ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image Processing Group ...

ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image Processing Group ... ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image Processing Group ...
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ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011Data Format for the Interchange of Biometric and Forensic Informationorigin in the top left of the Region Of Interest (see Section 0). In this coordinatesystem, values of X increase from left to right and values of Y increase from topto bottom. All positions must be in the range (0,0)-(ROI.width-1, ROI.height-1).There are no specific maximum dimensions in the coordinate system, sincedimensions are limited by the image dimensions. Note, however, that dimensionsfor a single impression will always fall well within an upper bound of 50 cm (19.7”,or 50000 units). 19In all cases throughout this document in which specific distances are specified,the distances are stated in terms that correspond to an integer number of pixelsat 500 pixels per inch, and the metric equivalents are rounded to two significantdigits (0.01 mm).13.7.2 EFS Region of interestFigure 4 is a single rectangle (including an optional polygon) that bounds thearea of the original image containing a single friction ridge impression, andseparates it from the background and any other friction ridge data present in theimage. All other Extended Friction Ridge Features are in relation to the Region ofInterest, not to the original image: all coordinates are relative to the top left cornerof the ROI, and may not equal or exceed the width and height of the ROI.When the ROI is a polygon, the ROI rectangle is simply a bounding box aroundthat polygon: the ROI offset is defined as the minimum of the X and Ycoordinates of all ROI vertices, and the ROI width and height are defined as therange (maximum – minimum) of the X and Y coordinates of all ROI vertices.1.19 A 99 th percentile adult male hand (wrist to fingertip) is 8.4” (213 mm) long; a 99 th percentile adult male foot is 11.7”(298 mm) long. [A. R. Tilley, The Measure of Man and Woman: Human Factors in Design, Revised Version; Wiley; 2002]In extreme cases palms may be 32.4 cm long (12.75”) and feet may be 47 cm long (18.5”). (e.g., Robert Pershing Wadlow[Guinness Book of World Records Online,])50DRAFT 2

ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011Data Format for the Interchange of Biometric and Forensic InformationFigure 4:EFS Region of interestThere can only be one region of interest for a given feature set. If there aremultiple impressions within a single image, more than one feature set can bemarked for the image, resulting in multiple Type-9 records associated with asingle image, differentiated by the region of interest.13.7.3 EFS AnglesAll angles are measured in positive integer degrees counterclockwise from theright, from 0 to 359 degrees, as shown in Figure 5.Figure 5:EFS Measurement of angles51DRAFT 2

<strong>ANSI</strong>/<strong>NIST</strong>-<strong>ITL</strong> 1-<strong>2011</strong>Data Format for the Interchange of Biometric and Forensic Informationorigin in the top left of the Region Of Interest (see Section 0). In this coordinatesystem, values of X increase from left to right and values of Y increase from topto bottom. All positions must be in the range (0,0)-(ROI.width-1, ROI.height-1).There are no specific maximum dimensions in the coordinate system, sincedimensions are limited by the image dimensions. Note, however, that dimensionsfor a single impression will always fall well within an upper bound of 50 cm (19.7”,or 50000 units). 19In all cases throughout this document in which specific distances are specified,the distances are stated in terms that correspond to an integer number of pixelsat 500 pixels per inch, and the metric equivalents are rounded to two significantdigits (0.01 mm).13.7.2 EFS Region of interestFigure 4 is a single rectangle (including an optional polygon) that bounds thearea of the original image containing a single friction ridge impression, andseparates it from the background and any other friction ridge data present in theimage. All other Extended Friction Ridge Features are in relation to the Region ofInterest, not to the original image: all coordinates are relative to the top left cornerof the ROI, and may not equal or exceed the width and height of the ROI.When the ROI is a polygon, the ROI rectangle is simply a bounding box aroundthat polygon: the ROI offset is defined as the minimum of the X and Ycoordinates of all ROI vertices, and the ROI width and height are defined as therange (maximum – minimum) of the X and Y coordinates of all ROI vertices.1.19 A 99 th percentile adult male hand (wrist to fingertip) is 8.4” (213 mm) long; a 99 th percentile adult male foot is 11.7”(298 mm) long. [A. R. Tilley, The Measure of Man and Woman: Human Factors in Design, Revised Version; Wiley; 2002]In extreme cases palms may be 32.4 cm long (12.75”) and feet may be 47 cm long (18.5”). (e.g., Robert Pershing Wadlow[Guinness Book of World Records Online,])50DRAFT 2

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