ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image Processing Group ...

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196ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011Data Format for the Interchange of Biometric and Forensic Informationperformance or a different metric to indicate a value associated with the quality ofthe palmprint image for a particular function.This field may contain one or more subfields, each consisting of four informationitems. This subfield (Quality Metric Subfield / QMS) is repeated for each palmimage and quality algorithm used.The first information item is the palm reference number / FGP chosen fromTable 9The second information item (image quality score / QVU) shall be aquantitative expression of the predicted matching performance of thebiometric sample. This item contains the ASCII representation of the integerbetween 0 and 100 assigned to the image data by a quality algorithm. Highervalues indicate better quality. An entry of “255” shall indicate a failed attemptto calculate a quality score. An entry of “254” shall indicate that no attempt tocalculate a fingerprint image quality score was made. The use of additionalvalues to convey other information should be harmonized with ISO/IEC 19794standardsThe third information item (algorithm vendor identification / QAV) shall specifythe ID of the vendor of the quality algorithm used to calculate the qualityscore. This 4-digit hex value is assigned by IBIA and expressed as four ASCIIcharacters. The IBIA shall maintain the Vendor Registry of CBEFF BiometricOrganizations that will map the value in this field to a registered organization.The fourth information item (algorithm product identification / QAP) shallspecify a numeric product code assigned by the vendor of the qualityalgorithm, which may be registered with the IBIA, but registration is notrequired. QAP indicates which of the vendor’s algorithms was used in thecalculation of the fingerprint image quality score. This field contains the ASCIIrepresentation of the integer product code and should be within the range 1 to65535.19.18 Field 15.030: Device monitoring mode / DMMThis optional field provides information describing the level of human monitoringfor the image capture device. This field will contain an entry from Table 56 toindicate the monitoring mode of the biometric sample capture device.19.19 Fields 15.200-990: User-defined fields / UDFThese fields are user-defined fields. Their size and content shall be defined bythe user and be in accordance with the receiving agency. If present they shallcontain ASCII information.19.20 Field 15.996: Image hash / HASThis optional field has the hash value of the image contained in the 999 field ofthis record, hash value shall be calculated using SHA 256.DRAFT 2

197ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011Data Format for the Interchange of Biometric and Forensic Information19.21 Field 15.997: Original image reference / OIVThis optional field refers to an image in Record Type-20 with the same OIR. Thisis an optional field and is used when the image transmitted in this record isderived from an original image. This field consists of two subfields.The first subfield contains the reference code / OIR for a particular RecordType-20. This is mandatory for each OIV.The second subfield is optional. It specifies the reference to thesegmentation coordinates of the original image that is represented in thisrecord type, which is a reference type value / RTV.19.22 Field 15.998: Geographic sample location / GEOThis optional field is composed of three optional subfields; one of which must bechosen.The first subfield (geographic reference text / GRT) is free form textdescribing a street address or other physical location.The second sufield (degree value / DEG) has the format ±xxx.xxxx±yyy.yyyy,where x refers to latitude and y refers to longitude. For example, +039.1455-077.2057.The third subfield (degree minute second value / DMS) has the format±xxxDxxMxxS±yyyDyyMyyS, where x refers to latitude and y refers tolongitude. For example, +039D08M44S-077D12M20S.19.23 Field 15.999: Image data / DATAThis mandatory field shall contain all of the data from a captured palmprintimage. Each pixel of uncompressed grayscale data shall normally be quantizedto eight bits (256 gray levels) contained in a single byte. If the entry in BPX Field15.012 is greater than 8, the number of bytes required to contain a pixel will bedifferent. If compression is used, the pixel data shall be compressed inaccordance with the compression technique specified in the CGA field.20 Type-16 user-defined testing image recordThe Type-16 record shall contain and be used to exchange image data togetherwith textual information fields pertinent to the digitized image. This record typeallows the standard to provide the ability to exchange images not addressed byother record types in the standard. It is intended as the user-defined record to beused for developmental or test purposes.The image data contained in the Type-16 record may be in a compressed form.With the exception of the tagged fields described below, the format, parameters,and types of images to be exchanged are undefined by this standard and shallbe agreed upon between the sender and recipient.DRAFT 2

197<strong>ANSI</strong>/<strong>NIST</strong>-<strong>ITL</strong> 1-<strong>2011</strong>Data Format for the Interchange of Biometric and Forensic Information19.21 Field 15.997: Original image reference / OIVThis optional field refers to an image in Record Type-20 with the same OIR. Thisis an optional field and is used when the image transmitted in this record isderived from an original image. This field consists of two subfields.The first subfield contains the reference code / OIR for a particular RecordType-20. This is mandatory for each OIV.The second subfield is optional. It specifies the reference to thesegmentation coordinates of the original image that is represented in thisrecord type, which is a reference type value / RTV.19.22 Field 15.998: Geographic sample location / GEOThis optional field is composed of three optional subfields; one of which must bechosen.The first subfield (geographic reference text / GRT) is free form textdescribing a street address or other physical location.The second sufield (degree value / DEG) has the format ±xxx.xxxx±yyy.yyyy,where x refers to latitude and y refers to longitude. For example, +039.1455-077.2057.The third subfield (degree minute second value / DMS) has the format±xxxDxxMxxS±yyyDyyMyyS, where x refers to latitude and y refers tolongitude. For example, +039D08M44S-077D12M20S.19.23 Field 15.999: <strong>Image</strong> data / DATAThis mandatory field shall contain all of the data from a captured palmprintimage. Each pixel of uncompressed grayscale data shall normally be quantizedto eight bits (256 gray levels) contained in a single byte. If the entry in BPX Field15.012 is greater than 8, the number of bytes required to contain a pixel will bedifferent. If compression is used, the pixel data shall be compressed inaccordance with the compression technique specified in the CGA field.20 Type-16 user-defined testing image recordThe Type-16 record shall contain and be used to exchange image data togetherwith textual information fields pertinent to the digitized image. This record typeallows the standard to provide the ability to exchange images not addressed byother record types in the standard. It is intended as the user-defined record to beused for developmental or test purposes.The image data contained in the Type-16 record may be in a compressed form.With the exception of the tagged fields described below, the format, parameters,and types of images to be exchanged are undefined by this standard and shallbe agreed upon between the sender and recipient.DRAFT 2

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