Person Specification - Oxford Deanery

Person Specification - Oxford Deanery

Person Specification - Oxford Deanery


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Entry Criteria2009 <strong>Person</strong> <strong>Specification</strong>Application to enter Specialty Training at ST3: Trauma & Orthopaedic SurgeryEssential When Evaluated 1Qualifications • MBBS or equivalent medical qualification• Successful completion of MRCS or equivalent, at time of applicationEligibility • Eligible for full registration with the GMC at time of appointment• Evidence of achievement of Foundation competences by time ofappointment in line with GMC standards/ Good Medical Practiceincluding:oooooooGood clinical careMaintaining good medical practiceGood relationships and communication with patientsGood working relationships with colleaguesGood teaching and trainingProfessional behaviour and probityDelivery of good acute clinical care• Evidence of achievement of CT/ST1 competences in surgery attime of appointment & CT/ST2 competences in surgery by August2009, supported by evidence from work-based assessments ofclinical performance and Multisource Feedback or equivalent• Evidence of achievement of CT/ST1 & CT/ST2 ISCP competencesrelevant to trauma & orthopaedic surgery by August 2009,supported by evidence from work-based assessments of clinicalperformance• Eligibility to work in the UKApplication formApplication formApplication formInterview / Selectioncentre 2Application formInterview / SelectioncentreApplication formFitness To Practise Is up to date and fit to practise safely Application formReferencesLanguage SkillsHealthCareerProgressionAll applicants to have demonstrable skills in written and spoken Englishadequate to enable effective communication about medical topics withpatients and colleagues demonstrated by one of the following:o a) that applicants have undertaken undergraduate medical training inEnglish; oro b) have the following scores in the academic lnternational EnglishLanguage Testing System (IELTS) – Overall 7, Speaking 7, Listening 6,Reading 6, Writing 6• If applicants believe they have adequate communication skills butdo not fit into one of these examples they must provide supportingevidenceMeets professional health requirements (in line with GMCstandards/Good Medical Practice)• Ability to provide a complete employment history• Evidence that career progression is consistent with personalcircumstances• Evidence that present achievement and performance iscommensurate with totality of period of training• At least 24 months’ experience 3 (at CT/ST1/CT/ST2 level) insurgery (not including Foundation modules) by start of appointment,of which:o At least 10 months experience is in Trauma based Trauma &Orthopaedic posts 3Application formInterview / SelectioncentreApplication formPre-employment healthscreeningApplication form1 ‘when evaluated’ is indicative, but may be carried out at any time throughout the selection process2 A selection centre is a process not a place. It involves a number of selection activities that may be delivered within the Unit of Application.

ApplicationCompletionALL sections of application form FULLY completed according towritten guidelinesApplication formSelection CriteriaEssential Desirable When evaluatedCareer ProgressionAs above•CT/ST1 and CT/ST2competences acquiredwithin 24 months inTrauma & Orthopaedicsurgery at ST levelApplication formInterview / SelectioncentreReferences•Up to a maximum of 36months experience inTrauma & Orthopaedicsurgery by August 2009 3•At least 8 monthsperiods of experience intwo related specialities:e.g. Acute Generalsurgery, vascularsurgery, plastic surgery,neurosurgery, intensivecare medicine orAccident and emergencymedicine 3 ( includingFoundation Yearstraining )CoursesSatisfactory completion of• ATLS or equivalent• CRISP or equivalent• Basic Surgical Skills Course• AO Basic Course or aGeneric Course onfracture managementApplication formInterview / SelectioncentrePortfolioClinical SkillsTechnical Knowledge & ClinicalExpertise:• Capacity to apply sound clinicalknowledge & judgement & prioritiseclinical need• Demonstrates appropriate technicaland clinical competence andevidence of the development ofdiagnostic skills and clinicaljudgement<strong>Person</strong>al Attributes:• Shows aptitude forpractical skills, e.g.hand-eye co-ordination,dexterity, visuo-spatialawarenessApplication formStructured interviewOSCE of TraumascenariosPortfolioStructured references• Validated logbook documentation ofsurgical exposure to date• Evidence of an aptitude for surgerygoodmanual dexterity3 Any time periods specified in this person specification refer to full time equivalent

Academic /Research SkillsResearch Skills:• Demonstrates understanding of thebasic principles of audit, clinical riskmanagement & evidence-basedpractice• Understanding of basic researchprinciples, methodology & ethics,with potential to contribute toresearch• Evidence of relevantacademic & researchachievements, e.g.degrees, prizes, awards,distinctions, grants,publications of relevantstudy or laboratoryand/or clinical researchmaterial in peer reviewjournals, presentations atregional or national level,other achievementsApplication formInterview / Selectioncentre• Evidence of participationin risk managementAudit:Evidence of active participation in auditTeaching:Evidence of contributing to teaching &learning of othersIT Skills• Demonstratesinformation technologyskills

<strong>Person</strong>al SkillsJudgement Under Pressure:• Capacity to operate effectively underpressure & remain objective Inhighly emotive/pressurisedsituations• Awareness of own limitations &when to ask for helpDemonstrates• Drive• Approachability• Appropriate Confidence• AppropriateAssertivenessApplication formStructured interview/OSCE ePortfolioStructured referencesCommunication Skills:• Capacity to communicate effectively& sensitively with others• Able to discuss treatment optionswith patients in a way they canunderstandProblem Solving:• Capacity to think beyond theobvious, with analytical and flexiblemind• Capacity to bring a range ofapproaches to problem solvingSituation Awareness:• Capacity to monitor and anticipatesituations that may change rapidlyDecision Making:• Demonstrates effective judgementand decision-making skillsLeadership & Team Involvement:• Capacity to work effectively in aMulti-Disciplinary Team• Demonstrate leadership whenappropriate• Capacity to establish good workingrelations with othersOrganisation & Planning:• Capacity to manage time andprioritise workload, balance urgent &important demands, followinstructions• Understands importance & impact ofinformation systemsProbityProfessional Integrity:• Takes responsibility for own actions• Demonstrates respect for the rightsof all• Demonstrates awareness of ethicalprinciples, safety, confidentiality &consentDemonstrates altruism:evidence of the ability toattend to the needs of otherswith an awareness of theirrights and equalopportunitiesApplication formInterview / SelectioncentreReferences• Awareness of importance of beingthe patients’ Advocate, clinicalgovernance & responsibilities of anNHS Employee

Commitment ToSpecialtyLearning & Development:• Shows realistic insight into Trauma &Orthopaedic surgery and thepersonal demands of a commitmentto surgery.• Demonstrates knowledge of theneurosurgical training programme &commitment to own development• Shows critical & enquiring approachto knowledge acquisition,commitment to self-directed learningand a reflective/analytical approachto practice• Demonstrates insight into capabilityand acceptance of feedback• Extracurricular activities /achievements relevant toTrauma & Orthopaedicsurgery• Attendance at, orparticipation in, nationaland internationalmeetings relevant totrauma & orthopaedicsurgery• Evidence of a welldefined career plan forTrauma & OrthopaedicsurgeryApplication formInterview / SelectioncentreReferences

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