ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image Processing Group ...

ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image Processing Group ... ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image Processing Group ...
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ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011Data Format for the Interchange of Biometric and Forensic InformationFigure 17: EFS Overall fingerprint focal point13.9.31 EFS Field 9.324 Distinctive Features / DISThis field is used to define one or more areas containing unusually discriminatingfeatures that are not fully defined using other Extended Friction Ridge Features.The characteristics noted in this field are specific to the friction skin itself, asopposed to issues specific to the impression (such as smudging) which are notedin Field 9.357.This field consists of three information items:• The first information item (Type / DIT) is selected from Table 29• The second information item (Polygon / DIP) is a closed path outliningthe area of the distinctive feature.• The third information item is (Comment / COM) contains optional textdescribing the feature.Table 29:EFS Types of distinctive featuresCodeSCARWARTMINGROUPCOREDELTAMINUTIACREASEDescriptionScarWart or blisterUnusual group or cluster of minutiaeUnusually distinctive core areaUnusually distinctive delta areaUnusually shaped minutiaUnusually distinctive crease94DRAFT 2

ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011Data Format for the Interchange of Biometric and Forensic InformationCLEARDYSPLASIAOTHERFEATLarge clear field of ridges; large clear area withno minutiaeDissociated ridges / DysplasiaOther unusual features not characterizedelsewhere; details should be noted in comments13.9.32 EFS Field 9.325 No cores present / NCRThis optional field is used to indicate whether the analysis process hasdetermined that no cores could be discerned in the image:95If the analysis process has determined that no cores could be discerned inthe image, this field shall be set to Y.Otherwise, this field will be omitted.13.9.33 EFS Field 9.325 No deltas present / NDLThis optional field is used to indicate whether the analysis process hasdetermined that no cores could be discerned in the image:If the analysis process has determined that no cores could be discerned inthe image, this field shall be set to Y.DRAFT 2Otherwise, this field will be omitted.13.9.34 EFS Field 9.325 No distinctive features present / NDFThis optional field is used to indicate whether the analysis process hasdetermined that no distinctive characteristics could be discerned in the image:If the analysis process has determined that no distinctive characteristics couldbe discerned in the image, this field shall be set to Y.Otherwise, this field will be omitted.13.9.35 EFS Field 9.326 Minutiae / MINThe type of minutiae shall be marked if clearly identifiable as a ridge ending orbifurcation; otherwise, it shall be marked as unknown type. The location for abifurcation shall be at the “Y” of the ridge, with the direction running down thevalley (see Figure 18). The location for a ridge ending or unknown type shall beat the “Y” of the valley, with the direction running up the ridge (see Figure 19).Note that the ridge ending location corresponds with that used for the FBI’s EFTSand INCITS 378, and differs from some vendor-specific approaches. If theprecise location for a ridge ending cannot be ascertained, a radius of uncertaintyshall be marked to include the area of possible locations. If the type is unknown,

<strong>ANSI</strong>/<strong>NIST</strong>-<strong>ITL</strong> 1-<strong>2011</strong>Data Format for the Interchange of Biometric and Forensic InformationFigure 17: EFS Overall fingerprint focal point13.9.31 EFS Field 9.324 Distinctive Features / DISThis field is used to define one or more areas containing unusually discriminatingfeatures that are not fully defined using other Extended Friction Ridge Features.The characteristics noted in this field are specific to the friction skin itself, asopposed to issues specific to the impression (such as smudging) which are notedin Field 9.357.This field consists of three information items:• The first information item (Type / DIT) is selected from Table 29• The second information item (Polygon / DIP) is a closed path outliningthe area of the distinctive feature.• The third information item is (Comment / COM) contains optional textdescribing the feature.Table 29:EFS Types of distinctive featuresCodeSCARWARTMINGROUPCOREDELTAMINUTIACREASEDescriptionScarWart or blisterUnusual group or cluster of minutiaeUnusually distinctive core areaUnusually distinctive delta areaUnusually shaped minutiaUnusually distinctive crease94DRAFT 2

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