wembley-plan-app (small) , item 9. PDF 8 MB - Meetings, agendas ...

wembley-plan-app (small) , item 9. PDF 8 MB - Meetings, agendas ...

wembley-plan-app (small) , item 9. PDF 8 MB - Meetings, agendas ...

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50Wembley Area Action Plan - Proposed Submission Version4 Urban Design & Place MakingSecuring QualityDesign Materials QualityPicture 4.42 A well detailed contemporary homeextension4.84 The Council is responsible for achievingsustainable development; this includes theprotection and enhancement of the borough’s builtenvironment over the long term. Pressures on theeconomic viability of development can result inaspects of design coming under threat during adownturn, including quality of building materialsand finishes. However, it is important that thewhole life costs of a development are consideredand design solutions interrogated to ensure thatlimited resources are targeted to their best effect.4.85 The <strong>app</strong>ropriate choice of materials is animportant element of sustainable development andcan result in an improved built environment, greaterenergy efficiency, less pollution and a range ofother social and ecological benefits. There is alsoa considerable amount of research that highlightsthe economic benefits of high quality design, suchas increased market attractiveness, higher rent andcapital values.4.86 High quality design should be is afundamental n integral part of the vision forWembley scheme development and, as such,should be built early on into all budgetaryprojections. This is particularly important for themore expensive elements of a scheme, such asfaçade materials and the amount of space andattention given to landscaping. A good buildingdesign is often a function of the materials specifiedfor construction. All buildings, to a greater or lesserextent, are a function of their construction detail.The choice of materials is second only to the waytheir connections and junctions are detailed. Sucha choice should be a fundamental consideration ofthe development of a design proposal for a building.4.87 All too often, the quality of materials usedin the final build out of development is reducedsignificantly for reasons of cost after <strong>plan</strong>ningpermission has been granted and in many casesthis has adversely affected the quality of thedevelopment. The 2009 Master<strong>plan</strong> aspires tosecure quality detailing at an early stage of thedesign process in order to avoid such ‘valueengineering’. Brent Council welcomes examplesof the quality and type of materials proposed at thetime of <strong>app</strong>lication. Therefore detailedspecifications of the primary materials suite,including façade materials, fixings and junctionsbetween materials, should be submitted as part ofa <strong>plan</strong>ning <strong>app</strong>lication for major developments (10+residential units or 1000m2). And it should not beassumed that the choice can be made at a laterdate, It is recognised that developers may need toseek <strong>app</strong>roval for alternative high quality materialsafter <strong>plan</strong>ning permission is granted.4.88 The council encourages the provision ofinformation on the quality of details as part of<strong>plan</strong>ning submissions, to illustrate and promote theoverall design theme. Securing detailedspecifications as part of the <strong>plan</strong>ning consent wouldgive all parties the confidence that the quality ofthe final buildings would remain high.

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