ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image Processing Group ...

ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image Processing Group ... ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image Processing Group ...
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ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011Data Format for the Interchange of Biometric and Forensic Informationentry in a Type-2 record for a particular implementation domain shall have adefinition and format that is listed with the Domain owner.Data contained in this record shall conform in format and content to thespecifications of the domain name as listed in Domain Name field found in theType-1 record. A DOM reference therefore uniquely identifies data contents andformats. Each domain shall have a point of contact responsible for maintainingthis list. The contact shall serve as a registrar and maintain a repositoryincluding documentation for all of its common and user-specific Type-2 datafields. As additional fields are required by specific agencies for their ownapplications, new field tag numbers and definitions can be registered andreserved to have a specific meaning. When this occurs, the domain registrar isresponsible for registering a single definition for each number used by differentmembers of the domain. There be more than one Type-2 record per transaction.7.3 Type-4 fingerprint image records (Users are encouraged not toutilize)Friction ridge images to be exchanged using Type-4 records shall be captured byan AFIS, live-scan reader, or other image capture devices operating at a nominalscanning resolution of 500 ppi.There may be multiple fingerprint images in a transaction; for example: ten rolledimpressions of the individual fingers, two plain impressions of the thumbs, andtwo simultaneously obtained plain impressions of the four remaining fingers oneach hand. Each image requires a separate Type-4 record.When the image data is obtained from a live-scan reader, it shall be thegrayscale (or subsampled, scaled down, or interpolated output) of the live-scanfingerprint scanner and not a rescan of a hard copy fingerprint image.Type-4 records shall contain and be used to exchange grayscale fingerprintimage data For Record Type-4, the transmitting resolution shall be the same asthe minimum scanning resolution of 19.69 ppmm (500 ppi.) Any recordedtransmitting resolution within the range of 19.69 ppmm (500 ppi) to 20.47 ppmm(520 ppi) is permitted for the processing of Type-4 records.New applications should use Type-14 records instead of Type-4 in order totransmit relevant metadata with the image.Brad Wing 6/19/10 5:07 PMComment: ClarificationBrad Wing 6/19/10 5:07 PMComment: Note that descriptions of type 3,5 &6 are removed.Brad Wing 6/19/10 5:07 PMComment: Note that this changes thelanguage from ‘at least 500’ to ‘500’Brad Wing 6/19/10 5:07 PMComment: Changes in wording in thisparagraph to make intent clearer.Brad Wing 6/19/10 5:07 PMComment: Change to eliminate references todeprecated record types.7.4 Type-7 User-defined image record (Users are encouraged not toutilize)Type-7 records shall contain user-defined image data. This record type wasdesigned for the exchange of binary image data that was not specified orBrad Wing 6/19/10 5:07 PMComment: Should this record type beDEPRECATED? (and thus removed)16DRAFT 2

ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011Data Format for the Interchange of Biometric and Forensic Informationdescribed elsewhere in this standard. It was intended as a temporary measureto enable the exchange of image data that would be defined by specific recordtypes in later versions of the standard. Type-7 has often been used for theexchange of latent friction ridge data. However, users are encouraged to useType-13 records for the exchange of latent friction ridge images. Type-16 is theversion of this record for transfer of experimental, test or developmental data.With the exception of the record length and IDC fields, the format, parameters,and types of images to be exchanged are undefined by this standard. Theselevels of required details shall be agreed upon between the sender andrecipient. There may be multiple Type-7 records in a transaction. This recordtype shall not be used for new applications.7.5 Type-8 Signature image recordType-8 records shall contain and be used to exchange scanned binary orvectored signature image data. If scanned, the resolution of the image data shallbe no less than the minimum scanning resolution of 500 ppi. If necessary, thescanned image data shall be subsampled, scaled down, or interpolated to fallwithin the limits of the transmitting resolution requirement. The resultanttransmitting resolution shall be within 500ppi to 520 ppi. Vectored signature datashall be expressed as a series of binary numbers.There may be up to two of these Type-8 signature records in a file. Each Type-8record shall contain image data representing the signature of the operatorcapturing biometric data.Brad Wing 6/19/10 5:07 PMComment: New wording here.Brad Wing 6/19/10 5:07 PMComment: Should this Record-Type beDEPRECATED?Brad Wing 6/19/10 5:07 PMComment: Specific wording used to clarifyvalues. SHOULD this be expanded to allow1000 ppi or greater?7.6 Type-9 Minutiae data recordType-9 records shall contain and be used to exchange minutiae or other frictionridge feature data derived from a fingerprint, palm, or plantar image. Uses mayinclude, but are not limited to, fully automated searches of friction ridge matchingsystems, human-initiated searches of automated friction ridge matching systems,information exchange between human examiners, or definitions of informationcontent of friction ridge images. The Extended Feature Set (EFS) is introduced toType-9 in this version of the standard. It allows users to specify additionalminutiae characteristics, as well as other features of a friction ridge print.Each record shall represent the processed image data from which the locationand orientation descriptors of extracted minutiae characteristics are listed. Theprimary use of this record type shall be for remote searching of latent prints.There may be multiple Type-9 records in a transaction.Brad Wing 6/19/10 5:07 PMComment: Revised wording to make clearer.Brad Wing 6/19/10 5:07 PMComment: Clarification17DRAFT 2

<strong>ANSI</strong>/<strong>NIST</strong>-<strong>ITL</strong> 1-<strong>2011</strong>Data Format for the Interchange of Biometric and Forensic Informationentry in a Type-2 record for a particular implementation domain shall have adefinition and format that is listed with the Domain owner.Data contained in this record shall conform in format and content to thespecifications of the domain name as listed in Domain Name field found in theType-1 record. A DOM reference therefore uniquely identifies data contents andformats. Each domain shall have a point of contact responsible for maintainingthis list. The contact shall serve as a registrar and maintain a repositoryincluding documentation for all of its common and user-specific Type-2 datafields. As additional fields are required by specific agencies for their ownapplications, new field tag numbers and definitions can be registered andreserved to have a specific meaning. When this occurs, the domain registrar isresponsible for registering a single definition for each number used by differentmembers of the domain. There be more than one Type-2 record per transaction.7.3 Type-4 fingerprint image records (Users are encouraged not toutilize)Friction ridge images to be exchanged using Type-4 records shall be captured byan AFIS, live-scan reader, or other image capture devices operating at a nominalscanning resolution of 500 ppi.There may be multiple fingerprint images in a transaction; for example: ten rolledimpressions of the individual fingers, two plain impressions of the thumbs, andtwo simultaneously obtained plain impressions of the four remaining fingers oneach hand. Each image requires a separate Type-4 record.When the image data is obtained from a live-scan reader, it shall be thegrayscale (or subsampled, scaled down, or interpolated output) of the live-scanfingerprint scanner and not a rescan of a hard copy fingerprint image.Type-4 records shall contain and be used to exchange grayscale fingerprintimage data For Record Type-4, the transmitting resolution shall be the same asthe minimum scanning resolution of 19.69 ppmm (500 ppi.) Any recordedtransmitting resolution within the range of 19.69 ppmm (500 ppi) to 20.47 ppmm(520 ppi) is permitted for the processing of Type-4 records.New applications should use Type-14 records instead of Type-4 in order totransmit relevant metadata with the image.Brad Wing 6/19/10 5:07 PMComment: ClarificationBrad Wing 6/19/10 5:07 PMComment: Note that descriptions of type 3,5 &6 are removed.Brad Wing 6/19/10 5:07 PMComment: Note that this changes thelanguage from ‘at least 500’ to ‘500’Brad Wing 6/19/10 5:07 PMComment: Changes in wording in thisparagraph to make intent clearer.Brad Wing 6/19/10 5:07 PMComment: Change to eliminate references todeprecated record types.7.4 Type-7 User-defined image record (Users are encouraged not toutilize)Type-7 records shall contain user-defined image data. This record type wasdesigned for the exchange of binary image data that was not specified orBrad Wing 6/19/10 5:07 PMComment: Should this record type beDEPRECATED? (and thus removed)16DRAFT 2

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