wembley-plan-app (small) , item 9. PDF 8 MB - Meetings, agendas ...

wembley-plan-app (small) , item 9. PDF 8 MB - Meetings, agendas ...

wembley-plan-app (small) , item 9. PDF 8 MB - Meetings, agendas ...

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Wembley Area Action Plan - Proposed Submission Version9Introduction 1What is the Wembley Area Action Plan?1.1 The Wembley Area Action Plan (AAP) setsout the strategy for growth and regeneration inWembley for the next 15 years, once adopted. Itis an important part of the development <strong>plan</strong> for theBorough. Ultimately, the development <strong>plan</strong> will bemade up of a number of documents, two of which,the Core Strategy and the Site Specific Allocationdocument, have been adopted already by thecouncil. The Core Strategy sets out the spatial<strong>plan</strong>ning strategy for the development of theBorough focusing growth and development in 5 keyGrowth Areas, the largest of which is Wembley.The Site Specific Allocations document identifies70 sites around the borough where newdevelopment is likely to take place, and provides<strong>plan</strong>ning guidance for those sites. The WembleyArea Action Plan complements these documentsby providing a detailed Plan for development in theWembley Area and brings up-to-date, andconsolidates, existing <strong>plan</strong>ning policies for Wembleyin a single development <strong>plan</strong> document.1.2 The council's Core Strategy, adopted in 2010,sets the context for development of the WembleyArea by establishing a vision for the future of theborough as a whole, a set of objectives to beachieved by development and a set of core policiesto achieve those objectives. For this reason, muchof the vision and most of the objectives forWembley are already established and are,therefore, incorporated into an updated vision andset of objectives in section 2 of this DevelopmentPlan Document (DPD).1.3 In addition, the Site Specific Allocations DPD,adopted in 2011, has established the <strong>plan</strong>ningguidance for some of the development sites.Relevant site guidance from this has been carriedforward into the draft Area Action Plan andsupplemented by new or reviewed <strong>plan</strong>ningguidelines for the remaining key opportunity sitesin the area. The <strong>plan</strong>, when adopted, willsupersede policies and proposals currently includedin the Wembley Regeneration Area chapter of theBrent Unitary Development Plan 2004. TheWembley Master<strong>plan</strong>, which deals with the 70hectare main regeneration area around thestadium, continues to provide detailed <strong>plan</strong>ningguidance on matters such as scale and massing,the public realm, streetscape and design quality forthis area. In addition, the Wembley LinkSupplementary Planning Document (SPD) providessimilar guidance for the development of the easternend of the High Road and the Wembley West EndSPD guides development on the Curtis Lane carpark site behind the High Road. Those parts of theUnitary Development Plan (2004) and the SiteSpecific Allocations DPD (2011) that will besuperseded by the Area Action Plan are listed inAppendix A.1.4 The area covered by the Plan is essentiallythe part of Wembley where most of the regenerationis needed and is likely to take place. This coversthe existing town centres of Wembley and WembleyPark, the Wembley Master<strong>plan</strong> area, including theStadium and key development sites around it, andthe industrial area extending as far as the NorthCircular Road, which is also the main gateway tothe area by road. It covers an area of <strong>app</strong>roximately230 hectares. Although this is a tightly defined area,its future is extremely important to the borough asa whole. Half of the borough's projected newhousing and most of its new commercial floorspacewill be located here. Consequently, it is importantthat the wider community, including residents,businesses and other interested organisations, isinvolved in the preparation of the Plan.

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