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46Wembley Area Action Plan - Proposed Submission Version4 Urban Design & Place MakingProtection of Stadium Views4.76 The National Stadium plays an importantrole locally, regionally, nationally and in aninternational context. It is a major venue for worldclass events, and attracts millions of visitors eachyear. It is an iconic landmark, a large employerand a significant revenue generator for current andfuture local businesses. The impetus provided bythe Stadium has now provided a shift in perceptionsof Wembley into a global brand worthy ofsubstantial investment.Picture 4.39 View of Wembley Stadium from ChalkhillPark4.77 The Stadium is undoubtedly the mostsignificant building in Wembley. It simultaneouslycreates a strong and distinct identity for the area,whilst also being somewhat alien to its suburbanresidential context in terms of scale and function.4.78 Views of the Stadium contribute a significantamount to the perception of Wembley as a whole,performing a range of functions that add a layer ofdepth to the visual experience of the area.4.79 These functions include:Civic prideA sense of local identityA prominent local way finding deviceStimulating sporting aspirationA sense of arrival: event crowdsAiding legibility across the wider areaBrent’s UDP (2004)4.80 Policies BE34, WEM18 and WEM19 of theUDP seek to The council will therefore protect arange of short, middle and long distance views ofthe National Stadium. Although the initialassessment was based on the original Stadium,the protection of such views extends to the newStadium. A fundamental element of thedevelopment of a Strategy for Tall Buildings forWembley was the evaluation of the views set outin the UDP. The study recommended the removal,retention and addition of a number of importantviews that will need to be considered as part of any<strong>app</strong>lication for tall buildings.WEM 6Protection of Stadium ViewsRegard should be had to the impact ofdevelopment on the following views of theNational Stadium:1. Barn Hill, Wembley2. Elmwood Park, Sudbury3. Horsenden Hill, Perivale4. Welsh Harp Reservoir5. Wembley Park Station6. South Way at the River Brent Bridge7. The Bobby Moore Bridge8. Olympic Way North of Fulton Road<strong>9.</strong> Chalkhill Park, Wembley10. The White Horse Bridge11. Great Central Way12. Metropolitan & Jubilee Line north ofNeasden Station

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