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Hotel GuideThe breathtaking setting and ideal location of <strong>Taba</strong> <strong>Heights</strong> is complemented by an offering of luxury four- and five-star hotels.These worldwide hospitality leaders provide an unparalleled experience in relaxation and leisure in the land of sea and sky.Each hotel offers an astonishing array of services and comforts set in innovative, state-of-the-art facilities designed for those whowish simply to sit back and enjoy. Following is a listing of the amenities, facilities and services available at each hotel.Hyatt Regency <strong>Taba</strong> <strong>Heights</strong>Situated on the beautiful Red Sea with five kilometersof secluded beach and a private bay.Accommodation: Non-smoking rooms availableEntertainment: Evening entertainment, tour & travel servicesTel: (+2 069) 358 0234 Fax: (+2 069) 358 0235E-mail: taba@hyattintl.com Website: www.taba.regency.hyatt.comInterContinental Resort <strong>Taba</strong> <strong>Heights</strong>Three main structures linked by tropical garden pathways,all resting on a prime waterfront location.Accommodation: 24-hour room serviceConference: Business center with boardroom, two meeting roomsTel: (+2 069) 358 0300 Fax: (+2 069) 358 0311E-mail: sales@intercontitaba.com Website: www.intercontinental.comMarriott Beach ResortA secluded world of its own with over 44 acres of lushgardens, pools, waterfalls and private beach.Acommodation: Handicapped-accessible roomsEntertainment: Open-air amphitheaterConference: Three meeting rooms, wireless high-speed internetTel: (+2 069) 358 0100 Fax: (+2 069) 358 0109E-mail: redsea.salesoffice@marriotthotels.com Website: www.marriott.com/tcpegSofitel <strong>Taba</strong> <strong>Heights</strong>Inspired by Oriental architecture, the hotel draws on ancienttraditions and modern trends for an enchanting atmosphere.Accommodation: Six rooms adapted for disabled guestsEntertainment: Day and night entertainmentConference: Three meeting roomsTel: (+2 069) 358 0800 Fax: (+2 069) 358 0808E-mail: H3011@accor.com Website: www.accorhotels.comThe Three Corners El Wekala Golf ResortLocated in the heart of Uptown, El Wekala offers sublimevistas, utter comfort and activities for the whole family.Accommodation: All inclusiveEntertainment: Family oriented, outdoor amphitheaterLocation: Downtown across from Golf CourseTel: (+2 069) 358 0151 /2 /3 Fax: (+2 069) 358 0157E-mail: elwekala@threecorners.com Website: www.threecorners.com

Indulge at Hyatt Regency<strong>Taba</strong> <strong>Heights</strong>.Vibrant restaurants and bars, culinary options, indoor and alfresco diningthrough out the year. From authentic Lebanese to Italian dishes; from liveentertainment and dancing to traditional folklore; from outdoor favoritesprepared on hot coals to light alfresco dishes and seafood.For reservations: visit taba.regency.hyatt.com or call +2 0693580234.Hyatt.You’re More Than Welcome.HYATT REGENCY TABA HEIGHTSP.O Box 46621South SinaiHYATT name, design and related marks are trademarks of Hyatt Corporation. ©2013 Hyatt Corporation. All rights reserved.

TABA HEIGHTS MAGAZINEAUTUMN 2013Dear Readers,SPICES AND FLAVORSOF THAILAND.Summer has drawn to a close, and we bid farewell to the hot weather andwelcome new possibilities in the cooler seasons ahead. With Ramadan, Eid,and summer holidays behind us, we turn to face new horizons in our careersand personal lives. Even as we devote our energies to the opportunitiesand challenges ahead of us, we should also take the time to relax, givingourselves short breaks when longer ones aren’t possible. <strong>Taba</strong> <strong>Heights</strong> isideal for a lengthy vacation, but it also makes a wonderful weekend getaway.If you have just a short time to spend here, check out our article on how tocreate the perfect day. Our suggestions include lavish pampering options,exciting water activities, and superb entertainment venues (p. 10).This issue also includes a review of dive training at Red Sea Waterworld,which is committed to giving beginning divers the best possible experience(p. 6). Once you’ve spent a busy day diving or golfing, consider windingdown over an excellent meal at Chez Pascal. If you’re here with a significantother on a Monday night, don’t miss the restaurant’s weekly Romantic Dinnerevent (p. 4). Another option for you and your date is a couple’s massage atthe Sofitel’s So Spa, which (p.14). If you’re flying solo no worries; there areplenty of options for singles as well. Whatever you choose to do, we hopeyou make the most of the peace, quiet, and luxury here in <strong>Taba</strong> <strong>Heights</strong>.Enjoy,W LONDON PARISThe THM teamCONTENTSINSIDE4614Restaurant: Chez PascalDiscover the Red SeaSo Spa at SofitelALSO101618A perfect day in <strong>Taba</strong> <strong>Heights</strong>News Around TownShopping Directory<strong>Taba</strong> <strong>Heights</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> is a seasonal publicationproduced by Icon Communications. For advertisingplease contact advertising@tabaheightsmag.comwww.tabaheightsmag.comAUTUMN 2013 3


Chez Pascal has made a name for itself in all The Three Cornersdestinations with its à la carte Belgian cuisine. Located at theheart of the busy Uptown shopping and entertainment area of<strong>Taba</strong> <strong>Heights</strong>, it offers indoor seating only—a perfect alternativeto wind-blown terraces in the cooler season. Some tableshave a partial sea view while most afford sights of the villageand evening strollers; smoking and non-smoking sections areavailable. The décor is subdued, with lime green walls and arches,brown and white chequered window drapes and matchingtablecloths, and oriental hanging lamps conveying an impressionof simple elegance.On Monday nights, love is in the air with a special Romantic Dinnerset menu featuring the best of Chez Pascal’s famed meat andseafood dishes. The intimate atmosphere is enhanced by soft playedpiano and violin music alternated with classic French love songs, andsubdued lighting is accented by the glow of flickering candles.We were welcomed with a colourful cocktail made of rum, orangejuice, grenadine, karkade, and mint syrup layered in a champagneflute. Our meal started with a tasty amuse bouche of grilledsalmon, followed by a rocket salad with balsamic vinegar toppedwith prawns deep fried in batter and served cold. A choice oftomato cream soup or thick lentil soup followed; I chose thelatter, which was satisfyingly rich and served with crispy croutons.like at home”) by my Belgian dining companion. Served withcoffee or tea, it provided a delicious end to an enticing menu thatoffers choices likely to please all tastes.Those who prefer to order à la carte will find lobster bisque;smoked salmon and shrimp platter with Melba toast; Hawaiianchicken salad with nuts; scampi or cheese croquettes; fishmillefeuille Florentine style or fish filet meunière fried in butterand lemon; chicken Cordon Bleu with cheese dressing; vealchops; chateaubriand for two carved at the table; as well asflamed specialties such as black pepper steak flamed with brandyor shrimp with juniper berries flamed with gin.The Romantic Dinner set menu is reasonably priced at 20 Eurosper person. Beverages including local wines, beers, and spirits,along with a selection of cocktails and mocktails, are not included.An affordable set menu featuring the best of mouth-wateringBelgian cuisine awaits the romantically-inclined at Chez Pascal.Dine Around participating outlet (not valid on set menu);reservations may be made through your hotel’s Guest Relations.For the main course I had the beef fillet, which was perfectlycooked medium as ordered and came with a béarnaise sauce fullof tarragon flavour. Black pepper and creamy mushroom saucesare also available. My companion had the seafood duet thatconsisted of a juicy, tender lobster and a grilled fillet of sea bass.Both main courses were served with a choice of rice or Frenchfries and mixed vegetables.The white and brown chocolate mousse that followed, entitled“The Sin” on the menu, was deemed comme à la maison (“justAUTUMN 2013 5

DIVING INTRODUCTIONDISCOVERTHE RED SEAText by Francoise OhayonPhotographs courtesy of Red Sea WaterworldTake your first breath underwater, find outhow it feels to float weightlessly, and makethe acquaintance of colourful Red Seadwellers, all in one day of diving initiation.6 <strong>Taba</strong> <strong>Heights</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

Dive schools worldwide follow a variety of teaching systems, themost common of which is that of the international ProfessionalAssociation of Diving Instructors (PADI). Waterworld, <strong>Taba</strong> <strong>Heights</strong>’diving and watersports school, teaches PADI’s Discover Scuba Divingprogram under the name Discover the Red Sea. This one-dayintroductory scuba experience entails a classroom lesson followed bytwo dives: one in a confined environment to practice skills, and theother open water.Hannah Dempsey and Kevin Davis, 24-year-olds from Southampton,came to <strong>Taba</strong> <strong>Heights</strong> with the intention of giving the sport a try andimmediately signed up for the introductory course. After filling out amedical questionnaire and a responsibility waiver, they headed forthe classroom. Staff Instructor Jo McKiernan, a fellow Briton who hadbeen working with Waterworld for two years, was in charge of theirdiscovery program, which started with a bit of theory.With the assistance of images and graphics on slates, Jo explainedhow water pressure affects divers, why they need to equalizetheir ears, and why they should never hold their breath. Shedemonstrated the hand signs for “ok”, “problem”, “up”, “down”,“stop”, and other common underwater signals. Using a guidebook,she pointed out the species we were most likely to see on our dives.“Please don’t touch anything”, she emphasized. “Protect yourself andthe wildlife!” Divers can do that by being cautious of their fins andpaying attention where they put their hands.Jo went on to explain how to check that a mask is a good fit andhow to adjust it correctly. She ensured that the two novices wereoutfitted with adequate equipment provided by the dive centre,which included fins, a five-millimetre-thick wetsuit, a weight belt,a buoyancy control device, an air tank, and a regulator. Buoyancy,depth, and air gauge are monitored and operated by the instructoron introductory dives. Before proceeding with the first dive, Hannahand Kevin had to fill out a short quiz of nine questions to verify thatthey had a good understanding of the concepts explained in class.In lieu of a pool, the first dive took place in a specially appointedarea just off the beach. A rope was set up so that students couldpractice skills without drifting off, and the couple held onto it whiletaking deep, relaxed breaths face down in the water. Once they werecomfortable breathing through the regulator, Jo brought them downone by one to kneel on the sandy bottom at a depth of about 1.5metres. After watching a demonstration by the instructor, the newdivers had to clear their regulators by blowing sharply into them orby pushing the purge button. They also recovered a regulator thathad fallen behind their backs.AUTUMN 2013 7

Both struggled with emptying a flooded mask, a difficult task forbeginners due to the unusual sensation of water around thenostrils and the eye sting, but they eventually mastered that skilltoo. Hannah developed her own technique, which consisted inpinching her nose while Jo allowed a small quantity of water toenter the mask. “This is always the worst part of a Discover theRed Sea course,” Jo remarked later. A short swim at a maximumdepth of five metres concluded the confined dive.After a short briefing, we proceeded by jeep to the other sideof the marina, where we enjoyed an open water dive. I was veryimpressed to see the pair becoming increasingly comfortableunderwater; they needed assistance to regulate their buoyancy butotherwise progressed happily on their own and reported no issueswith their masks or ears. Jo selected a swim site well clear of coralto avoid damaging the reef, the divers, or both, but we still got aneyeful of bottom dwellers including a yellow-headed moray, lotsof lionfish, a couple of scorpion fish, many clown fish, large cornetfish, and pretty angelfish including a bright blue juvenile.Mohamed Moustafa, the videographer, shot sequences of thedive and added generic underwater images to create a DVD forthe couple to remember their first underwater adventure. Theparticipants’ feedback was positive: they felt safe, were toldeverything they needed to know, and found it easy to get thehelp they needed. Hannah thanked everyone for making hercomfortable and helping her get past her initial nervousness. Thetwo decided to plan a return trip soon to follow the Open WaterDiver course.Discover the Red Sea is open to children from 10 years of age;there is no maximum age limit. The program doesn’t providecredits towards an Open Water certification, but a certificateallowing participants to repeat introductory dives without havingto go through skills training again is issued and valid for oneyear. A dive introduction is only the beginning of a world ofunderwater adventures. Later, beginners may choose to registerin a Scuba Diver Course, which consists in the first half of theOpen Water course and lasts for two days, or opt for the OpenWater Diver certification, which takes four days to complete andbrings novices to a skill level where they can dive safely to adepth of 18 metres with a group or partner of the same level.For information and bookings stop by the Waterworld desk in yourhotel or call +2 069 358 0099, www.redseawaterworld.com8 <strong>Taba</strong> <strong>Heights</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

ACTIVITIES ROUNDUPA PERFECT DAY INTABA HEIGHTSText and photographs by Francoise OhayonFrom breakfast in bed to folklore show under the stars, hereare some of the pleasures you don’t want to miss duringyour mystical, magical, spiritual vacation.10 <strong>Taba</strong> <strong>Heights</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

After enjoying sundowners with a view at the Golf Club House,head Uptown for some retail therapy. Souvenir hunting isan integral part of every vacation, and all sorts of Egyptianmemorabilia are to be had, from kitschy alabaster pyramids andbelly dancer belts to sophisticated leatherwork and woodcarvingsinlaid with mother-of-pearl. Beachwear, casual clothing, and fashionicon knock-offs are also bestsellers. You will want to hone yourhaggling skills, as bargaining is the name of the game everywhereexcept for the few fixed-price shops where the merchandise hasa price tag. Keep in mind that bargaining is useless if you are ina hurry, since it depends on wearing down your counterpart, notrushing to the finish line! Compare quality and prices betweenvendors, don’t take “no” for an answer, enjoy all the fun anddrama that comes with it, and you might even be invited to sip acustomary glass of tea at the end of the session.Dining options abound in Uptown’s restaurant row, and they eachprovide a unique opportunity to travel your taste buds. Indianfare is on offer at Pub Tandoori, Belgian cuisine is served at ChezPascal, Thai specialties are the name of the game at Bird Nest,Mexican food is at home at El Fuego, and an international menuis to be had at the Flying Carpet. Digestives are served every dayof the week on terraces overlooking the entire resort, but <strong>Taba</strong><strong>Heights</strong> livens up to new levels Mondays and Fridays. The Mondaynight parties hosted each week at Pub Tandoori have becomepopular meeting points with their unique ambiance featuring acombination of chill-out music and live entertainment.Friday nights shine even brighter as the El Wekala Street Festivalattracts holidaymakers of all kinds in a music-meets-culture funfair. Musicians and fire performers warm up the crowds, whilethe stage showcases folklore dancers from across Egypt whoalternate performances with live musicians. Bambouti from theMediterranean coast, Sinai Bedouins, Nubian performers, Saidigroups from Upper Egypt, and spectacular belly dancers areregularly featured. The pop, Latino, and soft rock tunes of visitinglive bands power street parties well into the night.When the time comes to wind down after all the excitement,you can return to your comfortable hotel room secure in theknowledge that your soft pillows will be fluffed just so, ready towelcome you in a feathery embrace until the beginning of yournext perfect day in <strong>Taba</strong> <strong>Heights</strong>.12 <strong>Taba</strong> <strong>Heights</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>


NEWSAROUND TOWNCOMPETITION<strong>Taba</strong> <strong>Heights</strong> through your eyes<strong>Taba</strong> <strong>Heights</strong>’ monthly Photography Competition remains aspopular as ever, attracting a stunning array of quality entries.Viewers have the opportunity to vote for their favourites imagesand the winner receives a complimentary week’s stay in <strong>Taba</strong><strong>Heights</strong>, El Gouna, or Tala Bay in Jordan. Best shots of <strong>Taba</strong> <strong>Heights</strong>may be submitted via www.taba-heights.com. Ask your friends andfamily to vote for your entry!AROUND TOWNSalt cave rejuvenationRock salt has been used for centuries for its healing properties,including body detoxification, re-balancing, and alleviating thesymptoms of respiratory conditions, allergies, circulatory issues,anxiety and sleep disorders, and skin conditions such as eczemaand psoriasis. Many people feel rejuvenated after taking a dip in thesea or simply breathing sea air. Today, the healing powers of salt arebeing harnessed in salt caves, which are controlled environmentssimilar to spas dedicated to breathing salty air. Sessions last up to45 minutes in a deeply relaxing environment. <strong>Taba</strong> <strong>Heights</strong> is hometo its own salt cave, which uses Dead Sea salt highly rated for itsmineral content and trace elements. The cave also uses salt fromSiwa Oasis, which has been used for health and beauty since thetime of Alexander the Great. Visitors with chronic or specific healthconditions are advised to ask their physician about salt therapy. Formore information visit www.tabasaltcave.com.16 <strong>Taba</strong> <strong>Heights</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

menu has something to offer everyone; it was inspired by asurvey among golfers, who shared their preferred snacks andbites when off the course. The resulting menu hits the spot likea hole in one! For information and reservations contact the GolfClub’s front desk at +2 069 358 0300.GOLFSomething for everyoneA new price brochure was recently released by <strong>Taba</strong> <strong>Heights</strong> GolfClub, offering fantastic deals on 9-hole packages, annual passmemberships, coaching, and much more. Children, adults, couples,families, and groups are all welcome. There is something foreveryone on the golf course, including resort guests who wish to trygolf for the first time or novices with little experience.Read It Online!Check out the latest issueof <strong>Taba</strong> <strong>Heights</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> at:www.tabaheightsmag.com<strong>Taba</strong> <strong>Heights</strong> International Pro Am 2013Applications are now received for the 7th annual <strong>Taba</strong> <strong>Heights</strong>International Pro Am Tournament, which will take place from 28November to 1 December 2013 and will include an 18-holepractice plus a 72-hole competition. Organisers are expecting achallenging and fun event and are delighted to have the <strong>Taba</strong><strong>Heights</strong> Marriott Red Sea as partner hotel. Applications areentertained on a first come first serve basis. For more informationcontact golf@tabaheights.com.AUTUMN 2013 19

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