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wembley-plan-app (small) , item 9. PDF 8 MB - Meetings, agendas ...

wembley-plan-app (small) , item 9. PDF 8 MB - Meetings, agendas ...

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Wembley Area Action Plan - Proposed Submission Version77Housing 7considers that there will be locations where marketprovided sheltered housing will be suitable. One ofthe council’s current priorities is the provision ofextra care housing for the elderly.7.10 It is not always easy to accommodatefamilies in higher density housing and it will beessential to make sure that, where possible, groundfloor units are provided. At higher levels, balconies,terraces and roof spaces will be required foramenity provision to supplement that provided atground level.Beds%* of unitsSocial/AffordableNW/FirstWayRentNE%* of unitsIntermediateNW/FirstWayNE%* of unitsSale/MarketNW/FirstWayNEWLAHInvestmentRequirementSocialRent(2008-11)products, will be considered where demonstrablehousing need can be met and viability groundsevidenced.Affordable HousingProportion of Affordable Housing7.13 Brent Council will seek the maximumamount of affordable housing in line with LondonPlan policy 3.11, subject to viability and theachievement of other <strong>plan</strong>ning objectives.7.11 Brent Council supports the current Mayorof London’s desire for more affordable family sizedhomes. There is a need to provide for familyhousing to encourage people to stay and contributeto the establishment of a long term mixed andsustainable community. It is not the intention of thecouncil to build a large transitional location forsingle people and childless couples who may beforced to move on because there is no choice offamily homes available. The proportion of largersocial rent units set out below follows theproportions set out in the West London AffordableHousing (WLAH) Investment Guide 2008-11, andis broadly in line with the London Housing Strategytarget that 42% of social rent and 16% ofintermediate homes be family sized homes havingthree bedrooms or more, but recognises thepractical difficulty of providing such a highproportion of social rented 4 bed+ homes inWembley. Instead, a split with a higher proportionof 3 bed units is proposed.1231535451040404545104+ 5 1025Table 7.1 Indicative new household sizes by tenure (*%refer to units)7.12 New Affordable Rent that meets the needsof households eligible for social housing, witheligibility determined with regard to local incomesand local house prices, at a cost low enough forthem to afford will be accepted as part of the tenuremix in order to maintain a new supply of affordablehousing in Wembley. A policy on Affordable Rentwill form part of the borough’s DevelopmentManagement policy document. Introduction ofdifferent affordable housing tenures into theWembley housing mix, for example market sale4040203055153045251535257.14 The council will work closely with its partnerRegistered Providers (RPs), who are keystakeholders in Wembley and across Brent.Partners are selected on the basis of their widerange of community development services and theirexperience of supporting regeneration initiatives tocreate sustainable communities. They will buildaffordable homes to high design and qualitystandards, promote resident involvement in theiractivities and support initiatives to promote training,employment, community development and qualityof life within the new Wembley.Affordable Rent7.15 The reduction in capital funding foraffordable housing under the ComprehensiveSpending Review 2011-15 will significantly curtailthe delivery of traditional new build social rentedhousing at target rents in the short to medium term.In June 2011 a new category of affordable housingwas added for <strong>plan</strong>ning purposes.

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