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Wembley Area Action Plan - Proposed Submission Version93Social infrastructure 9lack sufficient funding or have recently closed.Funding derived from new development couldprovide investment for these existing facilities.Additional new community space will be neededas demand from a growing population increasesand could be provided in a number of shapes andforms and through different mechanisms.<strong>9.</strong>14 The scale of development within theWembley Growth Area will require enhancementsto neighbourhood policing facilities. In order toensure that the Wembley area remains a safe andsecure place for residents and visitors, it isimportant that the diverse nature of policing needsas a result of development and intensification canbe met. The London Borough of Brent will,therefore, work alongside the Mayor’s Office forPolicing and Crime and Metropolitan Police Serviceto ensure the delivery of necessary policing facilitiesin Wembley so that the impact of new developmentupon policing can be mitigated.<strong>9.</strong>15 The diversity of Wembley’s populationmeans there is additional pressure for places ofworship to meet demand from different faiths. Faithgroups can find it difficult to find sites for new orexpanded places of worship which are affordable.As there is a lack of suitable sites or premises thefaith groups are encouraged to make use of sharedspace.<strong>9.</strong>16 One of the most pressing problems isaffordability which often condemns communitygroups to poor quality facilities without the meansto improve them. To address the problem ofaffordability, the council in <strong>app</strong>roving the NorthWest lands <strong>app</strong>lication has secured a lowerquantum of community space than expressed bythe Core Strategy but at no rent. The council willbe prepared therefore to reduce the overall quantityof community floor space requirements where thisis reflected in substantially affordable rents. Mostif not all council facilities will be multi-usecommunity facilities for the whole community. Thecouncil will however support the provision ofcommunity and religious groups bringing forwardits own community facilities provision in accessiblelocations.WEM 31Community FacilitiesIn considering the needs for CommunityFacilities provision the council will:1. Secure at least four forms of entry at primarylevel to be secured on development siteswithin the Wembley area, noting provision ofone site in site proposal W 18.2. Secure contributions for secondary schoolprovision through <strong>plan</strong>ning obligations andthen through the use of the CommunityInfrastructure Levy.3. Require new GP/dentists provision in theAAP where other local capacity (e.g. ChalkhillHealth Centre) is used up in the longer termas population grows.4. Seek the provision of multi-use communityfacilities at the rate set out in the Core Strategyaccepting a lower provision when costs ofprovision or rents are substantially reduced;5. Support the provision of community facilitiessocial infrastructure including religious,community and cultural provision in locationsaccessible to all sections of the communityand within easy reach by walking, cycling andpublic transport within the AAP area; and6. Actively support the provision of meanwhileand temporary uses that will provideopportunities for social interaction.Evidence Base - Social InfrastructureBrent Infrastructure and InvestmentFramework (LBB, October 2011)

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