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wembley-plan-app (small) , item 9. PDF 8 MB - Meetings, agendas ...

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68Wembley Area Action Plan - Proposed Submission Version6 TransportPriorities for Bus Service ImprovementThe council will:Further investigate options for providingimproved interchange facilities atWembley Stadium Station.Focus on significant bus serviceimprovements to improve orbital access,including reducing journey times.Implement more bus priority schemesand improve interchange facilitiesbetween bus and rail.Seek the routing of buses into the heartof the new urban quarter along theproposed new Boulevard and shoppingstreet.Promote the environment for publictransport users along Wembley Hill Roadand Empire Way.Seek further bus service enhancementsin the east of the area to provide improveconnectivity to Wembley town, WembleyStadium and Wembley Park stations.Walking and CyclingPedestrians6.38 If a modal shift away from the car is to beachieved, then enhancement of the pedestrianenvironment, together with public transportimprovements, will encourage people to choosealternatives to the car. Also, The provision ofinterconnected, safe, well designed routes andattractive spaces where people can gather freefrom the intrusion of vehicles will help secure apedestrian-friendly environment promote walking.A number of new public spaces have already beenprovided, such as an expanded Central Square inWembley and the new Stadium and Arena Squaresclose to the stadium. Further Additional publicspaces are required when further developmenttakes place, as set out in the Core Strategy.Clearly,Exclusively Pedestrian streets will alsoprovide a safe and attractive environment,especially for shoppers. The needs of allpedestrians, including disabled and older people,should be incorporated into the design of publicspace. While there is a general presumption thatcycling may be acceptable in pedestrianized areas,an assessment of the overall risk will be necessary.It is important also to recognise the benefits ofcycling; both walking and cycling which can bringhealth benefits as well as delivering modal shift tohelp reduce carbon emissions.6.39 Shared space can also be used to improvethe public realm and environment for pedestrians.Shared space is a design <strong>app</strong>roach that seeks tochange the way streets operate by reducing thedominance of motor vehicles, primarily throughlower speeds and encouraging drivers to behavemore <strong>app</strong>ropriately towards pedestrians. Sharedspace is only <strong>app</strong>ropriate in low-trafficked areas,such as the new residential district (Site W18). Itwill not be supported in through-routes.Picture 6.4 Cycle Route6.40 The needs of spectators coming to theStadium are also important. There are still somelocations where there is potential conflict betweencrowds and traffic, such as along Wembley HighRoad and the crossing of Wembley Hill Road bythe White Horse Bridge. It is also an The option toremove the pedestrian ramp over Engineers Wayto the Stadium from Olympic Way and replace itwith steps could be considered as part of futuredevelopment. This would mean, however, that analternative east – west through-route for vehiculartraffic would be needed, especially for event days.The council considers that supports the removal ofthe pedway pedestrian ramp and its replacement

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