Redeemer Record, July 2012 - Redeemer Lutheran College

Redeemer Record, July 2012 - Redeemer Lutheran College

Redeemer Record, July 2012 - Redeemer Lutheran College

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4 | COLLEGE neWS | REDEEMER RECORDJunior School Development: JG BlockThe next stage of the Junior School, currently under construction,is known as ‘JG Block’. JG Block will be a two storey classroombuilding with three classrooms on each level. Each classroomwill have a wet area / break-out work area adjacent to themain classroom space, and each room will also be expandablewith some rooms having the capacity to expand into the upperverandah space. This flexibility of usage will provide teachers witha relatively wide range of pedagogical choices in the delivery oftheir lessons. In keeping with present practice the classrooms willbe IT rich with interactive white boards and wireless connectivity,and in keeping with <strong>Redeemer</strong> <strong>College</strong> Council policy, as a newbuilding all rooms will be air-conditioned thus retaining theexisting fact that all classrooms from Prep to Year 8 are airconditioned.Attached to the Eastern end (Rochedale Road side)of JG Block will be a new purpose built Junior School toilet block.Between JG Block and the MPC a new Junior School Playground willalso be constructed. The playground will be developed in two stages.Stage one (approximately two thirds of the total playgroundspace) will be constructed within the same time frame as JGBlock, with the goal of making this available to students whenoccupancy of JG Block is available in the second half of <strong>2012</strong>.The remaining playground space to be developed is the existingplayground immediately adjacent to the MPC. This will beredeveloped this calendar year. The completion of JG Block andthe new playground will see all of the modular buildings behindthe new Junior School Office removed.InvitationParents and friends of <strong>Redeemer</strong> <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>College</strong> are invited toattend the Official Opening and Dedication of JG Block, to beheld on Thursday 20 September commencing at 11.15am.Please RSVP to mail@redeemer.com.au or phone 3340 8888by Monday 17 September <strong>2012</strong>.

REDEEMER RECORD | COLLEGE neWS | 5Grandparents Day <strong>2012</strong><strong>Redeemer</strong>’s Years 11 and 12 Hospitality students and staffcatered for at least 800 Grandparents and special friends as partof <strong>Redeemer</strong>’s Grandparents Day celebrations held over 26-27April <strong>2012</strong>. The two day event commenced on Thursday 26 Aprilfor our Middle School and Senior School students at <strong>Redeemer</strong>Chapel, where Grandparents were treated to an uplifting musicconcert from our Middle and Senior School students, followed bya leisurely tour of the college and morning tea at the new ChapelWelcome Hub.The Junior School Grandparents Day was held in the Multi-Purpose Centre Auditorium on Friday 27 April where our specialguests were treated to an entertaining concert by all studentsin Prep to Year 5. The morning concluded with morning tea,classroom visits, and a trip to the Book Fair!

6 | COLLEGE neWS | REDEEMER RECORDBook Fair – Best Yet!The Book Fair held in the Middle School Resource Centre on23-27 April was an exciting time for students to ‘shop’. A total of$9,607 was taken in four days with the college receiving 35% ofthis amount in books.A HUGE and grateful thank you from our students and teachersgoes to our parents and grandparents who generously donated48 books. All donated books proudly display the donor’s name.2011 OP Achievements<strong>Redeemer</strong> is celebratingthe success of the 2011cohort. Analysis of ourresults demonstrate ahigh correlation betweenQCS testing results andthe OPs they achieved.The QCS testing providesan insight into a student’sability, while the resultsthey achieve over theirfinal year of summativeassessment reflectstheir ability, applicationand consistency in theirstudies.In 2011 our graduating students achieved the following results:ANZAC Dawn ServiceThe initiative of the Christian Life Committee to hold an ANZACservice in honour of, and out of respect for, Australia’s Service menand women, both serving and for those passed on, is somethingour college community should be proud of. The Dawn service washeld on Tuesday 24 April at the ANZAC Memorial and flag poleon the Chapel Green and was attended by approximately 100students, parents, friends and staff of the <strong>College</strong>. A communitybreakfast followed the service at the Chapel Welcome Hub, with allproceeds going to the <strong>2012</strong> ANZAC Fund.• Kelsey Britton and Jessica Collins were awarded an OP 1• Over the past 5 years, an average of 5.32% OP eligiblestudents have received an OP 1• 12.0% of OP eligible students achieved an OP 1-3(Comparison: 9.84% state average)• 29.7% of our OP eligible students achieved an OP 1-5(Comparison: 19% state average)• 87.1% of our OP eligible students achieved an OP 1-15(Comparison: 75.7% state average)• 56.4% of all students exited the college with one or moreVET qualifications• 97% of our students who applied to QTAC forcommencement of tertiary studies in <strong>2012</strong> were offered andconfirmed a place in university courses or diploma coursesat TAFE. This is a direct result of these outstanding resultsand the support provided by our careers advisors to assiststudents in exploring pathways consistent with their abilitiesand interests.

REDEEMER RECORD | COLLEGE neWS | 7<strong>2012</strong> <strong>College</strong> LeadersAs the <strong>College</strong> Captains of <strong>2012</strong>, we hope to show Christianleadership not only through our words, but through our actionsas role models to all in our school community. We believe thata student leader is someone who can take initiative in a varietyof situations, someone who has the courage to do what is rightand someone who cares about the school. We intend to notonly honour this, but uphold the school’s motto, ‘Our Hope is inChrist’. As leaders we want to inspire, motivate and bring the bestout of all our peers. In our roles we hope to guide the studentcohort towards an encouraging environment which applaudsteamwork, school pride and comradery. Proverbs 31:8-9 says:“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for therights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defendthe rights of the poor and needy.” It is our hope that we can speakup for those who need it and embrace our peers’ individuality,strengths and weaknesses. This year we hope to form relationshipswith the younger grades at lunch times. By doing this we canencourage Christian values to each sub-school. We aim to bringunity among each cohort by encouraging friendliness and apositive attitude towards each other. All of the student leaders for<strong>2012</strong>, the Music, Sport and House Captains, have the same goalto enhance the environment of <strong>Redeemer</strong>’s community and are allactively participating to achieve this goal. It is our aim that throughthese actions, we can promote the message of God and provide aSydney Cock and Tom MacElroy (<strong>College</strong> Captains), Peter Conomo and Kristy AnnaHampel (Deputies)strong example of Christian leadership to the school. We wish thestudents all the best in all their endeavours whether it be inside oroutside of school for the year ahead. We are looking forward to thechallenges of this year and pray that God will give us the guidanceto fulfil our duties as <strong>College</strong> Captains to the best of our abilities.Sydney Cock & Tom MacElroy<strong>College</strong> CaptainsPeter Conomo & Kristy Anna HampelDeputiesMedia Snippets … <strong>Redeemer</strong> in the newsBudding comedian loves to joshAlbert & Logan News, Wednesday 18 April <strong>2012</strong> (Page 17)Schools go to top of the class in rankingsWednesday 9 May <strong>2012</strong> (Page 20)<strong>Redeemer</strong> <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>College</strong> ranks as one of the region’s topperforming secondary schools in the Year 9 NAPLAN results.<strong>Redeemer</strong> <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>College</strong> was ranked at 616.45 points abovethe state average of 560.46 points.<strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>College</strong> is among top achieversWednesday 9 May <strong>2012</strong> (Page 19)<strong>Redeemer</strong> <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>College</strong> at Rochedale has been rankedone of the top overall secondary schools in the Southern Stardistribution area according to Year 9 NAPLAN results.Rewarding the Class ClownThe Southern Star, Wednesday 18 April <strong>2012</strong> (Page 58)Congratulations to Joshua McKenzie (Year 10), who wasawarded Queensland State Finalist in the Class Clownscompetition as part of the Melbourne International ComedyFestival’s education and competition program for youngpeople. Around Australia, students from Years 9-12 compete tobe named the funniest of them all. Students compete in stateheats, culminating in a National Grand Final. Joshua competedin the National Finals at Melbourne City Hall on 20 April.Students bond as buddiesAlbert & Logan News, Wednesday 22 February <strong>2012</strong> (Page 18)Year 5 student Kailee Muller oversees Annabel Wang, leftand Amali Kordis in the <strong>Redeemer</strong> <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>College</strong> buddyprogram. Under the program Year 5 students act as mentorsand friends to the school’s newest learners, playing togetheronce a fortnight.Students deliver sweet joyThe Southern Star, Wednesday 11 April <strong>2012</strong> (Page 3)Students at <strong>Redeemer</strong> <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>College</strong> delivered a small tokenof Easter joy to the residents at The Plains Retirement Village. Inprevious years the school’s community service committee hascollected up to 600 small Easter eggs to package and donate,but this year they have managed to collect 900.

8 | junior school news | REDEEMER RECORDJunior School NewsThe Junior School has been a busy placeto date this year!In March we finally moved into thenew Junior School Office. This is apurpose built and designed space toaccommodate a larger reception area,new offices, as well as a sick bay andstaff room facilities. The bright coloursare inviting to the young students andthe area has a professional feel to it.Also in March we acknowledged our inaugural Junior SchoolHouse Captains. Students from Year 5 were given the opportunityto nominate themselves for these positions and a boy and girlfrom each House Team were selected.Congratulations to our Inaugural House Captains:• Lavarack: William Eivers and Ella Wenke• Mansfield: Soumil Sharma and Kailee Muller• Ramsay: Harrison Lavin and Taylor Pashen• Wilson: Bailey Aslander and Mineka VedamuttuThese students were awarded with a house badge during one ofour Assemblies.Camps were a highlight in Term 1. Our Year 4 and Year 5 studentshad their year level camps at Bestbrook Mountain Resort andCamp Currimundi, respectively. Camps are organised for studentsin the Junior School in a variety of locations, focusing on differentskills to ultimately help provide the students with the necessarycompetencies to enjoy the Tuchekoi experience when they reachYear 9.The Prep Bible Presentation is an annual event that is an initiativeof Our Saviour <strong>Lutheran</strong> Church. Members of Our Saviourcongregation attend a special Chapel service where they give everyPrep child their very own Bible. Prep parents are also welcome toattend this event and a morning tea is provided after the service.Once the students have received their Bibles, some members of thecongregation then graciously give their time to come in weekly tospend time reading Bible stories to our Prep students.Building student relationships across the <strong>College</strong> is a key goal at<strong>Redeemer</strong>. Teachers look for appropriate ways that they can bringthe Senior or Middle School into the Junior School or vice versa.Each year the Year 12 Manufacturing Students look for ways theycan build or make something that will be of benefit to the JuniorSchool students. This year the Year 12 Manufacturing class workedto design and create a storage system for outdoor play equipment.The class was given the task of building four mobile storageproducts that could be easily manipulated by the students. Oncethe boxes were complete, the students visited the Junior School toshow our students how to use them appropriately.The Senior School students who study Early Childhood also spendtime in our Junior School classrooms assisting where necessary.One of the big roles they played to date was assisting with theMothers Day Stall by preparing, wrapping and pricing items.This is an annual event that the Junior School children eagerlylook forward to. Students walk to the Senior School to enter theMothers Day Stall and select a suitable item for their special Mum.The Early Childhood students assist again on the day by helpingJunior School students with selecting and paying for their items.Mrs Kelli McKeiverjuniorHead of Junior School

REDEEMER RECORD | JUNIOR school news | 9

10 | MIDDLE school news | REDEEMER RECORDMiddle School News“Chemical composition of explosives is arelatively predictable thing … Kids aren’t.You can keep your job and I will keepmine.” These words of wisdom were partof a letter written to me recently by apast student who is currently serving asa combat engineer with the Australianforces in Afghanistan. His job is high riskresearch – locating and dealing with landmines and improvised explosive devices.His words made me stop and thinkabout the unpredictability of kids, and the truth, for me, is this.It is the very unpredictability of kids that makes teaching such achallenging and interesting career.Middle Schoolers are wonderfully and terrifyingly unpredictable,as their parents would attest. In the space of a day, or even ofan hour, they can say and do things that make their teachersfeel proud, enthused, frustrated, cross and proud again.Overwhelmingly, there are positives for which we are grateful.We see students making academic progress, developing theirsocial skills, growing in their Christian faith, making excellentcontributions to music ensembles and sporting or debatingteams, providing service to their school community.In <strong>2012</strong> Middle School has had a focus on Leadership. All Year7 students have participated in a full-day Leadership incursionfacilitated by <strong>Lutheran</strong> Youth of Queensland. Through games,team challenges, discussion and drawing, our students weremotivated to think about what leadership is, who we admire asleaders and what qualities we value in our role models. Somestudents were surprised to learn that they could be leaders andthey were awakened to the concept that there is no singularmodel of leadership. As well as recognising their own leadershipcapacities, they began to look for and appreciate the leadershipattributes of their peer group members.Throughout this year Middle School students have been invitedand encouraged to join the Leadership Group, a lunchtimeactivity that teaches young people about leadership, helps themto recognise their personal leadership potential and providesopportunities for them to show leadership in the <strong>College</strong>context. They are learning that it is not a matter of having atitle and wearing a badge, but of putting into practice realservant leadership.The Golden Tin Trophy has been fiercely contested by the three Year6 classes. An inter-class challenge, the students selected teams tocompete in three challenges held during separate lunch hours:• Relay Schmelay – carrying a relay baton while jumping ina sack, carrying an egg and spoon, dribbling a soccer ball,balancing a platter of plastic cups and sprinting for the finish line.• Operation Skilful Endurance – mega-team skipping andhandball challenges.• Undercover Art – design and execution of a coloured chalkpavement drawing representing the theme “The Culture ofthe Middle School”.The Year 6s had lots of fun competing in these events, supportingtheir teams and making their best efforts towards success. Thisseries of events also provided an excellent opportunity for theSenior School Cultural Committee students to interact positivelywith the younger students, as this event was organised by them.Year 8s are eagerly anticipating the August visit of Simon Higgins,the author of critically acclaimed historical novels set in Asia.Ahead of his visit, borrowings of his novels Moonshadow andTomodachi from the Middle School library have already increased.All things considered, the daily life of Middle School is busy,rich … and blessedly unpredictable.Mrs Judy PowellHead of Middle Schoolmiddle

REDEEMER RECORD | MIDDLE school news | 11

12 | SENIOR School neWS | REDEEMER RECORDSenior School NewsOur <strong>College</strong> Captains and DeputyCaptains began the year with the‘Enthuse’ Leadership Camp. Enthuseis a Christ centred leadership programfor student leaders in <strong>Lutheran</strong> schools.This camp was followed by a recentRecharge day at LEQ (<strong>Lutheran</strong> EducationQueensland), which further inspiredour student leaders in their Christianservice at the college. The <strong>College</strong>Captains of <strong>2012</strong> have approachedtheir responsibilities in an exemplary manner and have beenoutstanding in their service and commitment.<strong>College</strong> Captains: Tom MacElroy and Sydney CockDeputy Captains: Peter Conomo and Kristy Anna HampelThe Year 11 students embarked on a leadership camp in February.This camp was an outstanding success. The camp challenged andinspired the students, but more importantly, it was instrumentalin focussing students on servant leadership. The Year 11 studentshave offered their service in many areas of the college this year.The House barbecues provided an opportunity for students andfamilies to spend valuable community time with their Houseand Home group family. This was also an opportunity for HouseCaptains to show leadership and to generate House spirit for <strong>2012</strong>.Students have enthusiastically participated in interhouse eventsand the competition has been strong. Wilson House won theswimming carnival breaking Lavarack’s winning streak. Achievingfirst place in the Cross Country, Wilson have proven to be aformidable team.Leadership opportunities for students in Years 10-12 haveincluded assisting in interhouse competitions in the Junior Schooland Middle School. Students have enjoyed this opportunity andhave been excellent role models for younger students.Lavarack:Mansfield:Ramsay:Wilson:Phoebe Griffin and Adam RigbyCharlotte Kiemann and Matthew LawsonLouise Trotter and Shivneil DeoTahlia Clarke and Stuart RechThe Community Service Committee has been very active intheir support of our local community and charities. The annualShave For A Cure held earlier this term raised over $5,000 andwas supported by many Year 12 students and some teachers.Participation in this fundraising event has become a rite ofpassage for Year 12 boys. In Term 1, students donated Eastereggs which were packaged and delivered to the elderly in localnursing homes. A significant amount was also raised for theHear and Say Centre for Deaf Children.Students departed for the Japan tour at the end of Term 1.The tour was a great success, giving students the opportunityto experience another culture, build strong friendships withtheir peers and meet new friends.In Semester 2, Year 9 students will embark on their outdooreducation experience to Camp Tuchekoi. This experience willundoubtedly be filled with many challenging and memorableexperiences.Mrs Anastasia StrongseniorHead of Senior School

14 | feature | REDEEMER RECORDSport<strong>Redeemer</strong>in <strong>2012</strong>TAS and JTAS Sport – Semester 1, <strong>2012</strong>The sports year has been a busy butexciting time so far in <strong>2012</strong>. We hit theground running playing our first round ofTAS (The Associated Schools) sport afteronly three days of school and the levelof support shown by the students to getall the teams on the field in such a shorttime was fantastic. This demonstrationof commitment and school spirit hascontinued all semester resulting in someamazing successes for many teams andindividuals alike.Trimester 1 sport saw a renewed interest inthe Boys Cricket and Girls Tennis programs.The Boys Cricket entered all teams fromYear 5 to Year 12 into the TAS competitionThis welcomed new attitude saw all of ourteams dramatically improve and challengefor titles in all year levels. Our Open A andOpen B teams both qualified for finals withthe Open As final finishing in a tie and theOpen B girls becoming Champions of <strong>2012</strong>.Girls Basketball and Boys Volleyball havealways been popular sports at <strong>Redeemer</strong>and this year was no exception. The teamswere over flowing with willing participantswho trained hard and looked to improveevery week. The Boys Volleyball teamsall battled hard into the last round ofgames with all teams narrowly missingout on finals berths. The Girls Basketballwas again very competitive in all yearAt <strong>Redeemer</strong> we judge our success throughsupporting our friends and team mates,respecting our opponents and competingwith integrity at all times.for the first time in many years. This levelof enthusiasm shown by the boys acrossthe entire school led to our First XI, Year10 and Year 9 teams all playing on Finalsweekend, with the Year 9 Cricketersofficially being crowned TAS Red DivisionChampions. The Girls Tennis was a greatsuccess in Trimester 1 with many girlsplaying the game for the first time. Ournew coach’s enthusiasm for the game wasinfectious creating a positive experiencefor all of the girls, encouraging them toimprove their skills and enjoy their Tennis.levels with the Open A and Open B teamsmaking it into the finals. The Open Aswent down in a hard fought final butthe Open B Girls were crowned TAS RedChampions after an undefeated season.The JTAS (Junior TAS) season was also agreat success in Term 1 with our Year 6Cricket team showing great commitmentand spirit maintaining an undefeatedrecord all season. The Softball girls wereoutstanding with their attendance andcommitment to improve their individualskills. This resulted in many victories duringFollow <strong>Redeemer</strong> Sport on Facebookwww.facebook.com/<strong>Redeemer</strong>Sport

REDEEMER RECORD | feature | 15the course of the season and led to threegirls being selected for representativehonours.Our <strong>Redeemer</strong> ‘Racers’ swimming teamhad a great year starting off well with arecord number of swimmers qualifying forthe district team. We then participatedstrongly at the <strong>Lutheran</strong> Schools carnivalbefore entering the TAS swimming arena,where we dominated the Red Division. TheJTAS swimming squad also had an excellentseason showing great determination andcommitment to training. It is this attitudeand desire that will help develop <strong>Redeemer</strong>swimming and keep us competing at thehighest level when these students enter themiddle and senior schools.After the completion of the Swimmingseason comes Cross Country season, whereagain participation is the key to success. Thecommitment and efforts of many were clearto see despite the cold, early morning startsfor training. We placed sixth overall out of14 schools in the South District. The TAS RedCarnival was next and again our goal was tofinish first to gain promotion back into theBlue Division. Some close races and greatcompetition saw us fall just short of our goalwith an overall third placing.The Junior Cross Country teamperformed well at all carnivals and againdemonstrated a high level of commitmentto improve as individuals and as a team. Asa group the Junior Cross Country team wonthe Southern <strong>Lutheran</strong> Associated PrimarySchools Red Division Carnival.JTAS for Term 2 has had some mixedresults on the field but once again thecommitment and positive attitude must becommended. The Year 7.1 and 7.2 Netballteams are currently undefeated for theseason and are looking to finish the seasonon a positive note with more victories.Our Rugby teams have demonstrated someamazing skill and team developmentsthroughout the season leading to theYear 6/7 team having their first win ofthe season.Trimester 2 has been an outstandingsuccess. As a school we have worked hardand successfully qualified six Netball, threeHockey, four Tennis and one Rugby teamto play in the finals. On the finals day allteams performed well with the Open A,Year 9 and Year 8 Girls Hockey dominatingand winning the championship. The BoysTennis also did an amazing job securingthe Open A and B titles, whilst the Open BNetball girls demolished their opponentson the way to collecting the trophy.Many individuals have gained selection torepresentative honours this year at Districtand Regional level. Congratulations to allstudents selected to represent Queenslandin <strong>2012</strong>!We sometimes judge our successes throughmedals and trophies won but I believe oursuccess in sport has come in a differentform this year. The display of pride inour school teams and commitment toparticipation across the school this yearhas been outstanding. At <strong>Redeemer</strong> wejudge our success through supporting ourfriends and team mates, respecting ouropponents and competing with integrity atall times. Through this we have proven tobe champions so far in <strong>2012</strong>!Mr Brent ArnoldHead of SportMr Gavin AndrewsHead of Junior SportA New LookTAS Sports UniformThroughout 2011-<strong>2012</strong>, a committee madeup of Sports staff, Executive members andP & F representatives have been workingtoward the introduction of new TASSports and PE uniforms which are beingprogressively rolled out across <strong>2012</strong>. (A newPE uniform will not be ready until 2013.)The introduction of the new TAS Sportsuniform will see a gradual separationbetween the PE uniform and the TASSports uniform.• The new TAS Sports uniformincorporates the use of the collegecolours, college crest and logo, ensuringthat it remains true to our history.• The TAS Sports uniform is designed insuch a manner so as to be able to beworn for a number of sports acrossthe year (not a separate uniform foreach sport) and yet is still ‘smart anddistinctive’.• The Firsts uniforms are distinctivelydifferent from the ‘generic’ uniforms aswell as complying with TAS numberingrequirements.• The new uniforms provide both a maleand female cut for relevant garmentsand the supplier is also able to provideone-off specials for unique studentneeds.• A new coaches and staff uniform isalso being introduced as part of thenew look.RL CRL CRL CRL CRL CRL CRL C

REDEEMER RECORD | COLLEGE neWS | 17Japan Tour <strong>2012</strong>It was an early, yet exciting start to our first day of holidays arrivingat the Gold Coast airport at 6.00am ready to fly to Cairns. Thenafter having our last taste of Australian food in Cairns, we boardedour long flight to Tokyo. When we finally landed in Tokyo thatsame day, we were all a little nervous as our Japan homestayfamilies were there waiting to take us home. However, being putstraight into a Japanese home was amazing, and a great experiencewe wished went for a much longer time. Japanese houses are verysmall and close together; they don’t have backyards and mosthouses don’t have space to park cars. They walk and catch the trainto travel places. We spoke as much Japanese as we could to ourfamilies and learnt a lot of new things:They have heated toilet seats, they bow a lot, they eat a lot and theyare very polite and kind people. It was hard to say goodbye, but goodto see everyone and speak some English again. We firstly headedto Kyoto by bullet train which they call the Shinkansen. Kyoto hadbeautiful Cherry blossom displays, castles and was also very cold!After Kyoto, we travelled to Hiroshima. We saw the remains ofthe Atomic Bomb and the Peace Memorial Museum, learning a lotmore about that tragic day for Japan. In Hiroshima we also visitedMiyajima Island where we took pictures in front of the famousRed Gate, saw deer everywhere and shopped and ate some greatfood in the street markets.After Hiroshima we caught busses, trains, the Shinkansen andwalked extremely far to a small place called Iga, the birthplaceof “ninja”. Surprisingly Iga had one of the nicest hotels withbeds. They also did have a great sushi train which had every kindof fish on sushi you could imagine. Tokyo had more beautifulEaster Egg GiftsOn Wednesday 28 March, a group of five Year 11 students fromthe Community Service Committee embarked on a journey toBethany Christian Aged Care. Our primary purpose of the daywas to hand out small Easter egg packages to the elderly as anEaster gift. We spoke to numerous residents that welcomed uswith open arms and did not hesitate to share their inspirationalstories and advice with us. One of the eldest residents, aged100, spoke to us of her gratitude for friends, family and otherpeople in the community that helped throughout her life. Shemade us realise how important appreciation is and how luckywe really are to be living in such a wonderful community. Thevisit reinforced that even a small amount of effort can go a longway and even a smile can brighten someone’s day.Cherry blossoms and lots of great markets for shopping. We wentto Tokyo Disneyland which was awesome, and had a subwaychallenge. The subway challenge was our four groups being givena subway route map, four places to visit and take a photo of andthen be back on time. It was hilarious running through the stationslike maniacs trying to beat each other to the finish line, and weall finished before our deadline. Our last day in Tokyo was just asbusy as the first, but sad that we were leaving such a great placethat we had grown so used to. Our homestay students met us atthe airport and said goodbye as we flew to Cairns and back to theGold Coast. I’ll never forget my time in Japan and definitely know Ihave made some special friends and hope to go back soon!Savina SimatovicYear 12Shave for a CureIn what has become almost a ‘rite of passage’, over 30 seniorboys participated by either shaving their heads and/or waxingtheir legs in support of the Leukaemia Foundation. Over $5,000was raised by these young men which is an incredible effort!Such events involve the contributions of many people. Thanksmust also go to the School Spirit Committee and Mrs Dart whoran a drinks stall during the event, the maintenance staff forassisting with set up, Mrs Buck in the Business Office, and MsBerlin, Mr Sharwood Biedermann, Mr Georgiou and Mr Arnoldwho either coloured, shaved or waxed! Staff and students fromthe Queensland <strong>College</strong> of Beauty Therapy and Matters In Greygave up their time to rip, shave and trim.In honour of our past teacher, Mrs Karen Rowlands, the CommunityService Committee would like to donate the proceedings from thisgreat event to the Leukaemia Foundation. Donations can still bemade online at http://my.leukaemiafoundation.org.au/redeemerlutherancollege?langPref=en-CA

18 | MUSIC news | REDEEMER RECORDMusic @ <strong>Redeemer</strong> – The Year So FarStudents have definitely been hitting the high notes this year withseveral significant performances highlighting how dedicated andtalented our young musicians are.Senior School ensembles have all had productive workshops withrenowned tutors and conductors and this certainly contributedto Senior Concert Band and Stage Band delivering knock-outperformances at the opening of The Rochedale Estates. Studentsin Stage Band also got a major buzz out of playing for ABC 612’sbreakfast program. Of course, our Concert Series continues tobe well-attended and the quality of the music-making from allMiddle School and Senior School ensembles is to be celebrated.Our annual ‘Road Trip’ with Junior Choir, <strong>College</strong> Choristers,Voiceworx, Flute Choir and Clarinet Ensemble was a big hitwith the residents at The Plains Retirement Village, who weregenuinely moved by the students’ beautiful playing and singing.All students are to be congratulated for the special contributionthey made on this day.Excitingly, all Year 5 students have taken up the opportunity tolearn a band instrument and as a result, Junior Concert Band isthe biggest and most vibrant we have ever seen at <strong>Redeemer</strong>.Junior String Ensemble is also breaking attendance records thisyear with terrific numbers of students from Years 3 to 5 attendingrehearsals. The support and encouragement parents provideto these students as they begin their life-long musical journeyas instrumentalists is invaluable – thank you. Imagine what<strong>Redeemer</strong> Music is going to look and sound like in 2019!Our Concert Series continued on Sunday 10 June at Brisbane’sOld Museum Building where the Senior Singers, <strong>College</strong> Choraleand Chamber Strings performed with the Queensland YouthOrchestra Wind Ensemble. This has certainly become one of<strong>Redeemer</strong> Music’s annual highlights!Finally, <strong>Redeemer</strong> Music is proud to announce that a touris planned to Victoria and Melbourne for 2013! Studentsin Senior Singers, Chorale, The Fellas, Chamber Strings, SeniorConcert Band and Stage Band will be invited to take part in aseries of fantastic concerts and of course, some great Australiansight-seeing. We can’t wait to take our amazing musicians on thismusically-rewarding journey.Thank you to the <strong>College</strong> community for your ongoing support ofour fine music program.Mr David LawPerformance Music Coordinator

REDEEMER RECORD | MUSIC news | 19Stage Band on the Air!Students in the <strong>Redeemer</strong>Stage Band participated in alive performance as part of 612ABC Brisbane’s School Bandand Choir competition on Friday 18 May. The performance of thesong “Birdland” was broadcast live from the Kleinschmidt CentreAuditorium to tens-of-thousands of people on their way to workand around their homes on Friday morning as well as recorded liveand posted on the 612 ABC website with a picture of the band.The competition features bands and choirs from throughoutQueensland. The winners of the competition will have theopportunity to perform at ABC Southbank Parklands studios infront of a live studio and be broadcast on ABC digital.If you missed the performance, you can listen to it online via thefollowing link: http://blogs.abc.net.au/queensland/<strong>2012</strong>/05/redeemer-lutheran-college-rochedale-performing-live.html<strong>Redeemer</strong> Musicparticipates in theOfficial Opening ofThe Rochedale EstatesAs a college, we’ve seen a lot change in the local Rochedale areasince <strong>Redeemer</strong> <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>College</strong> was established in the quiet ruralsuburb in 1980! Over the next five years an additional 2,200 homesand 800 townhouses are expected to be built in Rochedale as partof the Rochedale Urban Development, with the suburb’s populationgrowing by a further 10,000 residents in the next 10 years.<strong>Redeemer</strong> Stage Band and Senior Concert Band participated inthe official opening of The Rochedale Estates Display World onGardner Road, Rochedale on Saturday 12 May as part of ourpartnership with The Rochedale Estates development.

20 | STAFF neWS | REDEEMER RECORDJudy Powell announces retirementfollowing 23 years of distinguished serviceLate in Term 1 this year, Mrs Judy Powell (formerly Wintour),(Head of Middle School) announced her retirement which willfollow 23 years of distinguished service to <strong>Redeemer</strong>, and morethan 10 years as an Executive member.In addition to the establishment of the Middle School, Judy’sdistinguished contributions to <strong>Redeemer</strong> have been mostevident in the fields of English teaching, public speaking andgeneral leadership of staff. Judy’s retirement is effective as of31 December this year. Judy leaves a great educational legacy to<strong>Redeemer</strong>, as well as her contributions to the relationship between<strong>Redeemer</strong> <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>College</strong> and Our Saviour <strong>Lutheran</strong> Church.There is no doubt that Judy Powell will be greatly missed, and wepray that this period of transition will be a smooth one for her.Judy’s service to the <strong>Redeemer</strong> community will be celebrated andacknowledged in our end of year formalities.With the retirement of Mrs Judy Powell at the close of <strong>2012</strong>, it hasbeen necessary to appoint a new Head of Middle School. At thisstage, this appointment is for 2013 only as it is seen as an interimyear before we start to gear up for the changes to all three subschoolsto take effect in 2015. During 2013, the Middle School willcontinue unchanged in order to support stability for this interim year.It is my pleasure to announce Mrs Kathy Stock as the Head ofMiddle School for 2013. Mrs Stock will move from her currentroles of Year 8 Home Class Teacher and Assistant Head of MiddleSchool into the position of Head of Middle School for 2013.We congratulate Mrs Stock on this appointment for 2013.Goethe-Institut ScholarshipMs Tamara RogersCongratulations to Ms Tamara Rogers(Middle School teacher – German,SOSE, Drama), who has been awardeda Goethe-Institut Language ProficiencyScholarship in Term 4, <strong>2012</strong> to München,Germany.Farewell and Thank YouMrs Helen CharlesMrs Charles has served <strong>Redeemer</strong> fora little more than thirteen years as the<strong>College</strong>’s first Student Counsellor. In thisrole, and during her years of service,she developed <strong>Redeemer</strong>’s CounsellingDepartment and helped many familiesof the <strong>College</strong> in the process, for whichthe college community is thankful. Wewish Mrs Charles all the very best in herretirement!Any past students who would like to share memories orMrs Powell (Wintour) at <strong>Redeemer</strong>, and wish her well for herretirement may send an email to: record@redeemer.com.aufor inclusion in the December issue of <strong>Redeemer</strong> <strong>Record</strong>.Fullbright ScholarshipMs Katie TrussCongratulations to Ms Katie Truss,Curriculum Leader – English (Years 6-9)who has been awarded a FullbrightQueensland Scholarship, sponsoredby the Queensland Government anduniversities.Through her Fulbright, Ms Truss willspend a year in the United States,undertaking a Master of Education inhuman development and psychology, focusing on developmentalpsychology, risk and resilience.She will use this to improve her ability to meet the needs of herstudents and to allow her to develop programs to enhance skillsof Queensland teachers.The prestigious Fulbright program is the largest educationalscholarship of its kind, created by U.S. Senator J. William Fulbrightand the U.S. Government in 1946. Aimed at promoting mutualunderstanding through educational exchange, it operatesbetween the U.S. and 155 countries. In Australia, the scholarshipsare funded by the Australian and U.S. Governments and corporatepartners and administered by the Australian-American FulbrightCommission in Canberra.

REDEEMER RECORD | OUTSIDE School hourS CAre newS | 21Outside School Hours Care NewsThis year, <strong>Redeemer</strong> <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>College</strong>’s Outside School HoursCare (OSHC) service has continued to grow and provide aninvaluable service to our college families, with the After SchoolCare program close to capacity on some afternoons.We continually seek ways to build the professional knowledgeand develop learning communities. In the school age care settingall the interactions, experiences, activities, routines and events,planned and unplanned, that occur are designed to fosterchildren’s wellbeing, development and learning.The My Time Our Place Framework has been implemented and isdesigned to inspire conversations, improve communication andprovide a common language about children’s play, leisure andlearning among children themselves, their families, the broadercommunity, school age care educators and other professionals.The OSHC service provides a well-resourced program with activitiesand educational learning experiences for all children enrolled.Mrs Anita NoiesenOutside School Hours Care Coordinator

22 | PARENTS & FRIENDS neWS | REDEEMER RECORDParents & Friends NewsP&F ExecutiveIf you would like to be more involved or have an idea or issue youwould like raised please contact one of the P & F Executive members:• President Mrs Caroline Ryan 0438 743 445• Vice President Mr Peter Grant 0408 886 495• Secretary Mrs Coralie Curan 0413 460 050• Treasurer Mrs Skye Naismith 0408 872 901• Parent Council Liaison Mrs Georgina Lynch 0401 057 033• Fair Convenor Mrs Natalie Pashen 0418 875 395<strong>Redeemer</strong> Fair <strong>2012</strong><strong>Redeemer</strong> Fair is fast approaching again for another year, andplans are in full swing for another great Fair on Saturday 27October from 2.00pm to 8.00pm. There will be more rides,stalls and entertainment than ever seen before. This is a greatafternoon/night out and with a large range of food to choosefrom, there will be something for everyone! If you have a businessthat would like to get involved, or you yourself would like to beinvolved, please email our Fair Convenor, Mrs Natalie Pashen onnpashen@redeemer.com.au. See you there!!!!Support <strong>Redeemer</strong> with...Woolworths Earn & LearnRemember to collect your stickers from theservice desk, place them on the card andreturn to any of the sub-school offices, or thered box in the Chapel foyer.Coles Sports for SchoolsCollect your Sports for Schools vouchersfrom Coles and drop them in to any of the<strong>Redeemer</strong> sub-school offices, or the boxlocated in the Chapel foyer.IGA Community ChestCollect your IGA Community Chest tokens whenyou shop at Rochedale IGA and place them in tothe <strong>Redeemer</strong> box located near the service desk.Pauls Collect a CapCollect the caps from your Pauls Milk bottles,wash them, and then return to <strong>Redeemer</strong>.Pauls will contribute 10c per cap for everycap collected, so the more caps you collect,the bigger the contribution.Supporter Groups<strong>Redeemer</strong> Supporter Groups have been running well this year withsausage sizzles and barbecues becoming the norm at all homegames. Rugby, Netball, Girls Volleyball, Boys Tennis and Hockeyjust to name a few. Thank you to all those parents that offer theirtime to ensure that there is a barbecue and hot drink at all of ourhome games. This was great to see and the Parents and Friendswould like to support this into the future. The <strong>Redeemer</strong> MusicSupporters Group have had a great start to the year also, and withmany more concerts in the second half of the year they still havelots of opportunity to build the <strong>Redeemer</strong> community spirit.P & F Contributions to the <strong>College</strong> so far in <strong>2012</strong>:• $3,500 for Gross Motor Skill Development Equipment• $1,350 Specialist Hockey Coaching• $4,000 for Storage and Shelving of P & F Equipment• $2,000 for Quarter Double Bass• $1,000 Drinks and General supplies for MPC Kitchento be utilised by Supporter GroupsSupport <strong>Redeemer</strong> and Save!<strong>2012</strong> Entertainment Book<strong>Redeemer</strong> Parents and Friends are happy to announce that the<strong>2012</strong> Entertainment Book will now be available for sale at <strong>Redeemer</strong>,with a portion of sales going back to supporting our school!Choose what you want to do and when you want to do it withhundreds of valuable offers. Receive up to 50% off and 2-for-1 offersvalid now until 1 June 2013.For only $65you’ll receiveover$15,000worth ofvaluable offers!Fine and contemporary dining, casual restaurant and family dining,informal dining and takeaway, arts, sports and attractions, retailand shopping, travel, leisure and accommodation.To order your book with a credit card, log on to:www.entertainmentbook.com.au/orderbooks/226y319Copies of the <strong>2012</strong> book may be viewed at the Junior School Office,Middle School Office, <strong>Redeemer</strong> Uniform Shop or <strong>College</strong> Reception.To view the new <strong>2012</strong>/2013 Entertainment Book on line please visitwww.entertainmentbook.com.au/entertainment-media

REDEEMER RECORD | PARENTS & FRIENDS neWS | 23Middle and Junior Disco<strong>2012</strong> saw the first Middle School and Junior School Disco organisedby the <strong>Redeemer</strong> Parents and Friends Association. On Friday 15June, the Middle School students danced up a storm and had afabulous night! The Prep to Year 2 students arrived on Saturday 16June at 4.00pm to be amazed by the lazer lights and disco moves!They had a great time but it was all over too soon as the Years 3-5students arrived at 6.00pm and danced and jived until the end ofthe night at 7.30pm. All the students, teachers and parents had agreat night and the children on Monday morning wanted to knowwhen the next one was, perhaps next year.

24redeemer alumni | REDEEMER RECORD<strong>Redeemer</strong> VeteransThere is a new look for our<strong>Redeemer</strong> Veterans!Our members have found that we are all very busy people anddon’t want to have committee meetings, so at the recent AnnualGeneral Meeting, it was voted… “to suspend the ‘Association’and continue in a less formal format”. I’m happy to announcethat there will not be a committee or any meetings orreports, but simply All Social!The <strong>Redeemer</strong> Veterans group will continue to meet for coffeeat 3.30pm (new time) on the second Sunday of the month atThe Coffee Club on the corner of Cinderella Drive andSpringwood Road, Springwood.Past parents, Carol Fisher, Robyn Bailey and Margaret Fletcher willbe organizing a Christmas break up and the reunion gathering for2013. With formalities aside, we hope to see many more of youjoining us for fun and fellowship.Important ThanksWe have to thank the many people who have played a big partover these last years to keep the Association going. In particular,our retiring President, Noela Kleinschmidt and Secretary Pat Skytte.These two ladies have held positions on the committee and workedhard together in organising numerous successful functions.Incorporating past parents, past and present grandparents,past <strong>College</strong> Council members and past employeesRecent FunctionsIn November 2011, our end of year function was well attendedby 38 members and friends. It was held at the Rasa MalaysiaChinese Restaurant at Underwood. A most enjoyable luncheonto conclude the year. We were pleased to welcome two newcouples, who are recent past parents.The 11th Annual Reunion was held in March and was an extremelysuccessful cocktail evening held in the <strong>College</strong> Home Economicsbuilding. This was a wonderful two course finger food dinnercatered for us by the college’s own Year 12 Hospitality Studentsunder the capable guidance of teachers Mrs Jenny Ludwig and MrsKate Wilkinson. The food was superb, as was the wine, generouslydonated by Tyson Stelzer. Pastor Robin Stelzer (a past parent) wasour MC for the evening and Principal David Radke welcomed usand thanked us for hard work at the college over past years. It waswonderful to see 56 guests enjoy the friendship and fellowshipmade through their involvement at the college.The new informal format allows us to be more flexible and socurrent parents and friends are also welcome.If you know anyone that would like to come along, we wouldbe pleased to hear from you, so that we can be sure to keepeveryone informed.Carol Fisher (07) 3341 6713Robyn Bailey (07) 3208 6650Margaret Fletcher (07) 3423 1554123456781. Some of the Year 12 Hospitality students and Mrs KateWilkinson (catering for the <strong>2012</strong> Annual Reunion Dinneron Friday 2 March <strong>2012</strong>, cocktail evening).2. Rosilyn Frieberg (Deputy Principal), Stan Dudgeon,Lily Seeto and Carol Fisher.3. Anne Constantine, Bruce Vickers, Ken Krenske andSandra Vickers.4. Lyn Esdaile, Brian Schmidt, Tricia O’Mara, Lis andPastor Robin Stelzer.5. Jan Fawke, Peter and Pam Joll, Robyn Solomon.6. Ken O’Mara, Rita and Noel Hickey.7. Anne Schmidt, Gwen Dudgeon, Pat Skytte and Ruth Carlson.8. Greg and Margaret Fletcher, Bruce and Sandra Vickers,Paul and Anne Constantine.

REDEEMER RECORD | redeemer alumni 25Alumni NewsStephen Hill (92) has left professional engineering after 15 yearsin the industry, and commenced full time this year at Holy SpiritSeminary as an aspirant for the Catholic Priesthood.Dr Gemma Olsson (95) has been successful in the RoyalAustralasian <strong>College</strong> of Surgeons fellowship exam inneurosurgery. Gemma is currently a senior registrar-neurosurgeonat Mater Children’s Hospital. Well done Gemma!Sam Borgert (10) and Dominic Fay (10) debuted on air at96five last December, and since then have been working with thestation hosting a weekly radio show. After spending the first partof <strong>2012</strong> on Saturday nights, they were promoted to the Saturdaymorning breakfast show, and can now be heard on air from6.00am until 10.00am every Saturday morning on 96.5FM. Theirschool days are often brought up in their chats, as well as storiesabout Sam’s ancient car, and their weekly joke (which is rarelyfunny!) The duo can also be seen performing in the BrisbaneComedy Festival at the Brisbane Powerhouse in March, andhosting various corporate events.Dr Gemma Olsson (95)Andrew Roiko (08) has been chosen in the Queensland Under21 Indoor Cricket squad. Andrew has been playing at both theBeenleigh and Toombul indoor cricket centres and was a pastmember of <strong>Redeemer</strong>’s Cricket, Rugby and Volleyball teams.Damon McIntosh (06) and Dominic Harper (10) are bothmembers of the band “For This Cause”. Dominic completed oneyear of his Bachelor of Music degree but took time off this yearto pursue his musical endeavours. This year has seen them tourAustralia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore withtheir debut album to be released later this year. You can checkthem out at www.facebook.com/forthiscause. Photograph byDemi Cambridge (10).Sam Borgert (10) and Dominic Fay (10)News from Past StaffLin Holzheimer (1980-1984) has recently retired to the gloriousGranite Belt near Girraween National Park and close to dozens ofwonderful boutique wineries. “Life is good!”EngagementsRecently engaged and want to tell the world?! … email yournews and a photo through to: alumni@redeemer.com.au toinclude the details in the next issue of <strong>Redeemer</strong> <strong>Record</strong>.Carmel Wendt (10) was engaged to Jason Barnes on 25 May<strong>2012</strong> on Jason’s 21st birthday and their 13 month anniversary.Rhys Crowley, Luke McKenzie, Reuben Chant, Damon McIntosh (06) andDominic Harper (10)

26redeemer alumni | REDEEMER RECORDWeddingsIsaac Stiller (03) and Samantha Rigby (08) were married on26 November 2011.The bridal party included James Barnes (99), Robert Dudgeon(03), Ebony Stiller (04), Shona Byrne (08), James Wendt (08),Jessica Rigby (10), Adam Rigby (12) and Stephanie Masters.Isaac Stiller (03) and Samantha Rigby (08)Lisa Rawlings (06) married Tim Hurley in a beautiful ceremony atMount Gravatt Anglican Church on 7 January <strong>2012</strong>. The receptionwas held at The Rock Church Annerley. Lisa’s best friend from<strong>Redeemer</strong>, Suzie Ross (06), was one of the bridesmaids.Suize Ross (06) far left together with the wedding party and bride, Lisa Rawlings (06)Serena Ludcke (00) and Joshua KellySerena Ludcke (00) marriedJoshua Kelly on 3 September2011 at the Mantra LegendsHotel in Surfers Paradise.Serena and Joshua are bothemployed in 5 Star hotels onthe Gold Coast; Serena is anAssistant Banquets Managerand Joshua works in theconcierge department. Theyfirst met three years agoworking in a hotel in Canberra.Before this Serena had workedin Kakadu National Park in theNorthern Territory for nearlytwo years.Serena’s Chief Bridesmaid and twin sister Carmen Ludcke (00)is currently working as Activities Manager at O’Reilly’s RainforestRetreat, Lamington National Park. Damien Ludcke (95) is basedin Brisbane working for a superannuation company. JustinLudcke (92) is General Manager of Intersafe while assisting thebuilding construction of <strong>Lutheran</strong> Ormeau Rivers District School(LORDS) and his wife Rebecca Ludcke (Rossmann 96) is aprimary school teacher but currently spending time with their threechildren (Mitchell, Katelyn and Stephanie) while assisting with theopening of LORDS. Warren Ludcke (91) has recently started hisown business in computing and software; his wife Sandra offerscontinual support while looking after their two children (Joshuaand Mykaelah).Lauren Hutton (06) married Daniel Strelan on Saturday 2 June atthe Mount Tamborine Showgrounds. Bridesmaids included RebeccaMurray (06), Fiona Hughes (06) and Jessica Hardgrave (07).After 5 years of full time studying, Lauren now has her Bachelor ofPsychological Science and Bachelor of Laws (with Honours).Jason Rawlings (04)Lisa’s brother, Jason Rawlings (04),flew back from California to be agroomsman. Jason has graduatedfrom first year at the Bethel Schoolof Supernatural Ministry in ReddingCalifornia. He will return for a secondyear concentrating on healing andprophecy ministry.Michael Murray (05) married Kelly Westlake on 17 September2011 at the Gold Coast. Michael is now the Senior Policy Advisorin Queensland Sport and Recreation Services and Kelly is a PrepTeacher at Livingstone Christian <strong>College</strong>.Lauren Hutton (06) and Daniel Strelan weddingIn MemoriamAndrew Porter (96) – 1978 -2011. His funeral took placeon Thursday 1 September at Coolangatta, Gold Coast,St Augustine’s Church.Elise Murray, Karlee Jarvee, Wendy Fairbrother, Kirsten Van Der Walt, Kelly Murray(nee Westlake), Michael Murray (05), David Murray (01), James Parker (05),George Dedes (05), Chris Kleinschmidt (05)Bethany Wingett (10) – 13/09/93 – 08/12/11. Bethany’s funeraltook place on Friday 16 December <strong>2012</strong> at <strong>Redeemer</strong> Chapel.

REDEEMER RECORD | redeemer alumni 27BirthsClare and Robert Pattearson (00) welcomed a baby boy, James,on Sunday 4 December 2011 weighing 7lb 3oz, 53cm long.Weide and Andrew Wandel (94) are delighted to announce thebirth of their first child, Nathan Andrew, born 23 February <strong>2012</strong>.Andrew, Weide and Nathan live in Toowoomba, where Andrew isa lecturer in Engineering at USQ.Nathan Wandel’s Baptism (22 April <strong>2012</strong> at Good Shepherd <strong>Lutheran</strong> Church,Toowoomba) and from left: Debbie Wandel, Jason Wandel (91), Andrew Wandel(94), Nathan Wandel, Weide Wandel, Steve Wandel (90)Stay in TouchRemember to update your phone, email and mailingaddress with us:Email alumni@redeemer.com.auPhone 07 3340 8888Post PO Box 6090Upper Mount Gravatt, Queensland 4122OnlineAll of the details regarding upcoming reunions for<strong>Redeemer</strong> <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>College</strong> can be found on our website.Log onto www.redeemer.com.au/community/alumniFacebookFind reunion news and past Student information on<strong>Redeemer</strong>’s official Facebook page:www.facebook.com/<strong>Redeemer</strong><strong>Lutheran</strong><strong>College</strong>TwitterFollow <strong>Redeemer</strong> <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>College</strong> on Twitter.www.twitter.com/<strong>Redeemer</strong><strong>College</strong><strong>2012</strong> ReunionsClass of 2002 – 10 Year ReunionWhen Saturday 4 August <strong>2012</strong>Time 7.00pm – 11.00pmWhere The Glen Hotel, Logan Road, Eight Mile PlainsCost $40pp (partners/family welcome)Tickets Invitations will be mailed early <strong>July</strong> or download atwww.redeemer.com.au/community/alumniRSVP Monday 30 <strong>July</strong> <strong>2012</strong>Contact <strong>Redeemer</strong> <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>College</strong> on 3340 8888 oralumni@redeemer.com.auClass of 1992 – 20 Year ReunionWhen Saturday 1 September <strong>2012</strong>Time 7.00pm – 11.00pmWhere The Glen Hotel, Logan Road, Eight Mile PlainsCost $40pp (partners/family welcome)Tickets Invitations will be mailed late <strong>July</strong> or download atwww.redeemer.com.au/community/alumniRSVP Monday 27 August <strong>2012</strong>Contact <strong>Redeemer</strong> <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>College</strong> on 3340 8888 oralumni@redeemer.com.auClass of 1987 – 25 Year ReunionWhen Saturday 27 October <strong>2012</strong> (note change of date)Time 7.00pm – 11.00pmWhere Bleeding Heart Gallery, 166 Ann Street, BrisbaneCost $60pp (partners/family welcome)Tickets Available online at www.redchair.com.au or(07) 5473 9498RSVP Monday 1 October <strong>2012</strong>Contact Angie Dunbavan - events@redchair.com.au or07 5473 9498 for further informationCoordinatorsKaren Armstrong (nee Mowbray), Cameron Armstrong, KylieGartside, Kym Mullen and Angie Dunbavan.2013 Date ClaimersClass of 2003 – 10 Year ReunionWhen Saturday 3 August 2013Time 7.00pm – 11.00pmClass of 1993 – 20 Year ReunionWhen Saturday 7 September 2013Time 7.00pm – 11.00pmClass of 1988 – 25 Year ReunionExpressions of interest are sought for a proposed 25 year reunionfor the Class of 1988. A reunion is proposed for Saturday 5October 2013. If you are interested and would like to organise andcoordinate this reunion, please email alumni@redeemer.com.au

<strong>Redeemer</strong> Events CalendarNELYGPTCTVJULYAUGSEPTOCTNOVDECSaturday 7 Year 11 Ski Tour returns from Thredbo Ski Resort, 11.00amTuesday 17 Term 3 CommencesWednesday 18 P-12 Parent/Teacher/Student Partnership Meetings, 3.45pm-8.00pmSunday 29 Year 7 Canberra Tour departs, 7.00pmAUGSEPTOCTNOVDECSEPTOCTNOVDECOCTNOVDECNOVDECDECFriday 3 Principal’s Tour of the Junior School, 9.00am-10.30amSaturday 4 Year 7 Canberra Tour returns, 10.30amSaturday 4 Alumni Class of 2002 – 10 Year Reunion, 7.00pm (The Glen Hotel)Monday 6 Parents and Friends General Meeting, 7.00pm (SA31, P & F Room)Wednesday 15 Exhibition Public HolidaySunday 19 <strong>Redeemer</strong> Day Thanksgiving Service, 8.30am (<strong>Redeemer</strong> Chapel)Friday 31 Chamber by Candlelight, 7.30pm (Kleinschmidt Centre)Saturday 1 Alumni Class of 1992 – 20 Year Reunion, 7.00pm (The Glen Hotel)Tuesday 11 <strong>Redeemer</strong> Concert Series number 4, 7.00pm (Kleinschmidt Centre)Thursday 20 Official Opening and Dedication of Junior School JG Block, 11.15amFriday 21 Term 3 ConcludesMonday 1 Queen’s Birthday Public HolidayMonday 8 Term 4 Commences<strong>Redeemer</strong> Fair Meeting, 7.00pm (SA31, P & F Room)Thursday 11 <strong>Redeemer</strong> Concert Series number 5 -Years 9-12 Music Extension Recital, 7.00pm ( Kleinschmidt Centre)Saturday 13 Year 12 Formal – Citigate and Sebel, 5.00pm-11.20pmMonday 22 Student Free DayWednesday 24 Twilight Tour of the <strong>College</strong>, 5.00pm-6.00pmWednesday 24 Springboard Exhibition <strong>2012</strong>, 6.00pm-8.00pm (Multi-Purpose Centre Auditorium)Saturday 27 <strong>Redeemer</strong> Fair <strong>2012</strong>, 2.00pm -8.00pmSaturday 27 Alumni Class of 1987 – 25 Year Reunion, 7.00pm (Bleeding Heart Gallery, Brisbane)Wednesday 31 <strong>Redeemer</strong> Concert Series number 6, 7.00pm (Kleinschmidt Centre)Tuesday 6 <strong>Redeemer</strong> Concert Series number 7 – Junior/Middle School Finale Concert, 7.00pm (Kleinschmidt Centre)Friday 9 Principal’s Tour of the Junior School, 9.00am-10.30amMonday 12 Parents and Friends General Meeting, 7.00pm (SA31, P & F Room)Thursday 15 Valedictory Service, 7.30pm (<strong>Redeemer</strong> Chapel)Friday 23 Junior School Interhouse Swimming Carnival (<strong>Redeemer</strong> Pool)Tuesday 4 <strong>2012</strong> Junior School Closing Service, 1.45pm-2.30pm (<strong>Redeemer</strong> Chapel)Tuesday 4 <strong>2012</strong> Closing Service, 7.30pm (<strong>Redeemer</strong> Chapel)Tuesday 4 Term 4 ConcludesFriday 7 Principal’s Tour of the Middle/Senior School, 9.00am-10.30amMonday 24 Christmas Eve Service at <strong>Redeemer</strong> Chapel, 7.30pmTuesday 25 Christmas Day Service at <strong>Redeemer</strong> Chapel, 8.30amThe full college calendar can be found online at: www.redeemer.com.au/events/calendarOBH 14430FAIRSaturday 27 October <strong>2012</strong>, 2-8pmMore attractions than ever before!Heaps of food * Live entertainment * Games & prizesSporting events * Adult refreshments * Coffee shop‘Springboard’ Student Exhibition * Fireworks display<strong>Redeemer</strong> <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>College</strong> 745 Rochedale Rd, Rochedale<strong>Redeemer</strong> BarrelWin a FamilyHoliday!!

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