ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image Processing Group ...

ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image Processing Group ... ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image Processing Group ...
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ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011Data Format for the Interchange of Biometric and Forensic Information12.3 Field 8.003: Signature type / SIGThis mandatory field shall contain a “0” for the signature image of the subject, ora “1” for the signature image of the official processing the transaction.12.4 Field 8.004: Signature representation type / SRTThis mandatory field shall be “0” if the image is scanned and not compressed, abinary “1” if the image is scanned and compressed, and “2” if the image is vectordata.12.5 Field 8.005: Image scanning resolution / ISRThis mandatory field shall contain a “0” if the minimum scanning resolution of 500ppi is used and a “1” if the native scanning resolution (above 500 ppi) is used 17 .A value of “0” shall also be used if the image is vector data.12.6 Field 8.006: Horizontal line length / HLLThis mandatory field shall be used to specify the number of pixels contained on asingle horizontal line of the transmitted signature image. For vectored signaturedata, the value shall be zero.12.7 Field 8.007: Vertical line length / VLLThis mandatory field shall be used to specify the number of horizontal linescontained in the transmitted signature image. For vectored signature data, thevalue shall be zero.12.8 Field 8.008: Signature image data / DATAThis mandatory field shall contain uncompressed scanned image signature data,compressed scanned image signature data, or vectored image signature data.The entry contained in the SRT field shall indicate which form of the signaturedata is present.Uncompressed scanned image dataIf the SRT field contains the value of zero, then this field shall contain theuncompressed scanned binary image data for the signature. In uncompressedmode, the data shall be packed at eight pixels per byte.Compressed scanned image dataIf the SRT field contains the binary value of one, then this field shall contain thescanned binary image data for the signature in compressed form using theANSI/EIA-538-1988 facsimile compression algorithm.Vectored image dataBrad Wing 6/19/10 5:07 PMComment: Clarified wordingBrad Wing 6/19/10 5:07 PMComment: Revised for clarity•17 Scanning resolutions below 500 ppi shal not be used.38DRAFT 2

ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011Data Format for the Interchange of Biometric and Forensic InformationIf the SRT field contains the equivalent of the value of two, then this field shallcontain a list of vectors that describes the pen position. Each of the entries is asubfield.• The first subfield is a horizontal coordinate value / HCV.• The second subfield is a vertical coordinate value / VCV.• The third subfield is the pen pressure value / PPV of line segmentswithin the signature.Both the X (VHC) and Y (VVC) coordinates shall be expressed in units of .0254mm (.001 inches) referenced from the bottom leftmost corner of the signature 18 .Positive values of X shall increase from left-to-right and positive values of Y shallincrease from bottom-to-top.The pen pressure (VPP) shall be a constant value until the next vector becomesactive. A value or pressure of “0” shall represent a "pen-up" (or no pressure)condition. The value of “1” shall represent the least recordable pressure for aparticular device, while “254” shall represent the maximum recordable pressurefor that device. To denote the end of the vector list, “255” shall be inserted in thisentry.13 Type-9 minutiae data recordType-9 records shall contain ASCII text describing minutiae and relatedinformation encoded from a finger, palm, or plantar image. There is no limit onthe number of Type-9 records for a latent search transaction. The Type-9 recordshall also be used to exchange minutiae and related information from latentfriction ridge images between similar or different systems.Minutiae information may be extracted and encoded in any of several differentmanners depending on the system that is used to scan an image, extractminutiae, and encode the minutiae template.Each minutia shall be identified by an index number that is assigned to it. Thenumbering shall begin at "1" and be incremented by "1" for as many times asthere are minutiae encountered. This allows each miniutia to be uniquelyidentified. The numbering of the minutiae shall be unordered.As required, ridge counts shall be determined from each minutia in a fingerprintor palmprint to certain other neighboring minutiae. When this occurs, ridgecounts between designated minutiae shall be associated with the applicableindex numbers so as to ensure maintenance of the proper relationships.Brad Wing 6/19/10 5:07 PMComment: Reworded•18 This is not the same coordinate system as described in Section4.739DRAFT 2

<strong>ANSI</strong>/<strong>NIST</strong>-<strong>ITL</strong> 1-<strong>2011</strong>Data Format for the Interchange of Biometric and Forensic Information12.3 Field 8.003: Signature type / SIGThis mandatory field shall contain a “0” for the signature image of the subject, ora “1” for the signature image of the official processing the transaction.12.4 Field 8.004: Signature representation type / SRTThis mandatory field shall be “0” if the image is scanned and not compressed, abinary “1” if the image is scanned and compressed, and “2” if the image is vectordata.12.5 Field 8.005: <strong>Image</strong> scanning resolution / ISRThis mandatory field shall contain a “0” if the minimum scanning resolution of 500ppi is used and a “1” if the native scanning resolution (above 500 ppi) is used 17 .A value of “0” shall also be used if the image is vector data.12.6 Field 8.006: Horizontal line length / HLLThis mandatory field shall be used to specify the number of pixels contained on asingle horizontal line of the transmitted signature image. For vectored signaturedata, the value shall be zero.12.7 Field 8.007: Vertical line length / VLLThis mandatory field shall be used to specify the number of horizontal linescontained in the transmitted signature image. For vectored signature data, thevalue shall be zero.12.8 Field 8.008: Signature image data / DATAThis mandatory field shall contain uncompressed scanned image signature data,compressed scanned image signature data, or vectored image signature data.The entry contained in the SRT field shall indicate which form of the signaturedata is present.Uncompressed scanned image dataIf the SRT field contains the value of zero, then this field shall contain theuncompressed scanned binary image data for the signature. In uncompressedmode, the data shall be packed at eight pixels per byte.Compressed scanned image dataIf the SRT field contains the binary value of one, then this field shall contain thescanned binary image data for the signature in compressed form using the<strong>ANSI</strong>/EIA-538-1988 facsimile compression algorithm.Vectored image dataBrad Wing 6/19/10 5:07 PMComment: Clarified wordingBrad Wing 6/19/10 5:07 PMComment: Revised for clarity•17 Scanning resolutions below 500 ppi shal not be used.38DRAFT 2

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