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wembley-plan-app (small) , item 9. PDF 8 MB - Meetings, agendas ...

wembley-plan-app (small) , item 9. PDF 8 MB - Meetings, agendas ...

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92Wembley Area Action Plan - Proposed Submission Version9 Social infrastructurethe council is committed to further updates on aregular basis so that the necessary provision tomeet needs arising from development are known.<strong>9.</strong>9 S106 funding has made, and continues tomake, a significant contribution to the infrastructurerequirements of development in Wembley. Fundingof infrastructure will shortly be replaced in the mainby Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)contributions from development in the area. Aproportion of CIL collected (£35 per sq m) alsocontributes towards the Mayor’s funding ofCrossrail.School Places<strong>9.</strong>10 As there is an increase in local populationwith new housing development there will be a needfor additional nursery and school places. Providingfor additional primary school places needs to beaddressed urgently. Currently there are 121 primaryschools in the Wembley area, including . In addition,<strong>plan</strong>ning permission has recently been given for anew primary school in the grounds of PrestonManor High School which is due to opened inSeptember 2011. Population growth with housingdevelopment will need further primary schoolprovision, which could be met by building newand/or expanding existing primary schools in thearea. New secondary school places are alsoneeded. However, pressure on existing secondaryschools is currently less critical and as theircatchment area is larger, these do not necessarilyneed to be located directly within the area ofpopulation growth. As new nursery and other daycare provision have limited space requirements,these can be accommodated relatively easily withinthe AAP area as and when demand grows.Likewise nursery facilities have <strong>small</strong> spacerequirements and could be combined with othernew or expanded primary school facilities.Health<strong>9.</strong>11 Population growth from new housingdevelopment will need additional space for primaryhealth facilities. The Core Strategy sets out thataffordable floorspace to accommodate 1 new GPfor every 1,500 people will be required from newhousing development. In Wembley, the IIFestimates that space for 17 GPs and 12 dentistswill be needed by 201<strong>9.</strong> In recent years the PrimaryCare Trust have developed expanded healthfacilities at Chalkhill and Monks Park Clinics, sothere is not an immediate need for additionalprovision. Quintain built a 1469 sq m health facilityas part of Quadrant House which is currentlyvacant. Strategic decision making within the healthsector is at the present time going through a periodof uncertainty as the government implementshealthcare reform.Picture <strong>9.</strong>1 Monks Park health clinic<strong>9.</strong>12 It is therefore proposed that these two healthfacilities should absorb the current populationgrowth and thereafter new supply will be requiredin the Wembley Growth Area to pick up increaseddemand for new housing.Community and Cultural Facilities<strong>9.</strong>13 Wembley’s diverse population should besupported by a range of community facilitiesincluding facilities for young people, cultural,community and religious use. While the council canonly provide a limited amount of space directly tohelp meet these needs, new development providesan opportunity to improve and expand provision.The Core Strategy commits to providingmulti-functional community facilities (excludingschools and health facilities) at a rate of 370m² per1000 new population. Part of this will be met by thenew Civic Centre which includes a 750m²community library. There are a number of existingcommunity facilities in Wembley, some of these

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