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78Wembley Area Action Plan - Proposed Submission Version7 Housingnumber of dependents. The council will providefurther guidance on new Affordable Rent in itsTenancy Strategy.Picture 7.1 Forum House, Empire way7.16 Affordable Rent is subject to rent controlsthat require a rent of no more than 80% of the localmarket rent, including service charges. Affordablerent now forms part of the tenure mix in Wembleyin order to maintain a new supply of affordablehousing in Wembley in the short to medium term,and support regeneration and growth in theborough. In line with the NPPF and the LondonPlan, the council will require Affordable Renthousing to meet the needs of households eligiblefor social housing at a cost low enough for them toafford, determined with regard to local incomes andlocal house prices. Affordable Rents, inclusive ofservice charge, will need to be set well below 80%of the local market rents in certain cases in orderto meet this affordability requirement, for example,on development of larger family accommodationwhich will be occupied by households with a greaterWEM 19Affordable RentAffordable Rent subject to rent controls thatrequire a rent of no more than 80% of the localmarket rent, including service charges, are an<strong>app</strong>ropriate part of the tenure mix in Wembley.Affordable Rent will be required to meet theneeds of households eligible for social housingat a cost low enough for them to afford,determined with regard to local incomes andlocal house prices.Picture 7.2 Ada Lewis House, Empire WayHousing Mix (tenure and unit size)7.17 In line with the London Plan and the CoreStrategy, the maximum reasonable amount ofaffordable housing will be sought on individualprivate residential and mixed use schemes, havingregard to a number of considerations, includingfinancial viability. London Plan Policy 3.11 sets astrategic objective that new affordable housing beprovided at a 60:40 social rent to intermediatehousing ratio. In Brent, because of local need, abroad objective of 70:30 has been set and, withinthis, different affordable housing tenure ratios canbe better suited to specific circumstances, informedby such factors as the need to balance existingarea tenure profiles to support sustainable

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