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96Wembley Area Action Plan - Proposed Submission Version10 Response to climate changeClimate Change AdaptationGreening Wembley10.10 Brent Council seeks to increase theamount of surface area greened in the area and1,000 new trees are expected to be <strong>plan</strong>ted by2026. The roofs of existing buildings are mostlyunderused. Policy 5.10 of the London Planencourages the use of <strong>plan</strong>ting, green roofs andwalls and soft landscaping that can mitigate theeffects of climate change, such as the urban heatisland while bringing in health and social benefits.Green roofs also support sustainable urbandrainage by absorbing rainfall to reduce flooding,enhance biodiversity, provide amenity space,provide opportunities to grow food and improve<strong>app</strong>earance. Encouraging green infrastructurethrough redevelopment will help to improve theecological connectivity between sites for the benefitof local wildlife.WEM 34Urban GreeningDevelopment proposals must incorporateurban greening measures such as green roofs,green walls, trees and soft landscaping.Wherever possible, opportunities to connectnew green spaces to existing green spacesshould be maximized to help create greeninfrastructure. Where site constraints limit thelevel of urban greening that can be providedon site, a financial contribution will berequired. Local food growing facilities will besupported as stated in (see policy WEM 38 inthe Open Space chapter).FloodingPicture 10.1 Living wall & <strong>plan</strong>ted balconies10.11 There are two main types of floods in thearea, one is associated with the river when theactual amount of river flow is larger than the amountthat the channel can hold, and river will overflowits banks and flood the areas alongside the river.Land adjacent to the Wealdstone Brook is the areaat risk of flooding. Map 10.1 shows the areas atrisk of flooding. Brent seeks to ensure that all newdevelopment in flood risk areas is <strong>app</strong>ropriatelyflood resilient and resistant and that any residualrisk can be safely managed.10.12 As required by the National PlanningFramework, the council has undertaken asequential <strong>app</strong>roach should be used in areas knownto be for sites at risk from any form of floodingincluding fluvial and surface water flooding.Planning recommendations are provided for sitesat risk of flooding in the Site Proposalschapters. In<strong>app</strong>ropriate The council has a proactive<strong>app</strong>roach to risk reduction when considering thesuitability of sites for future development in theWembley Area Action Plan, in line with therecommendations of the Strategic Flood RiskAssessment (SFRA). New development in areasat risk of flooding will be required to <strong>app</strong>ly asite-level sequential test to ensure should beavoided by directing development is steered awayfrom areas at highest risk and located in line withthe NPPF flood risk vulnerability classificationbutwhere development is necessary, making it safewithout increasing flood risk elsewhere.10.13 In most of the urban area, roads and landare usually impermeable which can lead to surfacewater flooding. Much of Wembley is prone tosurface water flooding.The Flood and WaterManagement Act 2010 requires local authorities

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