HAYNES® 556™ alloy - Haynes International, Inc.

HAYNES® 556™ alloy - Haynes International, Inc.

HAYNES® 556™ alloy - Haynes International, Inc.

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Field Experience - Municipal Waste <strong>Inc</strong>ineratorSamples were exposed for 950hours in the superheater sectionof a municipal waste incinerator.Combustion gas temperatureswere about 1475°F (800°C) withexcursions to 1740°F (950°C).The mode of corrosion observedwas oxidation/sulfidation, althoughalkali chloride compoundswere known to be present.HAYNES ® 556 <strong>alloy</strong> was foundto be one of the best <strong>alloy</strong>s forresisting this highly corrosiveenvironment.Maximum Metal Affected (mm)0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9HAYNES 188 <strong>alloy</strong>HAYNES 556 <strong>alloy</strong>INCOLEL <strong>alloy</strong> 617Type 309 stainless steelHASTELLOY X <strong>alloy</strong>5 10 15 20 25 30 35Maximum Metal Affected (mils)Field Experience - Aluminum Remelting FurnaceSamples of tubing were exposedfor 1150 hours in the recuperatorof an aluminum remelting furnaceproducing 1250°F (675°C) fluegases. The tube samples wereinternally cooled by combustionpreheat air the same as theoperating recuperator tubes. Themode of corrosion observed wascombined attack by alkali sulfatesand chlorides together withoxidation. HAYNES 556 <strong>alloy</strong>exhibited outstanding resistanceto corrosion in this environment.Maximum Metal Affected (mm)0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9HAYNES 556 <strong>alloy</strong>625 <strong>alloy</strong>HASTELLOY X <strong>alloy</strong>Type 310 stainlessType 316 stainlessType 304 stainless5 10 15 20 25 30 35Maximum Metal Affected (mils)5HAYNES ® 556 TM <strong>alloy</strong>

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