ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image Processing Group ...

ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image Processing Group ... ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image Processing Group ...
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ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011Data Format for the Interchange of Biometric and Forensic InformationValueWHITEDescriptionWhite balance adjusted21.38 Field 17.200-990: User-defined fields / UDFThese fields are user-defined fields. Their size and content shall be defined bythe user and be in accordance with the receiving agency. Ig present they shallcontain ASCII information.21.39 Field 17.996: Image hash / HASThis optional field has the hash value of the image contained in the 999 field ofthis record, hash value shall be calculated using SHA 256.21.40 Field 17.997: Original image reference / OIVThis optional field refers to an image in Record Type-20 with the same OIR. Thisis an optional field and is used when the image transmitted in this record isderived from an original image. This field consists of two subfields.The first subfield contains the reference code / OIR for a particular RecordType-20. This is mandatory for each OIV.The second subfield is optional. It specifies the reference to thesegmentation coordinates of the original image that is represented in thisrecord type, which is a reference type value / RTV.This optional field is composed of three optional subfields; one of which must bechosen.The first subfield (geographic reference text / GRT) is free form textdescribing a street address or other physical location.The second sufield (degree value / DEG) has the format±xxx.xxxx±yyy.yyyy, where x refers to latitude and y refers to longitude. Forexample, +039.1455-077.2057.The third subfield (degree minute second value / DMS) has the format±xxxDxxMxxS±yyyDyyMyyS, where x refers to latitude and y refers tolongitude. For example, +039D08M44S-077D12M20S.21.41 Field 17.999: Image data / DATAThis mandatory field shall contain the iris image.218DRAFT 2

ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011Data Format for the Interchange of Biometric and Forensic Information22 Type-18 DNA recordThe Type-18 record shall contain and be used to exchange DNA data. 61 Thisshall be used to exchange Autosomal Short Tandem Repeat (STR), X-ShortTandem Repeat (X-STR) Y-Short Tandem Repeat (Y-STR), Mitrochondrial(mtDNA), and electropherogram images of DNA data. The electropherogramimage shall not be compressed. This record type is based on DNA profile datafrom genetic profiling techniques that are standardized and commonly used forthe purpose of discriminating between individuals.Standard profiling systems exploit the non-coding regions of DNA that arereferred to as “junk DNA.” The coding regions are deliberately avoided in orderto maintain the privacy and civil rights of the donor. However, national dataprotection and privacy legislation may impose special security safeguards, suchas – but not limited to – encryption of data transfers and / or storage.The record contains:• A DNA Record Header (Field 18.005) containing information about thesending and receiving parties for DNA processing. This may not beidentical to the ORI/SRC and transaction receiving parties.A DNA Sample field (18.006) describing biological materials used to generatethe DNA profile form crime scene and paternity investigation.• A DNA Data profile field (18.007) describing genotype separation anddetection of the full genotype at one or more DNA markers.• There are additional optional fields that are used depending upon the typeof DNA processing that has been performed:o DNA STR, X-STR and Y-STR field (18.008)o Mitochondrial field (18.009)o Electropherogram image field (18.999)Brad Wing 6/22/10 11:41 AMComment: I have tried to reflect the input that Ireceived in the format of the standard. I hopethat I interpreted it correctly.Brad Wing 6/22/10 11:53 AMComment: Please check my wording.MnemonicCondcode*FieldnumberCharacterTypeTable 77 Type-18 RecordField nameMinOccur countMaxBrad Wing 6/22/10 9:56 AMComment: Table now included in recorddescription; with subfields and information itemsM 18.001 RECORD HEADER 1 1IDC M 18.002 N IMAGE DESIGNATION CHARACTER 1 1•61 This record type is designed to be in harmony with the ISO/IEC 197994-14 DNA data interchange format,which was in draft form at the time of the passage of this version of the ANSI/NIST-ITL standard.219DRAFT 2

<strong>ANSI</strong>/<strong>NIST</strong>-<strong>ITL</strong> 1-<strong>2011</strong>Data Format for the Interchange of Biometric and Forensic InformationValueWHITEDescriptionWhite balance adjusted21.38 Field 17.200-990: User-defined fields / UDFThese fields are user-defined fields. Their size and content shall be defined bythe user and be in accordance with the receiving agency. Ig present they shallcontain ASCII information.21.39 Field 17.996: <strong>Image</strong> hash / HASThis optional field has the hash value of the image contained in the 999 field ofthis record, hash value shall be calculated using SHA 256.21.40 Field 17.997: Original image reference / OIVThis optional field refers to an image in Record Type-20 with the same OIR. Thisis an optional field and is used when the image transmitted in this record isderived from an original image. This field consists of two subfields.The first subfield contains the reference code / OIR for a particular RecordType-20. This is mandatory for each OIV.The second subfield is optional. It specifies the reference to thesegmentation coordinates of the original image that is represented in thisrecord type, which is a reference type value / RTV.This optional field is composed of three optional subfields; one of which must bechosen.The first subfield (geographic reference text / GRT) is free form textdescribing a street address or other physical location.The second sufield (degree value / DEG) has the format±xxx.xxxx±yyy.yyyy, where x refers to latitude and y refers to longitude. Forexample, +039.1455-077.2057.The third subfield (degree minute second value / DMS) has the format±xxxDxxMxxS±yyyDyyMyyS, where x refers to latitude and y refers tolongitude. For example, +039D08M44S-077D12M20S.21.41 Field 17.999: <strong>Image</strong> data / DATAThis mandatory field shall contain the iris image.218DRAFT 2

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