SkopjeTel.: +389 2 581560Fax: +389 2 572001E-Mail: M.Simonovska-Cuka@cargobull.com.mkwww.cargobull.comwww.cargobull.com

<strong>Container</strong> <strong>Chassis</strong> I Sales, Contact36RUS<strong>Schmitz</strong> <strong>Cargobull</strong> Russland OOOSLO<strong>Schmitz</strong> <strong>Cargobull</strong> d.o.o.UA<strong>Schmitz</strong> <strong>Cargobull</strong> <strong>AG</strong>Niederlassung St. PetersburgKoroska cesta 51Repräsentanz Kiewul. Koli Tomchaka 8 lit. ASLO-2366 MutaProspekt Pobedy 89 AOffi ce Nr. 218Tel.: +386 2 8761291House No. 2, Offi ce 10RUS-196084 St. PetersburgFax: +386 2 8761220UA-03115 KiewTel.: +7 812 3884647E-Mail: bojan.miklavc@cargobull.siTel.: +380 44 4902291Fax: +7 812 3883819www.cargobull.comFax: +380 44 4902283E-Mail: spb@cargobull.ruE-Mail: info.ukraine@cargobull.comwww.cargobull.com/ruSRB<strong>Schmitz</strong> <strong>Cargobull</strong> d.o.o.www.cargobull.comNovi novosadski put bbS<strong>Schmitz</strong> <strong>Cargobull</strong> Sverige ABSRB-11273 Batajnica, BeogradTorbornavägen 22Tel.: +381 11 3774630S-253 68 HelsingborgFax: +381 11 3774633Tel.: +46 42 294960E-Mail: Offi ce@cargobull.rsFax: +46 42 296330www.cargobull.comE-Mail: info.schweden@cargobull.comwww.cargobull.comTREnka Pazarlama Ihracat Ithalat A.S.Istasyon Mah. Araplar cad. Nr. 6SKCentral Europe Trailer s.r.o.TR-34940 Tuzla-IstanbulDialnič ná cesta 16Tel.: +90 216 4466464SK-90301 SenecFax: +90 216 4467286Tel.: +421 2 40209623E-Mai:info@schmitztrailer.comFax: +421 2 40209630www.cargobull.comE-Mail: cet@cet.skwww.cet.skwww.cargobull.com

<strong>Container</strong> <strong>Chassis</strong> I Sales, Contact37OverseasAfrica . Central AsiaNear East/Middle East/Far EastTRAILER ENGINEERINGNiederhauser & Co.Baarerstraße 96CH-6302 ZugTel.: +41 41 7691900Fax: +41 41 7691901E-Mail: info@schmitztrailer.comwww.schmitztrailer.comAustralien/Neuseeland<strong>Schmitz</strong> <strong>Cargobull</strong> PTY LTDPO Box 65Miranda NSW 1490Sydney . AustraliaE-Mail: trailers@schmitzcargobull.com.auE-Mail: info@schmitztrailer.comwww.schmitzcargobull.com.auwww.cargobull.com

<strong>Container</strong> <strong>Chassis</strong> I Sales, Contact38Regarding the information in this catalogue: Product changes may occur after the editorial deadline for this publication in September 2010. Design and shape changes as well as changes to the scope of delivery onthe part of the manufacturer remain reserved for the entire period of delivery as long as the changes or deviations are reasonable for the purchaser, taking into account the interests of the vendors. If the vendor orthe manufacturer utilise characters or numbers to identify the order or the object of purchase ordered then no rights can be derived from these alone. The illustrations and texts can also contain accessories andspecial fi ttings which are not included in the standard scope of delivery. The printing process may result in colour deviations. This publication may also contain types and support services which are not offered inindividual countries. This catalogue is utilised internationally. However, statements regarding regulations, laws and tax regulations and effects only apply to the Federal Republic of Germany at the time of the editorialdeadline for this catalogue. As such, please contact your <strong>Schmitz</strong> <strong>Cargobull</strong> contact should you have any questions concerning the applicable regulations and their effects and the current version of theseregulations and their effects in your country.ROTOS ® , TrailerConnect ® , <strong>Cargobull</strong> Euroservice ® , S.KI, M.KI, Z.KI, S.SF, A.<strong>CF</strong>, S.CS, M.CS, Z.CS, S.PR, S.KO, M.KO, Z.KO, S.<strong>CF</strong>, Z.<strong>CF</strong>, Z.WF are registered trademarks of <strong>Schmitz</strong> <strong>Cargobull</strong> <strong>AG</strong>.www.cargobull.com

<strong>Schmitz</strong> <strong>Cargobull</strong> <strong>AG</strong> · Bahnhofstraße 22 · D-48612 Horstmar · Telefon +49 2558 81-0 · Fax +49 2558 81-500 · E-Mail info@cargobull.com · www.cargobull.comS.KI-SCR-DE-2942-1910

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