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RSU STRUKTŪRVIENĪBU IZVIETOJUMS RĪGĀTvaika iela 219Rātsupītes iela 156historySTRATegyVisionmissionSTRATEGIC PRIORITiesmanagement of quality45educationORGANIZATIONAL SCHEME OF EDUCATION AVAILABLE AT THE RSUMedicine and health care STUDIeSSocial sciences studiesAniņmuižas bulv. education 26a for life24 Multicultural environmentDzirciema iela 20 Dzirciema iela 1628, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33research7 8 9 15 19 203, 5, 6, 8, 9 26, 27 36, 3738, 39 40, 41 42, 43Student scientific organizationsKapseļu iela 23201 2 3 4Scientific papers and conferencesRSU research institutionsCommercialisation of scientific workResearch directions in social sciencesTRADitionsGraduation ceremoniesPilsoņu iela 13Ventspils Matriculation iela 53 ceremony2316 17Honorary doctors’ inaugurationAcademic ballaula2, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17Kronvalda bulv. 9 Antonijas iela 1F. Brīvzemnieka iela 2425Vienības gatve 454, 1811 12 141 356253031Practical lifeRehabilitoloģijas pētnieciskā laboratorija, Asaru pr. 61, Jūrmala22RSU Liepājas filiāle, Riņķu iela 24/26, Liepāja44STUDENT LIFEStudent organizationsan active lifestyleamateur cultural groupsLatvia & RIGAALUMNI333738

We are rich in tradition, contemporaryteaching programmes and clinical bases.Each year young people arrive to studywith us. Each year we increase ourknowledge base and scientific capacity.We are open to new ideas, challenges andcreative people who can ensure the highestquality in every area of our work.In the picture: The RSU graduates in their ceremonialrobes at the entrance to the University.The Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) is one of the leadingand most advanced higher education teaching institutionsin the Baltic region with an ambition to become a wellrecogniseduniversity in the field of medicine and socialsciences not only in Europe, but also in the world.The Rīga Stradiņš University was founded in 1950. In aperson’s life, sixty years is a period when the heights ofone’s professional career have been reached.In the life of a university, this is a brief, yet a significantpoint at which to stop for a moment, to look back on whathas been achieved and to keep moving on. Over the years,the University has acquired a wealth of experience inLatvian medical education, health care and social sciencesand has established enduring research traditions thatcombine both historic experience and current worldscientific achievements. Together we all create the futureof Latvia, Europe and the whole world. And the RīgaStradiņš University’s challenge is to provide its studentswith the tools to create this future.Our main value is and remains the individual – thoseyoung people who are being prepared for their lifelongdevelopment at the Rīga Stradiņš University, people whoserecovery as well as maintenance of their health will oneday be cared for by our medicine and health care studyprogramme graduates, and people the responsibility forwhose care will be taken on by our social science facultygraduates working in state administration etc. It is alsoour teaching staff, one of the main reasons why studentsfavour our University. Our teaching staff is the mostexperienced in their field and are progressive thinkingopinion leaders and world recognised experts.I am strong in my conviction that the quality of educationprovided by the RSU is competitive in the European andworld market. Overall, more than 5000 students study atthe University with almost 300 having arrived from morethan 17 countries, including Sweden, Norway, Germany,Great Britain, the USA, Canada, Sri Lanka et al. Witheach year, the growing number of international studentsis the evidence of our ability to offer high quality andworld recognised higher education, as well as our abilityto compete with other European universities.Any university’s task is not just to fulfil the functionsof a higher education teaching institution. Throughoutages universities have been significant scientific centres,involved in active research work and promotion ofinnovative ideas. The Rīga Stradiņš University is one ofsuch centres of academic education and science, wherethe best research teams are concentrated for the purposeof creation of new intellectual and material values.We are rich in tradition, contemporary teachingprogrammes and clinical bases. Each year young peoplearrive to study with us. Each year we increase ourknowledge base and scientific capacity. We are opento new ideas, challenges and creative people who canensure the highest quality in every area of ourwork. This gives me the confidence to say that thedevelopment direction which the Rīga StradiņšUniversity has followed up till now must be continuedinto the future as well.Professor Jānis Gardovskis,Rector of the Rīga Stradiņš University2 3

14235HistoryStrategyThe history of the Rīga Stradiņš University begins on1 September 1950. On this very day in Riga , the RīgaStradiņš University’s predecessor, the Riga MedicalInstitute opened its doors in a building at 12 PadomjuBlvd. (now – 12 Zigfrīda Annas Meierovica Blvd.) thatpre-war benefactor Kristaps Morbergs had bequeathed foreducational purposes. It, in turn, had developed outof the State University of Latvia Faculty of Medicine, whichwas the direct successor of the pre-war University of LatviaFaculty of Medicine. Through its predecessors the RSU’shistory is closely intertwined with the history of medicalhigher education in Latvia in general.The Stradiņš name in the university’s title is fitting.Members of the Stradiņš family have had a significantinfluence on the course of community and academic lifein Latvia for over a century. The effective and outstandingprofessional work of Pauls Stradiņš, Dean of the Universityof Latvia Faculty of Medicine - one of the two professors ofmedicine who remained in Latvia after the Second WorldWar, ensured the passing on of the values, standards, andquality of education in medicine, creating a bridge betweenpre and post-war Latvian education and science and placinga firm foundation for the creation and development ofthe Riga Medical Institute.The first Rector of the Riga Medical Institute was ProfessorErnests Burtnieks. Initially there were faculties of HealthCare, Dentistry, and Pharmacy at this institute of learningand academic work was organised among 45 departments.Gradually, nearly all of the hospitals, as well as someout-patient medical institutions in and around Rīga wereinvolved in its study and research work.On 30 December 1969, the Faculty of Dentistry moved tothe Dental Polyclinic’s new building at 20 Dzirciema Street.On 30 September 1987 the first building stage of the RigaMedical Institute complex was completed – new premisesbuilt especially for the University were opened next doorat 16 Dzirciema Street. More than 1000 offices, lecturetheatres, and laboratories were established on the 16 000square metre area, which nowadays is managed by the RīgaStradiņš University.In 1990, with the renewal of Latvia’s national independence,the Riga Medical Institute was renamed the Medical Academyof Latvia (Academia Medicinae Latviensis or AML). This markedthe beginning of a new period in the life of the University. In1998, with the Medical Academy developing into a universityand preparing high quality specialists not only in medicine,pharmacy, rehabilitation, nursing, public health, dentistry,but also in various social science programmes, the Academy’sConstituent Assembly adopted a decision to create a Facultyof Social Sciences and to change the name of the Academy tothe “Rīga Stradiņš University”. In 1999 the Faculty of SocialSciences was reorganized into the European IntegrationInstitute. In 2002 the Saeima [Latvian Parliament] adopteda law on the RSU’s Satversme [Constitution], whilethe European Integration Institute was transformed intothe Faculty of European Studies. With further developmentin the social sciences, the Faculty of Communications wasestablished in 2007, followed by the Faculty of Law in 2009.In 2009, the Great Hall, the University’s main ceremonialevents venue, construction of which had been begun in Soviettimes, was finally built and ready to serve the academic andcultural life of University. In 2010 the Red Cross MedicalCollege came under the supervision of the RSU, as didthe Medical College of Liepaja, which has became the firstregional branch of the University.VisionThe Rīga Stradiņš University as a modern, prestigiousuniversity acknowledged in Europe and throughoutthe world in the fields of healthcare and social sciences, withthe human being at its centre of attention.MissionThe Rīga Stradiņš University’s mission is to train highlyqualified experts in the fields of health care and socialsciences, so that they can serve the society of Latvia,the European Union, as well as the world. So thatthe knowledge, skills and attitudes gained by the studentform a stable foundation for lifelong learning and are in linewith humane traditions and the requirements of EuropeanUnion. In developing research activities in accordance withthe RSU’s profile, the University is laying foundations togain the status of a research university.Strategic prioritiesEducation. To enhance the student experience bycontinually improving the quality of academic programmes,thus adding value to the RSU degree for graduates andpromoting the export of knowledge.Research. To increase research opportunities for scientistsand students at the RSU, in order to acquire applicableand exportable knowledge, as well as to make substantialcontributions to the society.International activity. To increase the RSU’s internationalcooperation and activity in attracting students in academic,research, and economic development areas.Resource management. To ensure the RSU’s financialstability by respecting people, taking care of property,economising on financial resources and increasing income,in order to ensure sound performance of the University.Benefit to the community. To enrich community, economicand family life through research and innovation, socialinclusion and responsibility, entrepreneurship, andintegration.managementof qualityIn 2002 the Rīga Stradiņš University was the firstestablishment of higher education in Latvia to beacknowledged compliant to the ISO 9001 InternationalStandard for Quality Management Systems. This certificatewas issued by the “Bureau Veritas Quality International”,the world’s leading certification body. From that momentthe RSU’s quality management system is continuallyevaluated by internal audit and certified organizations.In 2009 the quality management system was recertifiedin accordance with the ISO 9001:2008 standard. Once more,this is to prove that the RSU takes care of the quality of itseducation and that it has serious plans to establish itself inthe environment of European higher education. The reputationof Rīga Stradiņš University is of high importance, since itsambition is to engage the brightest of young minds and toattract the best of experienced professors.In the pictures:1. The newly constructed building at 16 Dzirciema Street, where the Riga Medical Institute students began studies in the 1987/88 academic year.2. Anatomy Theatre in the former Orthodox Ecclesiastical Seminary building at 9 Kronvalda Blvd. 1920’s.3. Professor Pauls Stradiņš (third from the left) General Surgery Department. 1930’s.4. At the electron microscope in the Infectious Diseases Department. Mid 1960’s.5. Activities in the Anatomy Theatre. 1960’s.4 5

EducationAn open multicultural environment in the study andresearch process, as well as academic staff and studentmobility empowers the students to develop skills, whichare the foundation for their later successful careersanywhere in the world.Life-long Education (Preparatory and language courses, Open University and qualification courses)Residency studyprogrammes(2–6 years)2nd levelprofessional higher educationstudy programmes(5–6 years)Examples of professions which canbe gained at the RSU:Doctor, Doctor specializing inPaediatrics, Pharmacist, DentistOrganizational Schemeof the RSU EducationDoctor’s study programmes (3–4 years)Professionalmaster’s studyprogrammes(1.5–2.5 years)Professional bachelor’sstudy programmes(4 years)Examples of professions which can begained at the RSU: Speech Therapist,Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist,Nurse, Psychologist, Technical Podiatrist,Social Worker, Public Health Specialist,Dietician, Midwife1st levelprofessional higher educationstudy programmes(2–3 years)Examples of professions which can be gained at the RSU and the RSURCMC*: Doctor’s Assistant, Nurse, Nursing Assistant, FitnessSpecialist, Midwife, Dental HygienistGeneral secondary or secondary professional educationAcademicmaster’s studyprogrammes(2–2.5 years)Academic bachelor’sstudy programmes(3 years)The graduates of these RSU programmescan become: Diplomats, Economists,Public Servants, Lawyers, PublicRelations Specialists, Sociologists,Businessmen/women, Managers,Journalists etc.*RCMC – Red Cross Medical CollegeThe compliance with market demands of the RīgaStradiņš University 10 faculties’ study programmecontent and the academic staff’s professional qualificationstandards and experience place our University amongthe most popular and friendliest of universities. An openmulticultural environment in the study and researchprocess, as well as academic staff and student mobilityempowers the students to develop skills, which arethe foundation for their later successful careersanywhere in the world.One of the fundamental goals of the Rīga StradiņšUniversity is to continually raise the quality and valueof education received by our graduates. Our studyprogrammes are reviewed and improved on a regularbasis, clearly defining the result of studies - knowledge,skills, and abilities to be obtained. We intensively introducemodern technologies and promote the development ofa student oriented study process. Studies at the universityare organised in small groups, thus creating a morepersonal study environment. The Rīga Stradiņš Universitysuccessfully provides education as a service which isexported with high added value. The Open Universityprinciples which have been recently introduced at ourUniversity make education accessible to every creativeperson throughout life.We are determined in our endeavours of developingthe Rīga Stradiņš University as a modern Europeanuniversity that serves the local and global community.Professor Ilze Akota, Rīga Stradiņš UniversityVice-Rector for TeachingComprehensiveeducationThe Rīga Stradiņš University ten faculties providebachelor’s, master’s, doctor’s, professional, as well aspostdoctoral qualification programmes. Anyone – fromthe high school student to the doctor of science – hasan opportunity to gain a new qualification here, tosupplement their education, as well as to make acontribution to the creation of new knowledge andtechnology.The RSU is the only university in Latvia, whichtraditionally has been closely integrated in the health caresystem, thus establishing preconditions for successfuloperation of the medical institutions of Latvia.Studies at the university in the medical area are offeredin the faculties of Medicine, Nursing, Dentistry, Pharmacy,Rehabilitation, and Public Health. Studies in the fieldof social sciences can be undertaken in the faculties ofEuropean Studies, Communications, and Law. There arealso faculties of Continuing Education and InternationalStudents and a Division of Doctoral Studies.University students can choose full time studies, whichrequire undivided attention, as well as part time studies,which can usually be combined with work. Medicine andhealth care students at various levels of study can accessstate budget funded study places. The best social sciencestudents receive rebates on their tuition fees.6 7

The Rīga Stradiņš University medicine and health carestudy programmes are proud of having the oldest traditionsand providing the most comprehensive education in thisarea in Latvia. The growing numbers of internationalstudents from Europe continue to testify to the high qualityof these studies.Medicine and health care studiesNationally very important medicine and health careprogramme standards are high and strictly regulated andthat is why the classical school system dominates inthe study plan: 50% of a student’s time is devoted tocontact study time – lectures, seminars, tutorials, butthe other 50% independent work. The Medicineprogramme has a special form of study, where clinicalsubjects are taught according to the cycle system − oneclinical subject for a certain period of time, with thenext subject following only when the previous one hasbeen completed. In examinations, a specially preparedObjectively Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)conforming to the standards of western universities isbeing introduced – this is the best and most objective wayto check if the knowledge required for work in a clinic hasbeen acquired.In comparison with many European universities, wherestudents can only practice in a hospital during residencyprogramme, RSU students learn in a clinical environment.After 3 years of study, nurse assistant placement takesplace when students assist clinical care centre nurses.In later years students do clinical placement in hospitalswhere they work under the supervision of a doctor.FacultiesThe Faculty of MedicineThe Faculty of Medicine is rich in tradition as it isthe University’s oldest faculty. It offers the mostcomprehensive studies in medicine in Latvia.The medicine studies development plan foresees thisfaculty becoming the leading medical education centrein the Baltic region. Here, the best of the world’s medicaluniversity study processes, examination qualitystandards and modern teaching technology is beingintroduced, step by step.The faculty is becoming increasingly popular amonginternational students due to the competitiveness of itseducation on the European scale and affordable study fees.It provides a full professional education programme so thatupon completion of studies, the graduate can successfullycontinue specialisation in the residency or master’sprogrammes. Commencing from the third academic studyyear, students have the opportunity to profound theirknowledge in paediatrics. The study process includesplacements in patient clinical care, internal diseases,surgery, obstetrics, and gynaecology, where theoreticalknowledge is supplemented with practical skills.In the picture: The future dentists mastering their practical skills with the aid of technologically advanced dummies equipment.8 9

“the RSU’s medicine and health care studies arethe richest in tradition in Latvia. In order tostrengthen OUR flagship position in the Balticsand to increase competitiveness in the world,we continue to modernise medical educationprogrammes, bringing their quality even closerto the world’s leading university standards.a significant advantage of the RSU’s faculty ofMedicine, when compared to the rest of the world isthat the Studies take place with direct patient contactat the university’s clinics from the very first is an invaluable opportunity for emerging doctorsto apply their theoretical knowledge in practice,developing their medical and diagnostic skills.”ARDIS PLATKĀJISAssociate Professor, MD Dean of the Faculty of MedicineThe majority of the graduates of Faculty of Medicinecontinue studies in residency to gain qualification in theirchosen specialisation and to become fully-fledged doctorswith a doctor’s degree and certificate, i.e., a licence to workindependently. Studies in residency, in which the latestknow-how and treatment methods can be learnt, is a fulltime job at the same time. Academic staff and graduates ofthe Faculty of Medicine have successful careers in Latvianand foreign clinics, research institutes, and internationalhealth protection organisations.The Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology with its fivelaboratories and one department is a significant part ofthe Faculty of Medicine, as is the Centre of Research andOrganisation in Family Medicine Studies and nineteenother departments.The Faculty of DentistryThe grounds for this Faculty were also laid at the pre-warUniversity of Latvia Faculty of Medicine’s Department ofDentistry. This faculty prepares qualified dentists ina modern five year professional bachelor’s study programmerecognised in the European Union. Graduates obtainknowledge and practical skills that allow them to practicein general dentistry – to treat patients with oral cavity andtooth diseases and to carry out educational activities forthe prevention of the mentioned diseases. After two yearsof study one can graduate with the qualification of a dentalhygienist.Students’ professional training takes place in the RSU’sInstitute of Dentistry. It is an internationally recognisedhigh quality practical dentistry centre located next tothe RSU’s main building.There are five departments in the Faculty of Dentistry:the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry, the Departmentof Prosthetic Dentistry, the Department of Oral andMaxillofacial Surgery, and the Departments of OralPathology and Orthodontics. The School of Dental Hygieneand the Association of Latvian Dental Students operatewithin the faculty.The Faculty of NursingIt takes four years of study for high school graduates andone year of studies for medical college graduates to acquirethe bachelor’s degree and become qualified professionals.Two years of master’s studies culminate with a master’sdegree in Health Sciences. The academic staff of the Facultyof Nursing also teaches students at the RSU’s LiepājaBranch and at the Daugavpils Medical College.The bachelors study programme in Nursing is financed bythe European Social Fund and it conforms to Europeanstandards. It provides students with up to date competenciesin medical sciences, nursing, and humanities, as well asproblem solving methods. Students without a certificateof specialisation, can major in one of the four basic areas:theatre-sister, out-patient care nurse, surgical care nurse,mental health care nurse. The Faculty of Nursing isthe first in Latvia to implement a new professional bachelor’sstudy programme “Midwifery”, which now allows masteringthis profession in accordance with the European Uniondirectives.The degree from the Faculty of Nursing is a gateway, notonly to working with patients, but also to teaching andmanaging of health care processes, to practicing in healthcare organisations, and to research career. The AcademicSchool of Nursing Studies operates within the faculty.The Faculty of PharmacyHigher education in the pharmaceutical field in Latvia is90 years old and can be attained at the Rīga StradiņšUniversity for the sixth decade now. The Faculty ofPharmacy offers full time five year on-site professionalstudies. It is also possible to study part time on-site (aftergraduation from the Rīga Medical College No.1 and gaininga Pharmaceutical Assistant’s qualification).Pharmacists work in pharmaceutical factories, atsupermarkets, at scientific research institutions, aswell as at chemist shops and hospitals. Fundamentalknowledge about medicines, their origin and research,their use and impact on the human body, their productionand distribution, which is based on the studies of humananatomy, physiology, pharmacology, pharmaceuticalchemistry, dosage form technology and the study ofpharmaceutical law makes these specialists an importantlink between the patient and the doctor. There areDepartments of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Dosage FormTechnology within the faculty.The Faculty of RehabilitationRehabilitation is currently one of the most rapidly growingfields of treatment as shown by the Faculty’s extensivechoice of study programmes to treat people who havedeveloped serious health problems through a combinationof illness and age or through other circumstances. In 1993,the first study programme in Physiotherapy was developedat the University. Nevertheless, at present the Faculty ofRehabilitation offers the emerging specialists who care forthe maintenance, restoration, and improvement of people’shealth, the best study opportunities in Latvia: bachelor’sand professional degree study programmes not just inPhysiotherapy, but also in Occupational Therapy, Audiology-Speech Therapy, Orthotics-Prosthetics, Social Work,Nutrition and Fitness. One can study Audiology-SpeechTherapy, Physiotherapy, and Nutrition to achievean academic master’s degree, and Art Therapy and SocialWork to get a professional master’s degree.Professional training takes place in the Department ofRehabilitation, the Department of Social Work, andthe Department of Sports, Nutrition and Education.10 11

Anatomy TheatreThe Theatrum Anatomicum in Riga, at 9 Kronvalda Blvd., is a placewhere the future doctors learn the basics of medicine – discoverthe human body and conduct morphological and anthropologicalresearch. This is a place where death assists life. 2 February1920, when MD. Gaston Backman arrived in Riga from UppsalaUniversity and presented his first lecture in human anatomy there,is considered as the founding day of the RSU Institute of Anatomyand Anthropology. The future professor of the Karolinska Institutealso supervised the construction of the Anatomy Theatre’s largelecture theatre. The amphitheatre, with its preparation tablesthat have spotlights placed over them, was created in the historicOrthodox Church Seminary building.The Anatomy Theatre provides an integrated study programme inanatomy, histology and cell biology, embryology and anthropology,as well as in the morphological aspects of clinical disciplines.Research and medical diagnostic activity, as well as teaching takeplace at the Anatomy Theatre. Here the researchers develop andapprobate new research methods, conduct human morphological,biomechanical, and anthropological research. The developmentof clinical diagnostics and standards of a morphological,biomechanical, and anthropological nature takes place here.“the RIga eastern clinical university hospital (RAKUS)highly values the long standing multidisciplinarycollaboration with the RSU in the areas of medicalscience and teaching. the University’s leadingacademic staff have made a significant contributionto the introduction of many new modern treatmentmethods and algorithms in the hospital’s everyday practice.the practical work that the 150 or more RSU residentswcarry out at the RAKUS clinics significantly improvesthe quality and accessibility of healthcare to the patients.the presence of Students and assistant professorsin the hospital’s treatment departments createsa progressive and new direction for the strongmovement towards international standardsin health care in Latvia.”The Anatomy Theatre is set up in a building which was built forthe needs of the Greek Orthodox Seminary in 1879 to the designof the well-known Baltic German architect and academic HeinrichSchell. The building of the Anatomy Theatre which is decoratedwith stained glass windows and paintings by the most famousartists of Latvia has even today maintained its historic look, andthe study process taking place in its lecture rooms stems fromthe traditional academic standards.Clinical BasesStudents of the Faculty of Medicine gain their professionalgrounding at the university’s clinical hospitals – the mostimportant Latvian health care treatment and medical scienceestablishments. Riga Eastern Clinical University Hospital isthe most significant among them all. Patients receive generalsurgery, traumatology, neurosurgery, vascular surgery, generaltherapy, cardiology, nephrology, urology, gynaecology, andotolaryngology or ophthalmology services at this modern wideranging medical establishment. Patients with malignant tumours,haematological illnesses, neurological illnesses, burns, frostbite,geriatric problems, and children with hearing problems orpatients who are suffering from poisoning can all be treated atthis hospital. There are also significant clinical bases at the PaulsStradiņš Clinical University Hospital, Children’s ClinicalUniversity Hospital, Riga Maternity Hospital, and the StateAgency of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases of Latvia. Dentistry istaught at the Institute of Dentistry.12/3Viesturs BokaProfessor, Riga Eastern Clinical University Hospital’s Chairman of the BoardIn the pictures:1. The academic staff of Anatomy Theatre on the stairs of the historical building.2. Students in the practical classes of Microbiology.3. Students acquiring practical knowledge at one of the many clinical bases.14 15

Social sciences studiesSocial sciences study programmes at the Rīga Stradiņš University put a strongemphasis on the European aspect. Thus the knowledge and skills that areobtained by the young specialists at the RSU can be effectively and creativelyapplied not just on the Latvian, but also the broader European scenery.In the picture: Application of theoretical knowledge to real life situations is an integral part of the study process.The University assists students in finding their placements.European viewpoint is well embedded in the subjectsand study programmes that are being taught at the threeRiga Stradiņš University faculties of social sciences. Upongraduation students can choose their careers in Latvianorganizations, which work at an international level, or ininternational institutions. Of course, the bachelor’s andmaster’s degrees awarded by the RSU are recognized at anyEuropean university. This is important if a student plans tocontinue studies abroad.The so-called module system, which is employed at the RSU,adds constructiveness, dynamics, and fun to the whole studyprocess. It is quite different from the one that prevails inmany other universities in Latvia, where students undergohard examination session week after a half year long studyof five, six subjects. Our students study no more thanthree subjects at any one time and they take examinationimmediately upon completion of a particular subject.Typically, it takes one to three months to master each subject.Another beneficial aspect is that studies take place in smallgroups, ensuring that lecturers, well respected experts andopinion leaders in the community, can have an individualapproach to every student. Nevertheless, much attention ispaid to nurture self-dependency of the students. This is doneby organizing studies in student groups and by assigningindividual work to them. The University stimulates students tolearn foreign languages: besides intensive English languagestudies, it is also possible to choose German, French orSpanish. Professional work placements are incorporatedinto the study plan of social sciences programs, in order toreinforce students with wide range of employability skills andsubject knowledge. The faculties support students withthe location of their placements, while encouraging students tobe active on their own.Study programmes are very concentrated: after just threeyears of study, graduates of the bachelor programme are readyto pursue a professional career.16 17

“Modern information technologies are continuallychanging the readers’ habits and the way theyPERCEIVE media content. It is, therefore, very importantto secure the basic values of journalism – being openand honest and providing only verified informationof the highest quality. the study process, integratesthe latest multimedia trends with the principles oftraditional journalism. WE BUILD up the erudition of ourstudents in expert discussions and optional courses.Our graduates are creative people who succeed in anykind of media or communication field.”FacultiesThe Faculty of European StudiesHere social science students who are interested inEuropean processes are provided with the skills ofstate administration, diplomacy, business and businessmanagement, marketing and advertising. Bachelor’s,master’s, and even doctor’s programs are available.The study process is based on the teaching methods thatare approved at the top European universities.Faculty offers bachelor’s programmes in InternationalRelations – European Studies, as well as in Politics andState Administration. The latter programme is uniquein Latvia. With its renewal in 2010, it became possible tostudy management, marketing, and communications in onestudy block with political theory and state administrationprinciples. RSU is the only University in Latvia whichoffers bachelor’s degree in European Economics andBusiness, Management of Small and Medium Business,and International Marketing and Advertising.The following professional master’s degree programmesare provided by the Faculty of European Studies –Business and Law in the European Union and InternationalRelations and Political Science. The latter can also bestudied in the doctorate.There are departments of Political Science and RegionalEconomics and Business within the faculty.The Faculty of CommunicationsThe faculty prepares specialists in sociology andpsychology, journalism, public relations, andcommunication in general. In 2008, the faculty beganoffering the first Social Anthropology master’s studyprogramme in Latvia, and in 2010 it was the first to beginimplementing a bachelor’s study programme “MultimediaCommunications”, which is unique in Latvia’s educationenvironment.Student preparation for professional placement isemphasized in Journalism studies, providingan opportunity while still studying to try one’s hand at TVand radio, as well as in internet journalism, editorial work,and production. The Public Relations study programme, inturn, prepares competitive public relations specialists forwork in business environment, state administration, localgovernment institutions, and community organizations.Bachelor’s degree graduates can continue to studyCommunications or Public Relations Management fora master’s degree.The RSU is the only university in Latvia whichoffers studies in Sociology of Organisations andManagement. As a result, it is possible to applyknowledge in Psychology for work in educational andmedical institutions, social services, and businessorganisations. Excellent and demanding team ofacademic staff makes the standard of education ofthe master’s programme in Social Anthropologycomparable to that obtainable at prestigious foreignuniversities. The academic staff has studied anddefended its doctoral theses, at schools like Oxford,Cambridge, Berkeley, The New School for SocialResearch in New York and other world famousuniversities.The Faculty of LawThe faculty offers a full cycle of legal studies: fromthree year academic bachelor’s studies tothe professional and academic master’s and doctor’s.There are highly qualified specialists amongthe members of academic staff. They have eitherworked, or are still working in the largest institutionsof justice in Latvia and Europe: the ProsecutorGeneral’s Office of the Republic of Latvia,the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia, andthe International Hague Tribunal.One can master in a unique programme offered bythe RSU Faculty of Law, which cannot be obtainedanywhere else in Latvia, the programme offersthe speciality in Medical and Social Rights.The University’s historic background in medicineprovides the best possible foundation for this subject.The growing demand for specialists in Medical Lawis in turn determined by trends in society: people aremore and more educated about their rights and theyare eager to exercise them. These are not onlythe rights of patients, but those of doctors and medicalpersonnel, as well.With the closure of the Latvian Police Academy,the faculty is developing a new direction which isavailable at all degree levels – the Rights of Police.This specialisation schedules studies in ForensicScience, Methods for Investigation of Individuals, andOperational Investigation Methods. With the supportof academic staff students have created a researchlaboratory where they train in court processes andin preparation of court applications. Usually, intensediscussions take place there.Anda RožukalneDr. sc. soc., Head of the “Journalism” and “Multimedia Communications” study programme18 19

Education for lifeContinuing EducationEducation does not finish with the first level higher educationprofessional, bachelor’s or even master’s degree achieved – it isa lifelong process for a person. The Rīga Stradiņš Universityprovides extensive opportunities to prepare for higher educationstudies, to continue with education after its completion, or to evenattend university lectures to broaden one’s horizons of knowledge.The Division of Doctoral Studies and the Faculty of ContinuingEducation take care of the continuing education at the University.Doctoral studies, the next step after completion of master’s orequivalent studies are undertaken to increase one’s competitivenessand to improve oneself in the academic and research area bydefending a thesis. The RSU has joined Europe’s Doctorate Conceptand the so called Bologna Declaration, in which doctoral educationhas been mentioned as one of the top priorities for Europe’suniversities to work on. Many graduates of doctoral studies jointhe University’s academic staff and pass their knowledge further onto the students. The RSU offers full and part time accredited doctor’sstudy programmes in Medicine, Pharmacy, Sociology, and Law, aswell as a licensed study programme in Political Science.The Section of Residency that operates under the Faculty ofContinuing Education runs the specialisation programmes, whichare coherent with the latest knowledge and methods of treatment,for the graduates of professional medical programme. Uponcompletion of the specialisation programmes students becomecertified doctors and are allowed to work unsupervised. In turn,the Section of Courses offers professional development programmesfor certified doctors, nurses, doctors’ assistants, midwives,pharmacists, health care managers, as well as for specialists whoare connected with other areas of education provided bythe University. High school students have the opportunity to attendtraining courses so that they can successfully pass State CentralizedExaminations that are mandatory upon completion of school, RSUentrance tests, and begin their studies in order to attain a highereducation degree.12/3“The European commision’s representation inLatvia wilingly takes on RSU students, who wish tosupplement their studies with practical skills, andoffers opportunities to experience and participate inthe EU representation’s everyday work. In turn, we gainfresh ideas and diverse opinions from the students,as well as up-to-date academic knowledge, whichenriches our daily work.”Iveta ŠulcaHead of the European Commission’s Representation in LatviaOpen UniversityAt the Rīga Stradiņš University’s Open University anyone whohas an interest can attend lectures and even courses together withregular RSU students. Anyone can choose whether to be an externalstudent or to get actively involved in mastering the subjects, asa result of which one receives study credit points. Yet, it is true thatexternal students must have a defined prior level of education inmany medicine and health care study programmes, where withouta considerable level of prior knowledge it wouldn’t be possible tograsp, let alone, learn the subject.In the pictures:1. The Open University is accessible to people of various age groups.2. Education is a life-long learning process.3. The latest study and scientific literature – more than 755 000 printedunits – is available at the Library.20 21

MulticulturalenvironmentStudents fromAll Over the WorldFor the last 20 years now the Rīga Stradiņš University’s diplomas,which can be obtained in the study programmes provided bythe Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Dentistry, have beenvalued by international students, as well. Since Latvia joinedthe European Union their numbers have increased very rapidly todayseveral hundred young people from the USA, France, Estonia, Italy,Israel, Canada, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway,Finland, Sri Lanka, Poland, Germany, and Sweden study theseRSU programmes in the English language. Any RSU studentfrom Latvia can become a mentor support person or friend of aninternational student.The presence of international students undoubtedly makes studiesmore interesting. It is fascinating – to meet and to get acquaintedwith representatives of various nations, to experience a multinationalenvironment, without travelling to study in a foreign country.Exchange Programmeswith Foreign UniversitiesEach enrolled RSU student has the opportunity of studying or doingplacement for 3 to 12 months in other countries, but the Universitystaff – to teach or exchange experience for one to six week periodat one of the partner universities. This opportunity is provided byERASMUS – an international study exchange programme, the goalof which is to improve the quality of higher education and to give ita European dimension through the exchange of students, academicand administrative staff and through other university cooperationactivities.The RSU cooperates with more than 60 European universities inall European Union member nations which ensure either studies orplacement mobility for the guests from RSU. It is a privilege to gainvaluable academic and cultural experience, as well as new friends,impressions and knowledge about European countries.1/2“I am glad to study in Riga. I find it to be a beautifulcity. The preclinical years were full of INTENSIVEstudies, yet the good news is that now i havea really good basis of knowledge to be applied inthe clinical studies. I really like the small groupshere. It makes easier to come in personal CONTACT WITHTHE PROFESsORS. Would i recommend the RSU tomy friends? without a doubt!”The number of exchange programme participants is swiftlyincreasing. If only 12 RSU students participated in ERASMUS inthe 2004/05 academic year, then in the 2009/10 academic year –there were already 96 exchange students.The most popular universities for social sciences students are OsloUniversity in Norway, Zuidas University in the Netherlands, GhentUniversity in Belgium, Aarhus University in Denmark, but formedical students – Humboldt University and Lubeck University inGermany and Debrecen University in Hungary.Mohammed SaidInternational student from Sweden, RSU’s study programme “Medicine”, 4th study yearIn the pictures: 1./2. Foreign students of the RSU in everyday life and festivities.22 23

ResearchAt the Rīga Stradiņš University multidisciplinary research takesplace during the active study period, as well as in the periodafter studies. Everyone in the University body – starting fromthe experienced professor to the first year student – is involvedin the creation of new knowledge, both in the areas of medicineand health care, as well as in social sciences.“through joint work with other doctors, geneticists,molecular biologists, and sociologists, we aresearching for new ways of reducing the prevalenceof cancer which has been passed on from generationto generation. the younger generation – Rīga StradiņšUniversity’s doctoral and other students – IS ALSOactively involved in the research work, thus gainingunique experience. i’m sure there are many more whohighly value the support and circumstances thatthe University creates for THE developmentof scientific research.”Edvīns MiklaševičsAssociate Professor, Head Researcher, RSU Institute of Hereditary CancerWe believe that ideas can change the world. Extensivelydeveloped scientific research, which creates new anduseful knowledge for current and future generations,is the Rīga Stradiņš University’s base. Rich in traditionand internationally recognized, research institutes,laboratories and research centres facilitate the RīgaStradiņš University’s discoveries, increasing the paceof development in the research area and continuing todetermine its course in Latvia and the world, and makingsociety better as a whole.The Rīga Stradiņš University develops and increasesopportunities to work in research, in order to gainpatentable, applicable and exportable knowledge. Eachyear the RSU registers more than ten patents and similaramount of new trademarks both in Latvia, as well asin other countries, whereas the number of academicpublications per lecturer at our University is the highestamong universities in Latvia. In addition, the work ofour scientists is highly integrated in the internationalresearch area.At the Rīga Stradiņš University multidisciplinaryresearch takes place during the active study period,as well as in the period after studies. Everyone inthe University body – starting from the experiencedprofessor to the first year student – is involved inthe creation of new knowledge, both in the areas ofmedicine and health care, as well as in the social sciences.The ideas discovered and implemented by our researchersimprove the quality of life in society in the long run.Professor Iveta Ozolanta, Rīga Stradiņš University’sVice-Rector of Science24 25

213 4Scientific papersand conferencesThe Rīga Stradiņš University traditionally holdsa unique place in field of science in Latvia, providinga full research cycle from the laboratory to the hospitalbed. This applies particularly to such research fields ofpublic importance as oncology, infection, paediatrics,rehabilitation and dentistry. It was specifically due tothe initiative of the RSU academic staff that world classrehabilitation, treatment of heart patients and cancerprevention was developed in Latvia. Research in thesocial sciences, for which the RSU has a significantintellectual and theoretical base, is also becomingincreasingly important.There are five doctor’s study programmes operating atthe RSU – Medicine, Pharmacy, Sociology, Law, Politicalscience. The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latviahas granted to the RSU rights to accept thesis and awardscientific degrees in Medicine, Pharmacy, Law, andSociology.The RSU’s annual two day Scientific Conference is thecentral medical science event in Latvia, which in terms ofits scope is exceeded only by the World Latvian Doctors’Congress, which takes place every four years. At theConference RSU academic staff, residents and doctoralstudents report on the latest research findings.During the Conference scientific work is presented onthe University’s defined research priorities and directions:> research of biological ageing process factors andthe quality of life in Latvia;> research of exogenous and endogenous factorscontributing to health risks of society in Latvia;> research on the role of infection agents as the cause ofactual infection and its development in Latvia;> research of infant mortality and the factors causingphysical disabilities;> research of the clinical and molecular properties ofmalignant tumours to enhance early diagnostics andimprove treatment strategy;> immunohistochemical, radiological and clinical researchof maxillofacial deformations and anomalies;> clinical epidemiology of functional restrictions caused byhealth disorders in Latvia;> transformations in political, economic, social, and legalsystems in Latvia and the world: current situation andfuture trends. The University has been issuingthe annual collection of “RSU Scientific Papers” since1999. The journal is published in both the Latvian andEnglish languages and facilitates the integration of Latvia’sscientists into the network of European researchers.The RSU also participates in the distribution of “Latvijasķirurģijas žurnāls” [Latvian Journal of Surgery], whichwas created in 2000 in cooperation with the LatvianAssociation of Surgeons.researchinstitutionsA number of research institutions operate as part ofthe Rīga Stradiņš University:Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology, whereactive research is carried out in anthropology, anatomy,morphology, biomechanics and electron-microscopelaboratories;A.Kirhenšteins Institute of Microbiology and Virologyis the one that does scientific work in the fields ofmicrobiology, virology, and biotechnology. It also offersspecialized expert reports for government and privatecustomers by utilising the institute’s oncovirology,applied microbiology, cell biotechnology, and virusindication methods, as well as laboratories that deal withbiologically active substances.Institute of Hereditary Cancer, in cooperation withLatvia’s treatment institutions, identifies oncologicaldiseases and undertakes community education on theirhereditary nature. The Institute has a modern molecularlaboratory and data base that contains informationabout oncological history of about 25 000 families.Institute for Occupational and EnvironmentalHealth – the leading work environment researchinstitution in Latvia. Its goal is to improve the workers’health, their ability to work and quality of life.The Institute conducts investigations of workenvironments, diagnoses occupational illnesses andseeks ways of improving work environments, as well asrehabilitates those with occupational illnesses.Institute of Dentistry where scientists and RSUdoctoral students conduct research of nationalimportance into maxillofacial deformation and othersignificant fields.Active research work is also undertaken atthe Andrology, Biochemical, Experimental Animal,Clinical Immunology and Immunogenetics, MolecularGenetics, Transplantology, Traumatology andOrthopaedic laboratories, the Institute of the Historyof Medicine and by the academic staff of the faculties ofsocial sciences.In the pictures:1. The Scientific Conference is the event where both young and experienced researchers share their latest scientific findings.2. Professor Jānis Gardovskis, Rector of the Rīga Stradiņš University, in a discussion with professor Jānis Vētra, former Rector of the RSU,who had the honour to serve the University for 14 years.3. One can learn about the presented scientific work in an exhibition.4. Professor Aigars Pētersons, Head of the Division of Doctoral Studies (in the centre), together with colleagues and students in the audience.26 27

213Commercialisation ofscientific workThe Rīga Stradiņš University sees its role not only asSystemic inflammatory response syndromedevelopment risk prediction method for newly bornbabies and childrenThe introduction of the latest innovative molecular researchCosmetics “Anna Liepa”“The Bio-cosmetics Institute of Latvia” at the RSU MedicalEngineering Centre has begun manufacturing therapeuticand biologically active cosmetics and hygiene products,Student scientificorganizationsParticipating in the Student Scientific Society, whichthe creator of knowledge, but also as the transformer ofmethods in everyday clinical practice has become one ofwhich are prepared from biological raw materials and arewas formed at the same time as the RSU, or in one ofknowledge into products and services that servethe priorities in medicine today. RSU scientists were able tomeant for use at home, salons, and medical institutions.the 20 university student scientific groups, allows findingthe society. In 2008, with financial support from ERAF,invent and patent a method, which helps to predictIt produces eye masks, children’s bath, foot bath and adultout about the lifestyle of a researcher already duringa Technology Transfer Office was created atthe development of infectious diseases in children. Afterbath products, lip masks, and other cosmetics products.the study years. The Society organizes the RSU Students’the University. It assists scientists in bringing their finalproduct of their research to life – commercialise, so thatthe intellectual and industrial property of their findingsis protected. The Office prepares patent applications,registers trademarks, designs, and copyrights. It maintainsthe data base of RSU’s scientific competences andfacilitates cooperation between the scientific and businesscommunities, as well as organises participation ofresearchers in various local and international exhibitionsand events.Fermented milk product “Labdaris”“Labdaris” (well-doer eng.), a product with yogurt likeconsistency, developed and patented by scientists fromthe A.Kirhenšteins Institute of Microbiology and Virologyis a good example of successful commercialization. Since“Labdaris” contains 20 to 70 times more Lactobacillushelveticus R-7 stem bacteria than the cultured milk productsavailable on the market do, it effectively influencesa number of important life processes: it fosters intestinalcanal function, prevents constipation and decreasesdisturbances in the digestive tract caused by stress,facilitates the healing of surgical wounds, as well as speedscontact with micro-organisms that cause infectious diseases,two forms of illness can develop in children: a lighter onewhich passes without need for special treatment and heavierone – as systemic inflammatory response syndrome, which ischaracteristic of severe illness form. The developed methodallows one to determine through molecular–genetic analysisa child’s disposition towards the development of systemicinflammatory response syndrome. This gives doctorsthe opportunity to commence individual therapy promptly, toavoid possible complications, and to decrease child mortality.Practical use of this method could be of great importance inthe future, as it could help to identify those children who areat a high risk of contracting sepsis, which is a serious form ofinfection, and to successfully treat them.The RSU’s business incubator – Innovation Centreof Medical Engineering – offers support services toinnovative companies: it provides accommodation andother infrastructure, consults on business issues, andassists in the development of new products and theirtechnological production processes. One of the companiesthat successfully operates in the business incubator is“The Bio-cosmetics Institute of Latvia”, which is the ownerResearch directionsin social sciencesFor more than 12 years the research work atthe RSU takes place in social sciences departments andresearch laboratories. The studies done by the facultiesof Communication, Law and European Studies covera vast range of topics - globalization, national identity,TV and radio journalism, non-verbal and acousticcommunication, blogging, history of the media, socialproblems, human rights, as well as human trade andthe prevalence of drugs, political economic and securityissues in Latvia and European Union and others.The RSU researchers from social sciencesfaculties – academic staff and students – cooperatewith other universities in Latvia, government and nongovernmentalinstitutions, and various internationalresearch institutes and international organizations.Annual Scientific Conference, the Anatomy Olympiad,the “Gold Stethoscope” Student Therapeutic Olympiadand the “Gold Scalpel” Surgery Olympiad.Success at the Students’ Scientific Conference is not onlya great honour, but is also a considerable advantage inthe study process: the winners are not required to submittheir year six thesis assignment. This forum not onlymotivates students towards research, but also developsskills of formulating scientific research theses, creatinga presentation, and defending one’s position both at localand international medical students’ conferences.The former Students’ Scientific Conference leaders atpresent are popular members of the RSU teaching staff,doctors and scientists: for example, the RSU’s formerRector Prof. Jānis Vētra, Paul Stradiņš Clinical UniversityHospital’s Internal Medicine Clinic’s Head Prof. ValdisPīrāgs and RSU Pathology Professor Juris Leja.There are five students representing medicine andhealthcare studies and two – social science faculties onthe Student Scientific Society’s board, and the RSU’sVice-Rector for Science Prof. Iveta Ozolanta is its Curator.up the recovery of patients with viral illnesses.of the cosmetics brand “Anna Liepa”.In the pictures:1. Fermented milk product “Labdaris” in the sales packaging.2. “Anna Liepa” eco cosmetics products.3. Taking care of child’s health is the key task of health care system.In the picture: Students get actively involved into the research.28 29

TraditionsMatriculation ceremonyThe Matriculation ceremony takes place on the first day of the academicThe GreatHall1year: a ceremonial occasion in honour of the new students joiningthe RSU student body. At the ceremony the new students are welcomedby the RSU governing body: the Chairman of the Senate, the Rector,Vice-Rectors, Deans and Vice-Deans, all dressed in their academicrobes. On this very day the new students are introduced to the RSUstudent organizations and opportunities to participate in amateur choirand folk dance group, as well as the sports club sections.The Great Hall which was opened in 2009 serves the needsof education, science and art – it is the Rīga StradiņšUniversity’s central venue, where the University’smatriculation ceremony, scientific conferences, amateurartistic group and professional artist concerts take place.The RSU Great Hall has already become a favoured venuefor seminars, concerts, local and international congresses123/4Graduation ceremoniesGraduates receive their diplomas at the RSU graduation ceremonies.In a formal ceremony the diplomas are awarded by the Dean, whilefor those who have finished with distinction – by the Rector. Afterthe receipt of their diplomas the graduates move the plume of theiracademic gown’s hood from the right to the left side, in this waysymbolizing their achievements. The Latvian national anthem andthe student hymn “Gaudeamus Igitur” are sung at the graduation.Graduates of the Medicine and Health Care study programmes givetheir Hippocratic Oath, thus publicly taking on the responsibility forthe lives and good health of their future patients.Honorary doctors’inaugurationOnce the Rīga Stradiņš University’s Senate has made a decision,the RSU Honorary Doctor Diplomas for significant contributions toLatvian science and the RSU’s development are awarded to the newhonorary doctors. Representatives of the RSU governing body, dressedin ceremonial academic robes, besides handing over the HonoraryDoctor’s Diploma also present the Honorary Doctor’s robe and hood.The “Laudatio” – a description of each honorary doctor’s achievements –is announced, followed by speeches and musical performances.Academic ballIn the spring semester University students and staff and speciallyand conferences.Latvian pianist Vestards Šimkus, who has achieved famein Europe, has praised the sound of Great Halls’s high classSteinway & Sons concert grand piano. The Great Hall hasoutstanding acoustic qualities which have been appraised byother famous musicians: violinist Vineta Sareika, composerand pianist Raimonds Pauls, flautist Dita Krenberga, andother artists who are well respected in Latvia and elsewherein the world.The Great Hall project was commenced in the 1980’s,but its construction was started only in 1991. However, dueto the important events in Latvia’s history of 1990’s andthe economic transformations that followed, the constructionwork was interrupted until 2006, when architect Vija Ozolareworked the project, adjusting the roof construction andthe space of rooms and hall itself to the present daysituation. In this way outstanding acoustic qualitieswere achieved.The construction of the RSU Great Hall is a very significanthistorical point of reference, as a Great Hall is the heartof any university. Without it a university is like a bodyconnected to an artificial blood supply – it can perform basicfunctions, but its heart lacks the soul. Therefore, it can besaid that in summer of 2009 the RSU made its way home anda new era, rich in possibilities and challenges, has arrived!3/42invited guests take part in the RSU Academic Ball at the Rīga LatvianSociety House. This formal event is to celebrate the University’sachievements during the last academic year. The most outstandingstudents, academic and administrative staff receive the RSU’s annualprizes in various nominations. The Ball commences with a polonaise,and the evening is spent conversing and in dancing classical andmodern dances.In the pictures:1./2./3./4. At the RSU traditions are highly honoured.In the pictures:1./2./3./4. The Great Hall serves the science, arts,and music since the moment of opening.30 31

Student lifeStudent organizationsStudent GovernmentThe RSU Student Government, established to protect student rights,represents them in the RSU Constituent Assembly, Senate, Faculty Councils,Commission of Credit Loans, Scholarship Allocation Commission, Library Board,Museum Board, and Senate Executive Council. There are altogether sixty people onthe Student Board, eight of whom are in the Student Government. The RSU StudentGovernment collaborates with student governments and student organizations inother universities , for example: the Latvian Students’ Union, the European StudentForum representation in Riga, the Latvian Medical Students Association, andthe RSU Student Union.Latvian Medical Students’AssociationLatvian Medical Students’ Association (LaMSA) is a member of the InternationalFederation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA). LaMSA assists the futuredoctors in their study to get more profound knowledge in various fields ofmedicine. It organises placements in local and foreign clinics, where studentscan assist doctors and conduct scientific research. The Association providesthe latest information about international medicine students’ conferences, eventsand competitions. It organises community health promotion projects, such as,“Medicine Students for Community Health”, and “Know your Cholesterol Level”.LaMSA cooperates with the Latvian Doctors Society, the Latvian Young DoctorsSociety, as well as with the student governments of the University of Latviaand the Rīga Stradiņš University.“while students from other universities drank beerand ate cheese in Vecrīga, we studied throughoutthe night. it was worth it. if i had to choose a universityagain, i’d go to the “STRADIŅI” again!”Latvian Dental Students’ AssociationThe organization involves the students of the Faculty of Dentistry in an active sociallife. It brings together future dental specialists, facilitates exchange of experiencebetween the students of different study years, and promotes cooperation betweenLatvia’s dental students and lecturers and those of other countries. The associationorganizes Faculty Olympiads, “Smile Day” and the “White Coat Festival” –the official confirmation of 3rd year students as they become entitled to work withpatients at the clinic under the guidance of professional doctors.Student Professional Group of Healthand Social Welfare Employees TradeUnion of LatviaThe professional group, which unites medicine and health care students, residents,and doctors, builds the communication between students and working doctors,as well as students and governing body of the University. It also organizes bookmarkets, charity events in hospitals in Latvia and many other stimulating activities.12/3Aija StikāneGraduate of the “Journalism” bachelor’s programme and the “Social Anthropology” master’s programmeTV3 News ReporterIn the pictures: 1./2./3. The RSU students take active stance in life.32 33

1234An active lifestyleThere are many high level athletes among the RīgaStradiņš University students. In 2009, Jānis Leitis,a student of the Faculty of Rehabilitation becameEuropean Junior Champion in the long jump and in2010, Guntars Gailītis, a student of the Faculty ofCommunications received the bronze medal atthe European Skateboarding Championship. The RSUSports Club sets up the Autumn Run Around MārasDīķis (about one kilometre long for females and two –for males) in order to encourage the first year studentsto lead an active lifestyle. After the run various funactivities and a Freshman’s Ball take place.The RSU Sports Club has helped to keep more thanone generation of students in good physical shape.During their studies, well known surgeon, ProfessorJānis Volkolākovs, and the President of Latvia ValdisZatlers played basketball for the Sports Club, whichwas founded in 1958. Currently, both the RSU studentsand academic staff are able to train for basketball,volleyball, tennis and table tennis, aesthetic gymnasticsand floorball in the two sports halls.At the commencement of each academic year the SportsClub’s leadership surveys new students in a search foradditional players for the RSU sports teams.At the University there is currently:> a men’s basketball team,> a women’s volleyball team,> a women’s floorball team.The RSU floorball team reached the 3rd place in the 2010Latvian Women’s Championship. The RSU Sports Clubalso traditionally organizes a basketball championshipfor teams from different courses, a basketball lightningtournament in which the academic staff and foreignstudents are also invited to participate, a very popularannual sports day and table tennis competitions. Italso organizes an aerobics show together with the RSURehabilitation Department, as well as a badmintontournament between the Rīga Technical University andthe RSU’s academic staff.At the Sports Club there is a fitness hall, butthe University co-finances fitness and swimmingactivities for students on other sites in Rīga. Sportsactivities selected by Medicine and Health Care studentsaccording to their interests are integrated into the studyprocess. The RSU academic staff and students participatein Riga’s sporting life: in Nordea Riga Marathon,Riga Bicycle Marathon, Riga Skiing Championship,Pārdaugava Sports Games etc.Amateurcultural groups“Rīga” Mixed ChoirThe “Rīga” choir was established soon after the foundationof the Riga Medical Institute. The compositions included inits repertoire cover the period from the renaissance up tillnowdays. An outstanding Latvian conductor Professor JānisDūmiņš conducted the choir for nearly 20 years (1967 – 1986)while currently the leader of it is Evita Taranda.The choir is a member of the European Medical StudentsChoir. In 2008, at the XXIV Latvian Nationwide Song andXIV Dance Festival’s “Battle of the Choirs” it was recognizedamong the nation’s top seven choirs in the combined choircategory. The same year it also gained the Grand Prix inthe Petra Ebena International Choir Competition in Prague.A great challenge was the concert performance of Carl Orff’sscenic cantata “Carmina Burana” in 2009, which was stagedtogether with the RSU’s “Ačkups” dancing ensemble.“Ačkups”Folk Dancing EnsembleThe RSU’s student dancing ensemble “Ačkups” wasestablished in 1951, and in 1975 it was given the title ofa “Folk Dancing Ensemble”. Juris Bērziņš was in charge fornearly thirty years (1967 –1995) until Elita Treilone tookthe helm of it.“Ačkups” participates in the major Latvian dance events,the Song and Dance Festivals, the “Gaudeamus” Baltic NationsStudent Song and Dance Festivals, and the “Europeade”European Nations Song and Dance Festival. Through itsexhibition of Latvian folk dancing traditions in concertprogrammes it has gained friends not only in Latvia, but alsoin Spain, France, Switzerland, Italy, and Denmark.Chamber OrchestraOnce a week music lovers who study and work at the RSUgather at a rehearsal. Some of the chamber orchestramusicians have graduated from the music high school or evenstudied at the Latvian Academy of Music, others wipe the dustfrom their instruments after a long break since gaining theirmusical skills in primary school, but everyone understandsthat there are certain values which shouldn’t be lost.“Taurenis” Talent FestivalEach spring “Taurenis”, which is organized by the RSUStudent Government and Sports Club, gathers a few hundredparticipants who throughout the day compete in varioussporting games such as streetball, football, relays, volleyball,tug of war, walking on stilts, darts, sumo wrestling, and laterin the evening everyone is welcome to watch talented studentperformances in the show “Talent Storm”.In the picture: Team spirit and fun.In the pictures: 1./2./3./4. Nature and concerts of amateur cultural groups give joy and inspiration to everyone.34 35

Student lifeLatvia & RigaLocation and TransportThe main building of the Rīga Stradiņš University is located inthe garden-like Pārdaugava area at Dzirciema Street 16. One1can easily get to the University from Riga’s centre within 10 to20 minutes by public transportation.LibraryAn accredited library of national significance is locatedat the University’s main building, which providesthe latest texts and scientific literature to those studying,continuing their education or doing scientific research work.FlagTerritory: 64 559 km 2Population: 2.2 millionCapital city: RigaNational language: LatvianCoat of ArmsPolitical system: Parliamentary republicIt has about 755 000 books and magazines in its collection.The RSU Library also fulfils the role of a national medicallibrary. The World Health Organization’s Depositary Library’sFounded: 1918 (independence renewed on 21st August 1991)Member of the European Union and NATO since 2004collection is also located here.National currency: lats (LVL), 1 EUR =0,7028 LVLThe library and its information centre is one of the mostmodern in the Baltic States. There are 50 computer work12stations in the library, which provide students with theopportunity to work on the internet, catalogues of informationsources (among them electronic joint-catalogues from eightlibraries of national significance and the RSU Library’selectronic catalogue), on-line databases and other computerprogrammes. The library offers comfortable environment forthose willing to study classics and recent resources. Next tothe library is the copying room. The RSU Library has a branchthe metropolis OF BalticSRiga, the largest city in Latvia and the Baltics States, is the capital cityof Latvia. The city is populated by over 700 000 inhabitants. Riga isa historic medieval city, founded by German merchants in 1201. Riga’shistoric centre is included in the UNESCO list of the world’s mostimportant cultural and natural sites – its architecture, especially thatof Art Noveau, has no equal in the Rīga at 1b Šarlotes Street – an Information Centre forLatvia’s health care specialists. About 10 000 people visitthe RSU Library each year.Student HostelStudents have more than 200 rooms and more than 700 bedsavailable at the RSU hostel at 17 Mārupes Street.The hostel is in a handy location for both medicine and socialsciences students. It is located next to the Pauls StradiņšRiga is a multicultural, dynamic, and vibrant city – it has hosted a NATOSummit, a World Hockey Championship and the Eurovision Song Contest.In 2014, Riga will be the European Capital of Culture. Throughoutthe year various exhibitions, concerts, theatre performances andfestivals take place in Riga. The Latvian Song and Dance Festival held inRiga every four years with thousands of singers on the stage is simplyindescribable. World famous artists perform regularly at the Riga OperaHouse. The sound of the Dome Cathedral’s organ has to be heard at leastonce in a lifetime.23/4Clinical University Hospital, where students studying medicineand health care also have lectures, work with patients, andhave practical assignments. Free wireless internet is alsoavailable at the hostel. The hostel also has secure car parkingon its territory. There is also a hall for dancing, gymnastics,yoga and other activities.Riga can also be appreciated with a leisurely walk along its streets andthrough its parks, visiting cafes, restaurants or tea rooms during the day,and later in the evening its dazzling and lively night life can be enjoyed.During the summer outdoor cafes and beer gardens in the squares andsmall lanes of the Old Town (Vecrīga) can be enjoyed, meeting withfriends and watching the passersby. Half an hour’s drive away from Riga3/4Refectory and CafesDuring the working week a refectory and two cafesoperate at the RSU’s main building. Wireless internet isalso available here.there is summer resort Jūrmala. The beach side at Jūrmala is one ofthe most beautiful in the Baltics.How does one get here? Riga’s international airport is one of the fastestgrowing travel hubs in Europe and has connecting flights to more than60 countries in Europe and Asia. Besides, the airport very close to the citycentre, which makes travelling comfortable.In the pictures:1. Backyard of the University.2./3. The spacious Library is well equipped.4. An apartment at the student hostel for two persons.In the pictures:1. The Monument of Freedom.2. The Town Hall Square.3. The Town Hall Square with a view on the House of Blackheads and St. Peter’s Church.4. A view from the St. Peter’s Church. The large round hangars are Riga Central Market.36 37

12 3AlumniThe Rīga Stradiņš University is justly proud of itsalumni. Among alumni of the University there are notonly many outstanding professionals in their fields,but also people whose knowledge and view of the worldhas influenced the development of the country of Latviathe President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers, the Speaker ofthe Saeima of the Republic of Latvia’s, Guntars Daudze,former Rīga Mayor Jānis Birks and many others.The alumni are proud of their University as well.In 2009, a survey of graduates revealed that 94% offormer students were satisfied with their choice ofthe university. The year 2009 is also the RSU AlumniAssociation’s foundation year – finally, an idea, whichhad been lingering about for a number of years, aboutthe creation of an organization to unite former studentsof the Rīga Stradiņš University came true.The RSU Alumni Association is the main organizerof alumni life. It unites graduates of a number ofgenerations from the former Riga Medical Institute(RMI) and Medical Academy of Latvia (MAL) and theirsuccessor, the Rīga Stradiņš University. The AlumniAssociation’s vision is to become the largest and mostinfluential alumni association in Latvia, which bringstogether every RSU graduate – high quality specialistsin the health care and social sciences area. The AlumniAssociation’s mission is to facilitate RSU graduates’ lifelonglearning and to actively popularize and support theirUniversity, in this way developing educational processesand encouraging young people’s development.The RSU Alumni Association has agreed on a number ofpractical goals:> To create an RSU Alumni Association scholarship fundfor talented RSU students which can also serve as an awardfund for the RSU staff for outstanding achievements andscientific research.> To create an “Intelligence Academy”, which would ensurethat young people who are not involved in academiceducation are still able to receive the knowledge and skillsnecessary for life.> To develop a museum exposition hall, whereoutstanding personalities and their achievements inmedicine and research are highlighted in a graphicand interactive way, and to popularize health care andthe University as a whole.Alumni Association Board Members are known andrespected members of the community. For example,Prof. Romans Lācis Dr. habil. med. – Chairman ofthe Board of the RSU Alumni Association and Headof the Heart Surgery Centre at the Pauls StradiņšClinical University Hospital; Dr. Artūrs Veide –Head of Johnson & Johnson AB Business DevelopmentBranch in the Baltic States Affiliate in Latvia: Prof.Dace Gardovska Dr. habil. med. – Head of the RSUDepartment of Paediatrics; Dr. Dins Šmits – Head ofthe GlaxoSmithKline pharmaceutical company; JurisŠleiers – Editor in Chief of the “Klubs” Magazine.One of the most significant Alumni Association’sachievements is the establishment of the IntelligenceAcademy. The foundation of this academy’s operation isa planned programme of events, which provide informaleducational opportunities not just at the RSU, but alsoto university graduates and students, as well as to anymember of the society who wishes to broaden theirhorizons. As part of the framework of the RSU AlumniAssociation’s Intelligence Academy, the prioritiesdefined are informal educational directions, such as –Culture and History, Personalities and Life Stories.The RSU Alumni Association has been giventhe honour of organizing an event established bythe Ministry of Health – the Annual Medical Award.This prize is awarded for contributions to healthcare in nine different categories and it is the highestrecognition, which a medicine and health careprofessional can receive in Latvia. The award laureatesare determined by the results of voting by residents andprofessionals in the field.In the pictures: 1./2./3. Alumni at the entrance of the University.38 39

RSU TEACHING DEPARTMENTSDivision of Doctoral Studies,1 16 Dzirciema StreetDepartment of Humanities,216 Dzirciema StreetTeaching Department,316 Dzirciema StreetLanguage Centre,416 Dzirciema StreetFaculty of MedicineInstitute of Anatomy and Anthropology,1 9 Kronvalda Blvd.Laboratory for AnatomyLaboratory of AnthropologyLaboratory of BiomechanicsDepartment of MorphologyLaboratory of MorphologyJoint Laboratory of Electron MicroscopyDepartment of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care,2 13 Pilsoņu StreetDepartment of Occupational and Environmental Medicine,3 16 Dzirciema StreetDepartment of Paediatric Surgery,4 45 Vienības AvenueDepartment of Biology and Microbiology,5 16 Dzirciema StreetDepartment of Human Physiology and Biochemistry,6 16 Dzirciema StreetDepartment of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,7 45 Miera StreetDepartment of Physics,8 16 Dzirciema StreetCentre of Research and Organization in Family Medicine Studies,9 16 Dzirciema StreetDepartment of Internal Diseases,10 6 Linezera StreetDepartment of Infectology and Dermatology,11 3 Linezera StreetDepartment of Surgery,12 13 Pilsoņu StreetDepartment of Neurology and Neurosurgery,13 13 Pilsoņu Street and 2 Hipokrāta StreetDepartment of Ophthalmology,14 13 Pilsoņu StreetDepartment of Orthopaedics,15 22 Duntes StreetDepartment of Otorhinolaryngology,16 13 Pilsoņu StreetDepartment of Pathology,17 13 Pilsoņu StreetDepartment of Paediatrics,18 45 Vienības AvenueDepartment of Psychiatry and Narcology,19 2 Tvaika StreetDepartment of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy,20 23 Kapseļu StreetDepartment of Radiology,21 3 Hipokrāta StreetFaculty of RehabilitationRehabilitation Research Laboratory,22 61 Asaru Blvd., JūrmalaDepartment of Rehabilitation,23 53 Ventspils StreetDepartment of Social Work,24 26a Anniņmuižas Blvd.Department of Sports, Nutrition and Education,25 24 F. Brīvzemnieka StreetFaculty of PharmacyDepartment of Pharmaceutical Chemistry,26 16 Dzirciema StreetDepartment of Dosage Form Technology,27 16 Dzirciema StreetFaculty of DentistryDepartment of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,28 20 Dzirciema StreetDepartment of Oral Pathology,29 20 Dzirciema Street30313233Department of Orthodontics,20 Dzirciema StreetDepartment of Therapeutic Dentistry,20 Dzirciema StreetAcademic School of Dental Hygiene,20 Dzirciema StreetDepartment of Prosthetic Dentistry,20 Dzirciema StreetFaculty of NursingAcademic School of Nursing Studies,34 1b Šarlotes StreetFaculty of Public HealthDepartment of Public Health and Epidemiology,359 Kronvalda Blvd.Faculty of Continuing EducationDivision of Courses,3616 Dzirciema StreetDivision of Residency,37 16 Dzirciema StreetFaculty of CommunicationsDepartment of Communication Studies,38 16 Dzirciema StreetDepartment of Sociology and Psychology,39 16 Dzirciema StreetFaculty of European StudiesDepartment of Political Science,40 16 Dzirciema StreetDepartment of Regional Economics and Business,41 16 Dzirciema StreetFaculty of LawProject Development and Research Laboratory,4216 Dzirciema StreetDepartment of Legal Sciences,43 16 Dzirciema StreetBranchRSU Liepāja Branch,44 24/26 Riņķu Street, LiepājaCollegeRSU Red Cross Medical College,45 5 J. Asara StreetRSU research departmentsA.Kirhenšteins Institute of Microbiology and Virology,51 Rātsupītes StreetLaboratory of Andrology,61 Rātsupītes StreetLaboratory of Biochemistry,716 Dzirciema StreetInstitute for Occupational and Environmental Health,816 Dzirciema StreetLaboratory for Hygiene and Occupational Diseases,916 Dzirciema StreetExperimental Animal Laboratory,102 Hipokrāta StreetJoint Laboratory of Clinical Immunology and Immunogenetics,119 Kronvalda Blvd.Scientific Research Group,129 Kronvalda Blvd.Innovation Centre of Medical Engineering,13140 Ropažu StreetInstitute of the History of Medicine,141 Antonijas StreetScientific Laboratory of Molecular Genetics,1516 Dzirciema StreetInstitute of Hereditary Cancer,1613 Pilsoņu StreetLaboratory of Transplantology,1713 Pilsoņu StreetJoint Laboratory of Traumas and Orthopaedics,182 Duntes StreetScience Department,1916 Dzirciema StreetTechnology Transfer Office,2016 Dzirciema StreetContributions and editorial: Ieva Puķe, Jānis Zeimanis, RSU Office of Communications,LOCATION OF THE RSU’S DEPARTMENTS IN RIGARSU Department of Publishing and PrintingTranslation from Latvian: Uldis Brunis, Jānis ZeimanisPhotography: Gatis Rozenfelds, Imants Prēdelis, Photo News Agency “f64”Design: Design Studio “H2E”Printed by: Printinghouse “Talsu tipogrāfija”2 Tvaika StreetAlso available on the World Wide Web at© Rīga Stradiņš University, 2010ISBN 1 Rātsupītes 978-9984-788-71-5 Street526a Anniņmuižas Blvd.24620 Dzirciema Street 16 Dzirciema Street28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33224453 Ventspils Street231 2 3 47 8 9 15 19 203, 5, 6, 8, 9 26, 27 36, 3738, 39 40, 41 42, 4323 Kapseļu Street2013 Pilsoņu Street16 172, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17Rehabilitation Research Laboratory, 61 Asaru Blvd., JūrmalaRSU Liepāja Branch, 24/26 Riņķu Street, Liepāja9 Kronvalda Blvd. 1 Antonijas Street24 F. Brīvzemnieka Street2545 Vienības Avenue4, 1811 12 141 3519

LOCATION OF THE RSU’S DEPARTMENTS IN RIGA2 Tvaika Street191 Rātsupītes Street5622 Duntes Street152 Duntes Street183 Linezera Street11140 Ropažu Street6 Linezera Street101310132 Hipokrāta Street45 Miera Street71b Šarlotes Street343 Hipokrāta Street2126a Anniņmuižas Blvd.2420 Dzirciema Street 16 Dzirciema Street28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 331 2 3 47 8 9 15 19 203, 5, 6, 8, 9 26, 27 36, 3738, 39 40, 41 42, 439 Kronvalda Blvd. 1 Antonijas Street11 12 141 355 J. Asara Street4523 Kapseļu Street2053 Ventspils Street2313 Pilsoņu Street16 172, 12, 13, 14, 16, 1724 F. Brīvzemnieka Street2545 Vienības Avenue4, 18Rehabilitation Research Laboratory, 61 Asaru Blvd., Jūrmala22RSU Liepāja Branch, 24/26 Riņķu Street, Liepāja44


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