ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image Processing Group ...

ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image Processing Group ... ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image Processing Group ...
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ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011Data Format for the Interchange of Biometric and Forensic InformationTable 86 IUPAC DNA codesSequenceAlphabetATCGIUPACValueRYMKSWHBVDNDefinitionG, AT, CA, CG, TG, CA, TA, C, TG, T, CG, C, AG, A, TG, A, T, C- Deletion234DRAFT 2

ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011Data Format for the Interchange of Biometric and Forensic Information22.9 Field 18.009: DNA Mitochondrial Data / DMDTo accommodate the differences in how mtDNA types are derived (differencesfrom reference), the interpretation issue is avoided in this standard by dividingthe control region into 2 regions (even though HV3) exists) to ensure anyinsertions / deletions/ C-stretches are included. This method enables anyreceiver of the data to use it in a way that that are accustomed (either using thefull sequence or interpreting the full sequence according to their ownmethodology). The resultant data use would then be fully consistent with thereceiver’s database and enable processing. This field is comprised of foursubfields:• Mitro Control Region 1 / MT1 is defined as a inclusive of HV1, startingat 16024 and ending at 16569. The string shall be 576 characters.• Mito Control Region 2 / MT2 is defined as inclusive of HV2 and HV3,starting at 1 and ending at 576. The string shall be 546 characters.• Mito DNA Quality 1 / MQ1 is a string value.• Mito DNA Quality 2 / MQ2 is a string value.22.10 Field 18.010: DNA User Defined Profile / UDPThis optional field is user defined, when other than STR, X-STR, Y-STR mtDNA,or an Electropherogram iis included as part of the transaction. The sender mustprovide the receiver with a description of the field contents.22.11 Field 18.996 Image Hash / HASThis optional field has the hash value of the image contained in the 999 field ofthis record, hash value shall be calculated using SHA 256.22.12 Field 18.997: Original image reference / OIVThis optional field refers to an image in Record Type-20 with the same OIR. Thisis an optional field and is used when the image transmitted in this record isderived from an original image. This field consists of two subfields.The first subfield contains the reference code / OIR for a particular RecordType-20. This is mandatory for each OIV.The second subfield is optional. It specifies the reference to thesegmentation coordinates of the original image that is represented in thisrecord type, which is a reference type value / RTV.235DRAFT 2

<strong>ANSI</strong>/<strong>NIST</strong>-<strong>ITL</strong> 1-<strong>2011</strong>Data Format for the Interchange of Biometric and Forensic InformationTable 86 IUPAC DNA codesSequenceAlphabetATCGIUPACValueRYMKSWHBVDNDefinitionG, AT, CA, CG, TG, CA, TA, C, TG, T, CG, C, AG, A, TG, A, T, C- Deletion234DRAFT 2

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